What games focus on non melee combat?
Like what games have melee combat forbidden.
What games focus on non melee combat?
Like what games have melee combat forbidden.
Like 90% of FPS out there.
I mean non direct combat skills bro.
Not him, but shooting isn't melee. Why didn't you just say magic?
I mean more like a pacifist run in a roguelike.
Like usign magic, but also using enviroment traps, confusing monsters to fight each other, summoning minions, having familiars, making the enemies sick, bribering them, having gods curse them, stoning them, making them bleed to death, laying traps.
I feel like roguelikes are the only ones to explore non melee combat.
Fuck that shit
What games have almost exclusively melee combat?
There's no way anyone reading your first post could figure out what you really meant.
Fucking shooters
I dunno m8.
Are there even any games that explore what I'm trying to say.
At this point only a pacifist run in nethack can give what I mean.
You're using the wrong words for what you mean you fucking mong. Melee combat is just close quarters combat. You want something like indirect combat or pure stealth.
yeah, maybe.
got any examples of what I am asking?
every fighting game
passive agressive combat?
Theres a kickstarter game called fight knight that looks interesting
Too bad its on kickstarter might be neat if it actually comes out
>mfw seeing a video on thief
It's made by your friends from agdg btw.
melee is only fun in games where melee isn't the "normal" way to play.
punching people in FPSes is fun. Punching people in beat em ups isn't fun.
I mean I heard playing skyrim with nothing but illusion magic could make it interesting
Or do a playthrough of DaS3 with a bow or pyromancies except cheesing everything with Bed of Chaos
there's so much shit developers could make.
imagine a game centered about being a cool wizard and having schools of magic and cool shit.
direct combat has to go.
sounds boring as fuck
It depends on how skilled are the developers.
It's like saying stealth can't be cool.
being a wizard in powder is quite fun.
>I dunno
You should give up on this thread like everyone else has
I'm just asking for games to play.
Illusion is more interesting and challenging than most other magic in Skyrim, but it suffers from not working on a lot of enemies. You can always apply mods to fix this, but most higher level enemies will straight up be immune to your spells, so you have to use the weak ones to do anything. Then there's a lot of stuff you need to kill to progress quests. If you like having a follower, you can always just buff them and overcome these barriers. Of course, having a follower makes stealth next to impossible so you have to do a lot ordering them around manually so they don't fuck everything up.