>makes youtube video shitting on game review sites
>voices a lot of viewer concerns over how much bullshit gets in the way of giving the consumer an honest appraisal of a game's merits and flaws
>video gets crazy circulation to the point where critics have to respond
>they start crying that gamers don't understand how hard it is to be a freelance game reviewer writing articles for gamespot
Videogamedunkey - game critics
is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
>loud fat obnoxious retard
Pretty much
I'm glad dink made this video because it actually got some circulation, but isn't this the same shit everyone has been saying for years?
>parrots a bunch of shit everyone already knows
wow how profound, really restored my faith in gaming
Yes, but this is one of the first times someone with actual influence has said it.
>doesn't like rpgs
>attention span of a 5 year old
Literally rebbit
He's guilty of the same things he said of the video. Honestly, creating cringeworthy "comedy" videos is just cancer. Critics at very least gives you an idea how good a game is.
It's difficult for anybody with any recognition to say it since most of the time they're sponsored or tie-in with x-critic site. And if you blame one, the criticism really extends to all of them.
Dankey's kind of a grey zone who also gets just enough follows who know even a little bit about things.
This faggot couldn't even get himself unbanned from LoL and you think he's got any actual influence?
what a bunch of crybaby bitches
>they start crying that gamers don't understand how hard it is to be a freelance game reviewer writing articles for gamespot
Not that it is actually hard but they write for the average and general vidya playing audience of which i would assume most of us on Sup Forums are not.
All dunkeys video really did, if one is not a shallow self centered faggot and looks at shit objectively, is whine that modern day mainstream outlets dont pander to people like him.
Like i watched that video and from a selfish point of view would agree with him. But i am not a self centered faggot to such a point as him. So i am not going to whine that shit does not pander to me and instead go to and support outlets that actually do do shit in a way i can enjoy and approve of.
oh and that donkey fucker pointed out that their a lot of vidya reviewers don't finish the game they review. Well news flash to all ya dumb fucker most of the general and normie vidya playing audience do not ever finish the majority of the game they also play
So yeah mainstream outlets suck. But since capitalism and shit, they are writing to a shitty audience since that is where the money and clicks are. So they tailor their writing to where the money is.
So yeah shit sucks. But at the same time what do people like this dumb ass get from whining like a faggot about the real world not being to his liking and shit?
>t. game "reviewer"
who gives a fuck about this virgin neckbeard
and this isn't videogames
A lot of RPGs are pure skinner's boxes, so it's not surprising that some people shy away from them. Turn-based combat is just legitimately bad. Besides, there were some games including both of these that he still liked, so it's not like he dumps games just because they are any of those.
Yeah, because the video has been out for only a day and has almost 2.5 million views with 126,000/1800 likes/dislikes.
fuck off with your e-celeb shit
nobody gives a fuck you gargantuan faggot virgin
this is e-celeb dick sucking, not video games. go spin your fidget spinner and jerk off to anime you loser
8.5/10 gamespot
>they're sponsored or tie-in with x-critic site.
This does not happen. Find me a single example of a big youtuber who has a fucking sponsorship or tie-in with a big game review site. There isn't one.
Simply ebic
Who gives a shit about LoL anymore? Getting banned was the best thing that happened to dungle
And? He got that many views with his shit LoL videos and when he got banned his response was "you have to unban me because I am epic youtube celebrity" and when he got shot down he cried like a bitch.
how will they kill dunkey ?
>being this mad he's better than you at literally everything, despite being a fat fuck
You sit here and shitpost about him because you're a fucking loser, meanwhile he sits on YouTube shittalking everyone and plays video games and gets paid for it. You suck nigger, face it.
The escapist has Yatzee and used to have Jim Sterling.
I'm sure there are others out there.
T.butthurt reviewer
I knew you faggots were stealing our memes, fuck off, go write something
LoL was never good
I actually think Dunkey has good taste for the most part, but I can't believe how obsessed he was with that shit
because he has enough influence that review sites are actually having to respond to him, and all they can do is nitpick individual points while ignoring the fact that hundreds of thousands agree with the overall sentiment that video game reviewers are fucking useless
>review sites are for casuals
That makes no sense, these are the sites that fans are scouring for news and evaluations. Grandpa, Grandma, and little Timmy don't look at these sites before deciding on whether or not Timmy should get the new Sonic game for his birthday.
Gamergate was right
why would anyone listen to a "professional" who can't even be bothered to finish a game before writing a review about it, you might as well just flip through a gamefaqs message board or something and get an equal level of insight
So yeah
>he's better than you at literally everything
Okay, fella ;)
>Parrots things everyone thinks
Nice reddit spacing
Yahtzee brought this up years ago, but you shouldn't have a reviewer review genres they either don't like or have no experience in because they won't have any valuable input on the game. And he proved this because he hates fighting games and his video on a fighting game was terible.
Like dunkey said, he hates turn-based RPGs. Ok, then you shouldn't be looking to him for input on the quality of that kind of game. You should be looking to someone who knows that stuff inside-out.
>the media evaluating the quality of video games doesn't influence the quality of video games.
Go back to waifuposting, your intellect can't handle anything more difficult than that. Meanwhile, this thread will continue to have literally no effect on any other threads on the board while people in this thread are discussing the issue.
