How did some slav in his potato vodka shack create a more interesting cRPG than multi million dollar backed "veterans"?
How did some slav in his potato vodka shack create a more interesting cRPG than multi million dollar backed "veterans"?
Other urls found in this thread:
By not caring about pandering to the common casual who has never played a game before
Big budgets means big profits are required which means trying to get as many people as possible to buy it
got some strong dejavu from this thread
cRPGs live or die on story and mechanics. Money can't buy that; it's either someone having a brilliant idea about how to make a system or building off a long history of pen and paper RPGs and thinking about how you would improve them.
>potato vodka
More like plum rakija, Americano.
This guy knows.
hi dev, stop shilling here.
Slavs in general are better at game design. Too bad they are poor as shit and they games end up being a buggy mess most of the time.
Some people really like the spreadsheet aspect of old games.
They enjoy the systems involved with a game far more than the game itself.
The are usually accountants or actuaries and enjoy charts and graphs far more than your average gaming enthusiast.
He's made enough sales that he can outsource that shit user.
It's just the RPGeezers from the Codex shilling another one of their owns shitty game.
They are beginning to realize we aren't laughing with them about Grimoire and are moving on.
slavs are magic and really good at making games for some reason
must be all those squats
Just because I don't like the underrail dev shilling and le based slav retards, doesn't mean I hate RPGCodex
>Slavs in general are better at game design
Witchers, Stalkers, This war of mine, metro series, world of tanks, i could go on and on...
The whole point of kickstarter games was bypassing that by directly getting funding for something a publisher wouldn't normally give a green light.
Anyone know when the next Reboot Develop is? I always miss it.
Is this worth playing if I already have Fallout 2, the Age of Decadence, Arcanum and Baldur's Gate 2 in my backlog?
Kickstarter games still require pandering to all the people who actually backed them, which is still far more than Underrail sold
could you really? Because that handful of mediocre crap is the entire list.
This desu.
There is no any deeper reason really.
Game has to sell, so it panders to general audience, which is often America.
America being mix of a lot of races/culture/different people causes those game to be really bland and washed out to get as many people to play it as possible.
Also the difficulty has to be low so anyone can play it.
Games are mainstream and just a business now.
Play Arcanum first, then play Underail
It is very worth playing, and your backlog will keep growing endlessly anyway
By the way, you should start with Age of Decadence because it is very short for a cRPG (it really requires multiple playthroughs, but just one to see if you like the game's C&C style will be short)
>psycho monk
Sure. But you could also just start playing through your backlog. It's a good backlog, so why wait?
Talos Principle, Serious Sam series, Pathologic, The Void, Cossacks series, Age of Pirates series, Pirates of the Caribbean, Death to Spies series.
They are just a bunch of old timers yelling at us kids to get off their lawn.
there is no reason to hate them but the recent influx of them is apparent.
They will head back to their home once they feel they have showed us how smart they are.
hey those actually not crap games unlike your other list.
best fucking class is unarmed psy
Not him
What do you guys think of Inqusitor?
I know the stamina system is retarded, but if you just accept that you should chug potions instead of waiting for it to regen, it's quite fun
i didn't like it after I had to actually think in combat when it was me vs 6 fucking guys cause lmao party system is for cucks
>not being able to handle six guys
>fireball them all because they're clustered
>they all have the fear effect and run away
>stealth up and wait for them to come back
Replay it for fuck's sake. You know that the expansion still isn't close to release.
I probably fucked my build or didn't have good enough armor or weapons or items or whatever and after that point I cba to try to grind that shit or restart
The place was that warehouse thing in the city hub that I needed to clear
Do you mean the first real mission you get after clearing out rathounds and psybugs?
Just explore your surroundings m8, you can have a turret kill most of them
You have grenades for a reason, use them.
Also there are fuckton of stun and immobilisation skills at your disposal.
Trying to handle 10 enemies at once is Underrail at its best though
I remeber grenades not being enough and I either got rushed by some fags or just sniped by a nigger with a sniper rifle
Kick starter brings all new problems with funding games.
An indie game tends to be free of deadlines, being tied to Kickstarter automatically expects you to set deadlines and keep to them.
