I can't be the only one noticing a certain presence on this board, can I?

I can't be the only one noticing a certain presence on this board, can I?

Other urls found in this thread:


what's wrong with neogaf?


/ctt/'s on tuesday fag.

there's something very wrong in this pic and its not the neogaf fanaticism

there is L I T E R A L L Y N O T H I N G wrong with NeoGAF Dot Com. Discuss

You mean the footfags? Yeah they're insufferable.

post more

The Nintenbros? Yeah, they're everywhere nowadays.

I know right? The nintenbros are getting bad.



2 bites within 20 sec of each other. Not bad

>what's wrong with neogaf?

Being banned for voicing an opinion that goes against the grain

They ban racists.

>implying that's something bad

Man, i love Collin but i'm kinda glad that he'll die soon and won't stuck the father of this thing for too long

>what's wrong with neogaf?

No. Not Colin too.

they ban anyone that don't agree with them

hey guys XD

i like nippon games ^^

Nu-Sup Forums is infested with neofag-sonybros sadly.

Generation Z that presses X to win.

Only when it comes to things like "do black people deserve to live y/n"

Unironically defend this

Yeah, this board is infested with disgusting console peasants or non idorts who defend these shit companies because of their purchase decisions

Not gen Z's. Those are late millenials.

Gen Z are conservatives. God bless the little scamps

anyway neogaf type of forums should already be dead, this isnt fucking 2001


>tfw the biggest joke you made is your son

>proceeds to quit N.Sane Trilogy because It's too hard


>he says this on a website filled with them


our pedophiles are good people


at last i truly see

So, what happened to that mod who was a pedo?

Is he getting pumped up by Bubbah yet?

He had been fired from being a mod long before he was revealed to be a pedo.

absolutely nothing wrong with neogaf. Just give us id's and flags, so we can identify and report the shitposters.

>2D is the same as 3D

When are you going to turn yourself in for murder?

Nothing, Neogaf is great dude!

>neogaf boogeyman is starting to replace reddit boogeyman

Jesus he looks absolutely ridiculous.

Sup Forums is entirely nintendo land. Stfu. I've been banned for saying botw is bad (which it is)


Still was a mod for pedogaf.

And you haven't answered, is he getting that chocolate dick y/n?

>absolutely nothing wrong with neogaf.
>these are the posters calling for ids and flags

I'm not talking about 2d you absolute newfag.
I bet you don't even know what sink posting was

Oh my sweet summer child

persecution complex AND shit taste.

Life must be hard

They do it for free?

>That "..." at the end
Poor man just wanted a normal, healthy son

>persecution on a board that stickied smash bros threads during evo and most nintendo related announcements

Oh man, I better check my privilege

He is dead inside.

Uh, associating the site with the actions of an ex-mod is dumb. He's not a member of the group, they do not approve of his actions, and judging by how he was fired from his mod job for being a douche they don't even like him.

does the faggot thinks he is a woman and zero fashion sense?

Come here sonnygger pedophiles

Taste my fist of righteousness

I fail to see the problem with that ban.

He was banned for being racist.

I'd worship ps4's feet

you could also just check neogaf, or reddit, if this site isn't good for you. Nobody stopping you ;^)

>Mistress PS4 will never gag me with her bare feet
It hurts to live bros

that guy worries me

how can cindy be the worst part of such a horrible game, it's like they don't actually play the games

Yes he's been arrested. Not sentenced yet tho so no butt full of cock yet

are there any gaming forums that don't suck?

No. Sup Forums is my only sanction in the world where I can tell faggots like you that you should die a terrible death by being lynched, but even lately, people are getting banned for the simplest shit. Sup Forums might as well be the same as those sites at this point. I'm just waiting for the inevitable voting system

>being racist
>pointing out that being racist and not acting on it isn't the same as being racist and acting on it is being racist

A lot of newfag Sup Forumsirgins originated from neogaf and immigrated here once they figured neogaf wasn't edgy enough for their edgy selves. Now they talk shit about their former favorite Chrome bookmark not unlike how sluts talk about their recent exes.

I guess you'll have to handle a few sticky for nintendo stuff then. Cheers, retard

pedophilia is sexual orientation similar to homosexuality.

cheers, insufferable faggot

There's been an incredibly strong presence of Neofags and Sonybros ever since before this year's E3. I miss when they weren't as prominent, you can never have a good discussion anymore.

I think one of the other chans has a literal containment board for sonyfaggots. This one should do the same t b h.

>There's been an incredibly strong presence of Neofags and Sonybros ever since before this year's E
They've been here since the PS4 started selling well.

>post inflammatory console war bait


>looks at thread title

Right, I'm sure that he was banned for that 1 post and not for being a typical annoying alt-right cuck

Why have people been getting banned more for flamewars? Isnt that the foundation of Sup Forums since it's creation? Why the fuck is the most tried and true culture being punished?

>there are people who literally worship a company for free

>sony mods

I got banned for making fun of nintendo in a neutral thread. Either the mod team are split as fuck are we got some "THEY DO IT FOR FREE" mods that are being rule lawyers.

>company that actually makes games gets a thread
>deleted immediately

I don't get it. I see sony threads like this all the fucking time and they aren't deleted. Why the fuck is sony getting all this fucking praise when literally ALL THEY DO is buy other people's games and release them exclusively on their console.

Sony is a shitty leech of a company, they are the EA of console manufacturers.

ah yes Sup Forums - consolewars

Why is it that I've never even heard of neogaf anywhere but on Sup Forums?

>trying this hard
come on neogaf, show some creativity

this must be one of those retards in facebook who drool at "le plot twist"

>it's ok when sonybro's do it

I think it was back in 2010 with the whole neofag controversy that spilled over into Sup Forums.

>I got banned for making fun of nintendo in a neutral thread.
Mods don't really actively delete or ban for Nintendo shitposting anymore.

>Implying Sonyfags didn't start it first

Because NeoFAGGOTs are constantly raiding Sup Forums.

Anyone you see crying about Sup Forums is from NeoGAF.

it's bizarro Sup Forums

Except it's been happening at a huge frequency. You can check the Sup Forums ban listing.

so are there any gaming forums that aren't shit?

Its like Sup Forums but instead of neonazis and alt-rightists you have sjws and sony shills.

All gaming forums will suck as long as video games continue to suck.

>Anyone you see crying about Sup Forums is from NeoGAF.
>t. r/The_Donald poster

they pay to worship
>now go back to neogaf sony cuck

you're lookin at it

For actual game discussion you may get a thread here and there from Sup Forums but otherwise no I don't think so since other forums become overcrowded with shitters.

That's a fat pussy.

>neonazis and alt-rightist
>he believes in these terms

I think everyone who uses political terms are dumbasses who can't see the bigger picture
