
Why was a thread about video games just deleted?

Can't talk about video games on Sup Forums. Try any other board.

this is Sup Forums

That is not true. sometimes Sup Forums can have some comfy threads.

Sup Forums mods can be faggots sometimes. We had a Puyo thread deleted the other day for no obvious reason.



They're probably trigger happy from all the GO threads.

She is a Dangerous Beast that will rape her Senpai if given the chance.


Sup Forums mods have no idea what is videogames and what is not. They regularly delete Rance threads.

Which Mash seiyuu is better?

>Getting it on Switch
>Not on PC/Vita/PS4

Are you all so desperate for games that you'll spend home-console prices for a watered down PS4 port?
It'll be even cheaper for PC due to Steam, and the Vita runs the game perfectly due to unique adjustments to the game allowing for stronger enemies to compensate for smaller mobs. Cheap as hell now too -- What does the Switch even have going for it?

Ease of transition from home console to portable.

probably because mods thought it was for the mobile game and those mobile fucks tried to run a general on Sup Forums. They were purged and their shit was expelled.

All costumes included.


She lewds her self.

FGO one by a mile. My dick becomes diorite when she goes "Kaching" after I collect my shards.

Apparently the switch version has all the costumes and four languages to choose from.

I think a better question is why you're all hung up on the fact that someone is gonna buy this for Switch. A game got ported to Switch and PC because the devs figured people would buy said game on those platforms. What does is matter to you personally?

>Not lewding Shielder

But she WANTS to fuck. Be a man and take the lead.

> pure
> wife
> yours


Risa Taneda (RIP)

Any news on what happened to her?

>pure wife
lying to yourself isn't healthy you cunt

>Can't have Type-Moon threads
>Can have Pokemon threads flood half the board


All the DLC included. It's a big fuck you to early supporters.

>all dlc
>new outfit for Nero
It's bullshit.

You say that but I also got the game at half the price the Switch version will be

One day the switch version will match that, plus all the DLC.

Will I enjoy this game if I just want to play an action/musou game and don't particularly like or dislike Type Moon stuff?

>why my steath gacha-shit thread was deleted?
BACK TO /vg/

It's a really bare-bones musou meant for fans of Fate

Why would anyone buy the switch version when a number of people have reported the game runs like ass on the switch?

This. It's another case of shoddy porting.
It doesn't run the modified Vita version which allowed the Vita to play it at ~30fps, but instead the PS4 version which has been shown to be strenuous for the Switch to handle

switch has all DLC plus an exclusive costume, plus it can be played on the go, essentially making it like you bought two versions of the same game, NEVER EVER cuck

Right, thanks.

I thought the game was coming out on PC too?


I know the PS4 version's performance suffers, but I haven't seen any gameplay for Switch at all. I mean, I imagine it runs worse, but what do expect from a poor man's musou?

I unironically wish we had the Vita's mob size and stat boosts. It's a pain when there's a sea of enemies that are completely harmless. I would rather have to face a small army that can actually put me at risk of death.