Why is this seriously coming out?

Who thought that this mess of an accessory was needed? Why didn't they just have a jack that goes into the tablet? WHY THE FUCK DO WE NEED A PHONE?

The fuck Nintendo. I was hoping they were gonna turn it away but nope, they are going ahead with this design choice full speed. Jesus.

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Not that anyone needs it, but heres a link nintendoeverything.com/switch-splatoon-2-splat-chat-headset-is-coming-west/

The switch can't handle voice chat runnin inside the console, so they have that to mix game audio and chat audio from the phone.

Why would they not put voice chat functionality in the Switch? it seems like a very short sighted move by Nintendo

This is legit the one thing that I'm shocked and a bit appalled at with the Switch. I thought for sure that they would've streamed the game audio to the phone so you only need one pair of headphones but I guess not.

They probably want to keep kids out of the chat service and most of kids out there don't have a proper smartphone.

>and most of kids out there don't have a proper smartphone
In Japan maybe

Money. What's so hard to understand?

>most of kids out there don't have a proper smartphone.

literally every kid in America has a smart phone.

It makes sense given it's a portable console.

>tfw windows phone

So what's the issue then :^)?

Nintendo have always been incompetent when it comes to online features.

it's clunky as fuck when they just could have put the ability to talk to others/create lobbies in the console itself.

it's like they added an extra two steps for no reason.

But no one wants to worry about having spaghetti fucking sticking out of everywhere just because Nintendo can't get their shit straight. Having all that shit is just begging for something to get yanked and torn out. ESPECIALLY if you decide to take this on the go.

cant wait to splat while i chat with some teens online



W I N S ,


This is a good thing though because it keeps poor people and kids off the coms

Because Nintendo bros will buy any accessory released by Nintendo.

They could have just added like a wifi/bluetooth usb dongle like how Sony does with their gold and plat headsets. That would've been much easier.

I dunno just put it under your shirt, but I mean why even voice chat in public at all???

This accessory is needed because voice chat was an afterthought for the Switch. Splatoon is literally the only game it would be useful for. Why bother building your hardware around it when you know it's a niche feature?

and it connects the chat to your cell phone so that is convenient

You wouldn't have been happy if the voice chat was built in anyway. They don't have to make the Switch like other consoles, maybe you just need to accept Nintendo is allowed to do its own thing. I'm happy they went off on their own tangent instead of worrying about what the other consoles do. Like who gives a shit? You want voice chat, go get it, why should it come included when it isn't going to be used most of the time? It's a wasted investment in that case.

Nintendo said that's just one way voice chat could be done (even though HORI, the people who made that, just went on and started selling it anyone)
From someone who has a Switch, voice chat pretty much does need a reworking. Even so I'm probably just gonna talk on Discord instead

Not surprising considering it's Nintendo. Their consoles and games are meant to be family friendly. They don't want someone to be able to shout "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" at all the kids. But people still want voice so 3rd party companies created a peripheral that uses your phone to let you communicate in game. Does this thing even have it's own app? Or do you just use Skype?

Serves you all right.

I wanna believe its gonna have its own app.

>Why is this seriously coming out?

I dont know why but I laughed, it's like Nintendo is inconvenience you with this shit product and I agree, it shouldnt come out, people should not be forced to used this crap, it is a crime, people should not have to suffer with this garbage product, Nintendo needs to stop right now and throw everything on the production line in the trash can because this accessory is complete rubbish, a waste of time and will only cause innocent Nintendo gamers to suffer


I'm I 100% agree that moving shit on to the phone is a genius way of shrinking the OS and thus allowing more power to the games. What's unreasonable about streaming audio though?

unironically because the Switch is so underpowered it can't afford to waste the memory needed for voice chat.

while uniqueness and differences is good, it still wouldn't hurt if nintendo did it that way anyhow.
plus, a mircophone can be used through the headphone jack so i don't really know why some of the voice chat can't be on there. probably just to be able to chat with people on the go with places where the switch can't conenct to the internet casually or concerns on battery life, or idk

Nobody gives a fuck who you are, that's why your name is Anonymous.