This is why so many Kickstarter games fall short, miss deadlines and fade away. Because they can't possibly understand the time they need to make the game. They're a fucking indie dev, not a studio.
So being tied to a deadline automatically reduces the quality for an indie dev, whether it be omitted features or build quality in general.
Kickstarter should never be used to fund development of a game, it should be used to get a completed game into circulation.
There's no way an indie dev could know how much money they would need, plus there are plenty of examples of a dev actually getting the money and then going nuts because they don't actually need it to develop then realised they DID need it and can't meet dealines now.
amazing. I wish I could actually play it with the combat fix. The writing, music and graphics are fucking amazing. It the thing I dreamed of after Diablo 2
i don't remeber any turrets there, the mission I got stuck in was clearing warehouse for praetorian security
Okay sorry, I thought you were talking about a way earlier mission. Carry on
>the combat fix
The what now? Anyway, I enjoyed the combat as a mage guy just spamming spells and killing everything before it could even reach you like fucking Divine Divinity
Almost anything can be killed with some preparation and good strategy. That being said, the warehouse quest is hard.
Bear traps can be placed even without any traps skill, and if you plant them near the entrance those who get stuck will block the way so you can burst/grenade/magic them to pieces.
If you had electronics, you could make a taser and stun them for very little AP. You can also use flashbangs to incapacitate in a pretty wide area, or molotovs that cover an even larger area and come with a 50% to set things on fire.
Can someone posts a couple interesting classes for me to consider for my first play through? I don't play many crpgs but I got this in a humble bundle and I'm pretty excited since everyone says this game is very combat focused with a lot of viable classes
Check the character build part.
You can use these as templates, but feel free to mix and match ideas you see in different builds. Psi is especially very flexible, so don't worry about the one on this list being a tank. That's just one way to do it.
>a more interesting cRPG
Because he didn't.
If you like mage classes that obliterate everything from range you should go for psy
You have so many points left over from not needing any perception that you can even go full CON for the anti-glass cannon!
Also, IMO you should get at least some stealth on most builds because manually starting a combat encounter while stealthed guarantees you the first move
>how did this guy make a more interesting cRPG than these veterans?
>because he didn't
That makes no sense grammatically or semantically
Thanks for the info
I definitely want some magic and stealth so I can sneak around levels gimping enemies here and there.
What are the most important attributes to invest in other than stealth? I hear people talking about traps a lot, do you have to invest points to be good with those?
>so I can sneak around levels gimping enemies here and there
That's really not what a psion is supposed to do in this game, you should go with daggers or snipers if you want to hit people and restealth
Mages are more like come out of stealth to get the first attack, and immediately nuke all enemies they can see as well as alert all others in the area
If you'd like to use magic make sure you max will on character creation. Usually getting it up to 16 by the end of the game makes for a very powerful mage, but if you'd like to put those points to some other use, even the 10-12 range is good enough.
Get at least 6 agility for sprint, or 7 if you are serious about stealth and want to do more than just combat initiation. 7 agility allows you to get the Interloper feat later, which makes you move faster while in stealth and allows you to keep some MPs if you initiate combat while stealthed.
Mages also benefit from having good intelligence, since it helps with psi regen and also makes leveling crafting feats and hacking faster. Since those skills all have soft caps, this means with better intelligence you have some freedom to spread your points for these skills.
>do you have to invest points to be good with those?
Yes, if you want to use them as a core part of your strategy. Only the most basic traps can be placed without skills, and enemies can detect and disarm your traps if they have the skill themselves. Higher skill will make your traps harder to spot and harder to disarm. But, if you use explosive mines an alternative strategy is to not worry about them detecting your traps, but remote detonate them yourself with a ranged attack when they get close enough. In that case it's enough to have only as much skill as the trap itself needs, and you can boost it somewhat with items like Trapper's Belt.
It's fun, but it's not perfect
1) Player becomes too powerful too fast
2) Differences between Normal and Hard difficulty are negligible
3) Repetitive gameplay
4) Same strategies needed for all enemies
Well, that's not really true. Stealth and magic go well together. Psykers get like half a dozen different abilities that allow for easy restealth, unlike non-psi builds whose options for it are much more limited. A tranquility psyker popping in and out of stealth is a perfectly good concept.
