Why are people so obsessed with making their games ethnically diverse but they don't even consider Filipinos...

Why are people so obsessed with making their games ethnically diverse but they don't even consider Filipinos? There's literally only one Filipino video game character in existence.

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I want to suck her boobies

i like her feet

Tekken 7 fucking blows anyways, who cares.
Only fighting game I ever bought an refunded.


>that right design

Because Filipinos aren't human theyre rats

She had cute feet



Well what even is one? I mean what makes them so culturally unique? Most people would have no idea. I don't. To me Josie looks like just any old girl.

Come back to bed.

what about canadians, there are hardly any canadian characters in video games


>waah, why can't I beat anyone with just 10 minutes of practice

too op. theyre the most powerful race in the world

I can think of literally zero.

The better question is why people want token "diverse" characters in the same settings instead of more diverse settings and game concepts.

How about instead of pushing a token mexican, black, or gay character just for the sake of it and then beating the player over the head about how progressive it is, we get a game set in the aztec empire, or featuring african mythology, or actually having a central theme of the game be about how society views sexuality?

You just need an official Canadian martial art so you get into fighting games.

Bear Hugger
Tekken's Raven (male)

Josie Rizal is a shitty Filipino representative though? She's the weab equivalent of SJW pandering characters or replacing Ironman with a sassy black female. Nothing about her even feels filipino she just looks like an anime girl was spray tanned. The clothes are super lazy and don't even look filipino other than the fact that it has the same color as the flag. Her fighting style could've been Kali, but again she was just used as waifu bait. Also that is the most embarrassing and cringeworthy name I heard in a while. Yeah let's have an American representative named Georgianne Washington next time.

What's funny is I bet the Philippines is soon to be one of the countries to be pandered to in gaming. We're probably going to get something equivalent in OW.

Trevor GTA5
Red head from Etrian Odyssey Untold is Canadian.
Simon from Soma
Commander Shepard
Barry Burton

Wolf from Virtua Fighter is Canadian.

I would totally main Georgianne Washington, especially if she wore the American flag as a dress.

as long as their not jews then everything is all good in the hood famalam

Who's that qt?

That little stool

She also speaks perfect English when the rest of the cast is speaking their own native languages, excluding Lars and Xiaoyu.

Barry's from Canada? Wow, just lost so much respect for him suddenly.

Because it's pandering to tumblr and SJWs that think everything is white until it's blacker than black hole and vantablack combined.

one of the Philippines official languages is English.

Plus Filipinos' english sounds more english than engrish compared to the more Asian races.

SC3 ruined her.
At least 4 made her cute again.

Oono from Hi Score girl. Great series.

You say that like we WOULDN'T love a waifubait american representative named Gorgianne Washington.

>not maining Georgia Washington wearing a flag bikini like Tina in DOA
I'm not even American and I would

>make flip character
>they don't even look like flips
>implying jews want to be front and center like that

raven isn't a confirmed canadian

Why did they decide to include Filipino characters in the first place? The "exotic" factor?


I want josie to step on me and call me a bitch

Lili and I think Miguel did not speak their native languages when first released, I would think the next game will have her speak tagalog

With an American Flag cape, a super move using the spear-shaft of an american flag for something, and her arena is onboard Airforce One as it single-handedly dogfights the entire airforce of another country.
Her taunt is pulling out a large soda and noisily drinking from the straw before throwing it on the ground.

Tekken is pretty popular in the Philippines

wolverine doesn't count, he's not a video game character and that's not enough canadian characters


Literally the best class in the south park game.

I'd be fine with her speaking English, but she needs that hilarious accent. Otherwise what's the point.


SEAfag here, have you ever met a real Flip before? There is a reason why people call them the niggers of Asia.

>Georgianne Washington
totally would

Same sort of deal for Shaheen and Rashid, UAE is becoming a big FGC scene now. So basically, pandering.

nah, flips are the BRs. Indons are the nigs.

Filipino girls are cute, please delete this post.

