Switch Deal

Is this deal worth it? 500$ for a Switch with pro controller, BOTW, MK8, Arms, and a BOTW case. I really wanna jump in and really wanna play Mario Odyssey

Do it faggot.

Yes, Whatever you do... Do not mention anything new or interesting coming out and downplay interest in it or else the seller might keep it.

Odyssey? Why? It's literally a kids' game.

Nah, library is extremely weak and Breath of the Wild is incredibly over rated. It's an alright game, but it's a mix of Ubisoft tropes that get a pass because it's Nintendo.

Wait until there's a bundle and price drop during Christmas.

Do I wait until the inevitable Switch Pro or Switch Slim?

I mean, there's going to be a smaller switch and it's ridiculous how small of memory the thing has. They'll probably put out a 500gb model for next year.

I have a PS4 so I dont need it for multilpats, just want Nintendo exclusives. The 500$ is just a hard number to pass up with what Im getting here

You're paying slightly higher price for something new that's been used you big dummy.

I know this. Even used these things are expensive out the ass and 500 isnt terrible for what Im getting. Plus he just came down from 600

Do it

Just wait, they will make a smaller one. Many of us are waiting for one

i bought a switch and literally have nothing to play. Arms is NOT worth it

>he started at 600, so 500 is a deal
Get haggled scrub.

You deserve to lose your money if you actually follow that line of though.

Yes, it's worth it. $300 Switch + $70 controller + three $60 games alone are worth it, not to mention the sold out yellow Joycon and limited edition case.

It's a steal.

Let's see.

4 $60 retail games = $240
1 $300 console
1 $70 Pro controller
1 $20 or so for the case

Add that together and that's about $630, so I'd say you're getting good value out of that, OP if pic related is what you're looking at.

>symmetrical sticks
Why did they fuck this up?
It's like they designed the logo first and then the hardware.

Ah, that last one looks like Puyo actually, which I believe retails for $40, but regardless, that's still $610 which is quite the good value and that game has alot of replay value too.

>wanting a "handheld only" version which doesn't allow for on-the-go local multiplayer

C'mon pleb, Switch's main gimmick is being able to play with your bros wherever you want.

what's wrong with symmetrical sticks user? They're great

Add $80 if those are the Neon Yellow controllers, which in time will probably disappear.

Video games are for kids

No no, why did Nintendo fuck up the sticks. They were perfect on Wii U. Wii U was the only console of that gen to have gotten the sticks right and then they go and fuck it up. The Pro Switch controller should have at least kept them.

500$ ? Fuck you, I'll pay for it

>Switch Pocket
Why not the Micro Switch

I could reasonably buy it and then sell it later on too and actually make a profit if it just wasn't worth it

lmaoing at the obvious sonybros in this thread