Because the Switch is low on RAM and they can't physically dedicate any more memory to the OS features without it affecting the gameplay.

Oh fuck off, one of the reasons I liked Splat1 is that it had no voice chat so there was no autistic screeching and swearing at each other for doing a bad job.

Unless you're playing with friends, voice chat is pointless anyway. Just a few simple in game commands is enough to get people to work with you if they wanted to.

because every console has voice chat as a standard. It's not just voice chat either, the lobby system also entirely works through the app and is not built in on the system.

Nintendo is still 3 generations behind in terms of online functionality.

>what are communication settings present in every single online capable console

I mean you could also just use just your phone, put it on speaker and play the game instead
or get some Audio Techinas and plug it into the phone so you can hear them better
or use some crappy apple earbuds with a mircophone so you can hear better and talk better
there's like a lot of ways to combat this thing. it was probably just made so that you can hear your friends and hear the game audio

Not having VC included with the system is less hardware intensive, which given the switch is a hybrid console is actually pretty ingenious. I don't really see the issue, it's not as if most people who own phones don't have their phones with them at all times.

I like how it's designed like something that would actually be in Splatoon.


If you worry about autism why did you buy a fisher and price toy created for 7 year old children while playing nickelodeons take on call of duty where you spend 90% of the game looking at the ground?

I know you want need to shield yourself from the fact that you a manchild whos playing the game with 3 year old toddelers but now you're going to have to hear them REEEEEE and Screech because Nintendo wants you to.


Does this function as a regular headset as well? I could use one for PC.

oh man I bet your mom lets you play all the mature call of duties


You actually want this shit in Splatoon?

you could do better

Ok, I guess I'll just trip then.

It still makes me laugh that the freaking original Xbox had better online than the Switch.

Lobbies, voice chat and skill based matchmaking, it's dead simple.

Wireless is better you retard autist.


Don't be a faggot.

It's not so much the fact that you need a phone to chat, its really the design and how they thought this out. How do you release a console in 2017 that doesn't have enough power to have simple chat? Like that shit blows my mind. I know its not everyone, but for the people that it does intrigue, they have to spend a lot more money and add more peripherals just to be able to talk while the others have been doing it for years with a simple headset and jack.

If you don't wanna hear REEEing chicken tendies and SCREEEEEEching don't play games for 3 year old Japanese children REEEEEEEEEE


>Lobbies and skill based matchmaking

Switch games have these.


So whatever happened to not needing bulky gamer headsets?


Ironic if you truly think about it for a second, but yeah if people like you aren't playing it..

Don't embarrass yourself on the internet, user.

How the fuck is wireless not better? Are you stupid?

wow great job idiot good luck playing it through an opaque wall

Is this a Nintendo meme?

>Online gaming
>Outside your house

I own a Switch and like it, but jesus christ this is so ridiculous that you just can't help it but laugh.

So much for Kimishima saving Nintendo.

Maybe they just don't want voice chat at all for their consoles? I mean, let's be honest here, online chat of any type automatically bumps the ESRB rating to Teen and above, and isn't what one would have for a family friendly brand image. This way, since voice chat is a third party accessory, the base game can indeed be sold as all ages.

This image is about 800kb though?

>left joycon has trouble connecting when even remotely within 3 feet of devices or obstacles that block the relay
>this includes, bluetooth devices, printers, cell phones, fish tanks
>build a new house so that the left joycon does not disconnect randomly
>also voice chat is on your cell phone.

guess ARMS and MK8D don't exist
>voice chat
the switch HAS voice chat, and you don't really have to use this headset (see )
>skill based matchmaking
MK8D doesn't do this, but I guess ARMS doesn't exist....again

Is that a yes?

Then why are you here?