>tfw flip
bretty gud since duterte came to be our president

Filipino= jap = chinese
Everything equal asian for the Whites

Nobody gives a fuck about your third world shithole country, it's the Mexico of Asia.
There's a humanitarian crisis 100% of the time there and nobody cares.

You can't even have a shitton of ladyboys like the other brown asian countries.

This thread reminds me of some stupid ass bullshit my girlfriend's friend posted on Facebook a few weeks ago. Apparently all the SJWs have an issue with Evil Ryu and Violent Ken having dark skin on the Switch launch of SF2. Then they started shitting on Bison and Balrog. She has literally never said anything about a video game until she started sucking some "pro" Smash 4 player's dick.

To them, it's not "diverse enough" until all the brown people are the good guys and all the white people, regardless of actual race, aren't. Shit made me so fucking mad. The game is like 20 years old and has one of the most diverse rosters in the history of video games and yet these pissbabies will always find a way to have a problem with it.

this guy's a lot more relevant tbqh

Have you tried ignoring her?

>letting your girlfriend suck another guy's dick
>let alone some Smashfag

I see the problem here, and it's not about Evil Ryu and Ken

I would like to see more Filipino characters in the future, same with any other culture that's under represented provided the context makes sense.

Is that a cameltoe in the middle?

Which game is that from? SC2?
Almost wanting to play it

I bet you were the type to hold out for a qt Filipina waifu in Hetalia weren't you? Anyways, I have a feeling we're going to get more characters in vidya in the future cause of Duterte putting the spotlight in the Philippines. I have a feeling Overwatch is probably going to have a filipino/a character.

I do ignore her after that. Luckily she lives super far away so I don't have to see her in person ever. It just makes me mad because this dumb bitch with no video game background on any level aside from fucking Pokemon Go wants to suddenly act triggered over things that were decided on 20 years ago.

Read it again.
>some stupid ass bullshit my girlfriend's friend posted on Facebook
>my girlfriend's friend

>make ethnically diverse games
>never add Dutch people, Norwegians, Swedes or Danes

Video related. A Dutch person vs an anglo.




>not wanting to play Georgianne Washington with huge tits

Because it would be impossible to balance such a character obviously.

He's in Tekken 7. But he's supposed to be an American in Tekken 7.

Lars? Pretty sure he's Japanese.

I want lewds of her.
Are there any doujin

Tekken is pretty diverse overall. There are only a few countries that still aren't represented.

Bryan Fury

Lars is sweden

But he's not black

the fuck bro he's Indonesian

The model of Commander Shepard is also a Dutch person.
And the model of Quiet in MGS.

Wizard was good, though. You could cover a number of status ailments by yourself.

She is good girl.

Hidaka is best girl. She mains Phobos, for that she will always be number one.

Tekken is such garbage, its funny watching the player base drop like fucking flies on steam.

'ded game' in another month or so.

If she is best girl then why did she LOSE.

IDK, most Filipinos don't have hilarious accents... then again I'm in Uni. The most terrible experience I had was volunteering for a focus group and almost every other fuck besides me were speaking in English. Made me really self conscious because I don't like talking in English

she's best because she can talk. Is Oono a mute? I like Oono though, but her silence creeps me out. Not to mention she used to resemble a grey alien early on.

Because SE Asians are literally the niggers of Asia.

filipinos tend to be lazy and easily manipulated by their social environments.
On top of that they're blindly nationalistic and cliquey to a disgusting degree. They are looked down on by real asian people.

The Philippines are like Thailand only without all the neon and ladyboys.

so basically a country with zero worth.


:D !

I know right?

I've never seen a filipina with tits that big

I'd flip her if you know what I mean.

>PC gaming

Not even once

>tfw no Filipino Punisher game based on Duterte's regime

Where's your Thai ladyboy Tekken character, though?

Right, they're not worth including.

Well there's a Korean ladyboy already

>moving goalposts this hard

Because very few Filipinos play video games outside of MOBAs

English is one of the native languages, and (modern) tagalog is a mishmash of words from other languages on top of traditional tagalog.

I want to marry Josie!