I want newfags to leave. Dunkey has always been based and the only people who hate on him are redditors trying too hard to fit in.
>maybe his thoughts are those shared by my audience
>but like idc whatever ugh
>Turn-based combat is just legitimately bad
Sure is summer around here
League is an all-or-nothing game
you HAVE to devote your life to it to get anything out of it at all, and sunk cost fallacy can leave people trapped in it for years.
t. League addict
Why are you kids so obsessed with e celebs? What makes them so special to warrent a dicussion over them.
>that review sites are actually having to respond to him
A dozen writers tweeting about it is not "review sites actually responding".
Half of all big gaming youtubes are literal shills for video game publishers, but you dumbasses are still whining about IGN for some reason.
>somebody influential decides to mock journalists
>they freak the fuck out on social media, claim it's a threat to them personally and act like they're doing the best they can even though most of what they publish is objectively garbage
Hmm...you know, this reminds me of something else that recently happened...can't quite put my finger on what, though...
>gets fat
>switches from comedy to critique
What is it with fat balding white guys and people caring about their opinions?
>turned based rpgs are bad
>uses FFVI music in the very next part of the video bc it triggers nostalgia centers in peoples brains for muh views muh clicks muh dinkey
Dunkey is such a faggot
response articles are up already on Forbes and Crave.
He's right though
Turn based combat is a shitty relic from the past that needs to die out. This isnt 1970 anymore, we can make real games now.
I kinof hate Dunkey after that video. It makes him look like a huge fucking hypocrite.
I'm so glad every single day that GG happened, if only to make life worse for these fucking faggots for well over a year. They need to suffer....they deserve it.
Constructively, they could be honest about the bits that are clearly true-- such as the revolving door, deadlines, corporate interference, keeping up with the competition, etc. and then counter by pointing out the luxury Dunks and most other Youtubers have for either being independent, or at least having the illusion of independence since their 'brand' is tied solely to themselves.
>e-celeb criticizes game journos
>Sup Forums criticizes game journes
>fucking autistic faggots kill yourself
Not everyone thinks that though, mostly "contrarians" for better or worse of the term
Don't mistake this place as having the common opinion, be aware of what hugbox is and the fact you might be stuck in one.
forbes is not a gaming site and what is a crave
Yeah I mean, they literally can't do anything about the corporate part. Jeff tried, and he got fired for it.
name 1 (one) RPG that Sup Forums likes
Yeah people confuse being a contrarian with being educated.
critics BTFO'd
Thats an opinion he cant be right
I for one love turn based combat
Look everyone! He Wosted me! Get Wosted kid! Check out my twidder!
>>gets fat
famalamadingdong, he's been fat for awhile.
Absolutely based.
gerstmann is the only major example of a reviewer getting fired for giving the wrong review, and now he works for the company that fired him
good bait
The only good response I've seen was from a critic who expanded on WHY there's so many reviewers - it's just time constraints. So some sites try to get certain people to review certain things.
Doesn't take away that it all feels very impersonal though
This is like the dark souls of replies. 9.5/10 It's ok.
dunkey liked persona 5
you're an entry level PIECE OF SHIT
>wanting Sup Forums to be praised
fuck off back to r/Sup Forums or whatever neogaf subreddit you're from
>user says something false
>gets (you)s
that is only the case if the critic was critical of a Nintendo game
user no one own memes, their literal purpose are to be spread around.
Who is this donkey guy and why does he have so many dickriders on Sup Forums?
why did he get banned from LoL?
Why is he so cute?
it's still a turn-based rpg that a lot of Sup Forums liked
It's LoL. Fun is against the rules.
He said big site reviewers dont do a good job.
Kek. I like dunkey a lot. The wierd just under the surface baby fetish stuff his gf puts him up to makes me super uncomfortable, though.
he will die at 40 for being obese, and he plays videogames for a living
such a respectable life lmao
Man, look at all these Jewish surnames.
>Arlo as one of the trusted reviewers
My nigga
Just watch his 100/200k specials, he wasn't nearly as fat back then
A vidya youtuber that's known for his different opinions and short temper.
I don't normally follow e-celebs as I think there cancer, so I don't know how long he been a thing on Sup Forums, but I'm pretty sure I've seen that donkey logo around at least for 2 years now.
>ironic critic
>criticizes other critics
Dunk is good for a few laughs but people who actually take him seriously or don't think he's just another cancerous e-celeb is fucking retarded
>The wierd just under the surface baby fetish stuff his gf puts him up
Pure (((coincidence))).
Even if the reasoning is off, the fact that consumers agree with him that reviews feel rushed, ill-informed, and bad at communicating the pros and cons of a game is clearly an issue they should acknowledge, explain, and combat, not just saying "oh you just don't understand us."
Their job is literally to make us understand them and their opinions. They are failing at their job and if that is due to un-solve-able problems then their job title doesn't deserve to exist in an age where people can just turn to their favorite youtuber for an opinion with proper context.
>Critics at very least gives you an idea how good a game is.
Plus I don't think people realize how many games come out every month. No one could adequately review even half of them by themselves.
There's two. Are you implying videogame reviews a conspiracy? Are you that retarded.