>Posts something completely subjective

>it's okay when Nintendo is a lazy shit
Reminder that the left joycon problem is still a problem.

>free wifi resteraunts
>nintendo literally bulit a "zone" around this and gave you 5 free streetpass tags

There's no reason you couldn't have those things with the system being portable.

Vita had those things.

>hidden mic

You could do a lot better. Do you have autism?

Just tell me why wireless is worse.

>Slow public connections
If you don't mind a shitty online experience then these things work, but it's also weird as hell to just go look for a public hotspot outside to do something you could do better at home.

Vita succd dicc

The cherry on top is how this comes alongside nintendo's new online fee that's "meant to improve" their online service.

Except it works great and is less intrusive. Are Nintendo fans just dumb?

>left joycon
it's not actually a problem anymore
>"A manufacturing variation has resulted in wireless interference with a small number of the left Joy-Con. Moving forward this will not be an issue, as the manufacturing variation has been addressed and corrected at the factory level."
>"We are asking consumers to contact our customer support team so we can help them determine if a repair is necessary. If it is, consumers can send their controller directly to Nintendo for the adjustment, free of charge, with an anticipated quick return of less than a week. Repair timing may vary by region."

umm no..?

It is worse, because relay signal is garbage. It will always be beneficial to have a solid wired connection that cannot be interrupted. This is especially true if you live in an apartment complex where you have dozens of wireless signals all acting like shit.

Don't bother. These people don't even own a Switch, otherwise, they would have known about the fixes already.

wow even the nintendo switch subreddit which is literally run by nintendo wouldn't have this much circle jerking about an obviously bad thing somehow being a good thing

They're making a few assumptions. First of all, they're assuming that people will only play online at home so the excessive wires and lack of portability won't be a huge issue. This is a reasonable assumption, since the Switch has no mobile data capability. However, the only headphone port is on the tablet so the wiring will be even more messy than usual if you plan on playing online in docked mode (which is presumably what you'd do at home). The second assumption is that little children won't have smartphones so they can't be easy targets for pedophiles (i.e. half the Splatoon userbase). This will protect children very young children since they will need their parents' smartphone to voicechat and they will always know when their child is talking online. Although it does mean that the parent will be unable to use their phone when their child is playing (which seems like a huge inconvenience). And nowadays children get their first phone by the age of 10/11, so not everyone is protected.

I personally think the Switch should have had this basic online functionality. The 3DS had some sort of voicechat so the Switch has no excuse, especially for a game with such a big multiplayer focus. Bringing a phone into the equation only makes things worse. Let's say I have a long day at work, my phone is low on battery and I want to play an online multiplayer game with some friends. I'd be unable to do that unless I have a power outlet right next to where I'm sitting (so I can charge my phone while playing). I'm probably never going to use the voicechat on the Switch but it's ridiculous that a modern console doesn't have the ability to do this.

yeah but no mic is pretty much just like having a phone on speaker to talk on it without touching it and isn't as "intrusive"
pretty much you paid for a headset that just gives you better audio quality, and that's the only positive thing about it

Does Switch have paid online yet? Can't wait.

I agree, we should leave the headphone and blueray player company to making headphones and blueray players and the videogame company to making videogames and video game consoles.
It would be better this way.

>half the Splatoon userbase

Try 9 out of 10.

If you're doing voice chat in a public place chances are you deserve to get punched

$20 a year, coming in 2018

no it will come in 2018

Does the dock still scratch the screen? Haven't seen a single mention of it since release week.

Not enough autism to be incapable of answering a question.

Good, can't wait to pay $20 to play Mario Kart online.

>$20 a year
How much is Sony and Xbox a month?

>Why does a Business try to jew you out of your money?

>Nintendo's solution lol just leave your phone charging all the time even though that will ruin the shit out of the battery.

for me, no, but the screen can still be scratched easily though.
i think what happened was that most docks were warped and were getting really close to the screen making it scratch