>not using molotovs
>not spamming grenades
How can one dude be so fucking stupid?
>2) Differences between Normal and Hard difficulty are negligible
That has never been the case, but it especially isn't since the AI update. Hard difficulty gets you much less base HP, the difference in healing item cooldown length compared to normal is enormous, and the AI is noticeably smarter (for reference before the patch the enemies had the AI on every difficulty level that is used by easy now).
>4) Same strategies needed for all enemies
...what? Let's not even go far in the game, you'll have a really hard time if you try to use the same strategy for the enemies you encounter in the first two hours: rats, psi-bugs, bots and human raiders.
UH i don't remember the UI looking like this? Did he release the expansion?
That's not the game's UI, one user decided to put this list together using the character build tool.
underrail dot info dot tm
It's fantastic if you want to plan out your entire build in advance, check synergies, etc.
When is the expansion coming out? Is there a point to starting a run now?
>When is the expansion coming out?
We don't know, probably before the end of the year. But it's anyone's guess, really.
>Is there a point to starting a run now?
Depends. Is this your first? If it is, how do you feel about replaying it in a few months for the expansion? Game has really good replayability, but if you are not the kind who likes to play a game more than one time, it's better to wait.
If you've played it before, Styg said that until he says otherwise, we should assume that there is enough time left for at least one more full playthrough. So in that case, go ahead.
Yeah, it's my first run.
I don't mind replaying, I've gone through FO1/2 many times.
I'll give it a try then, thanks user.
Early game is the only stage where you need to be careful and know how your enemies's traits, but that progressively stops mattering later on, later on the game gives you way too many tools and power to dispose your enemies and their AI never changes, so ultimately you find the optimal way to do things in every situation and the only thing that matters is whether it's a single enemy or if they're packed. That's what happened during my full PSI build, once I got past the early game I found myself killing everyone and everything using the same tactics all the time.
I didn't know an AI patch was released though. It's been some time since I played this.
world of tanks is trash
The funniest thing I remember is getting that psi abilities that make your spells cost less AP and MP shortly after I got the stream of fire which procs as many times as it can with your AP
>like up bunch of enemies near a door by bear trapping it
>barbecue time
PSI is a special case though, since it has a natural counter to almost everything. It gives you spells that deal high mechanical damage, high elemental damage of every kind, damage that bypasses every armor, stuns, dazes, complete immunity to mental attacks, complete immunity to incapacitation/stun that can be activated while already under the effect, psi inhibition, freeze, burn, bleeding, blinding.
PSI can do pretty much everything except acid and bio. So if you play PSI you just have to figure out what works for the enemy you face, and then select the appropriate ability to counter it. Other builds don't have it this easy.
The most fun I had was figuring out strategies to tackle large groups without letting them act even for a single trun.
>a feat can convert every single ability into a AOE one
That shit was crazy.
>group of enemies
>move behind them
>Cut Throat one of them
>turn on energy shield
>end my turn
>adrenaline shot
>nothin personnel through them with my dagger with combined of 42% crit rate
>loot their corpses
>fade into darkness
PSI turned the game into a cake walk, it didn't make a real difference in Hard because I almost always killed everyone before I got hit or got hit too few times to worry about, so the reduced base HP and healing never really affected me.
If other builds are more balanced then good, that gives me a reason to replay the game someday.
Being creative with the fuckloads of toys given to you is what makes PSI fun. Sure you have everything you need, but they all depend on the same resource, so you still need to play smart in the limited window for action you have, or you'll be raped hard once your psi is depleted.
So in the end you trade one thing for something else.
so is this the game skinnyfat neets play on their budget laptops?
Because those "veterans" are exactly that. Old dried up sponges that live by not considering anything anymore. They're quite happy to release the same thing every single time expecting you to lap it up like a cum guzzler.
Money doesn't make good games, it can help make them into better games but it can't make good games.
I haven't played underrail yet, is it actually 'good'?
I knew underrail was inspired by fallout, but it's THIS fucking similar???
get off this board and never return, people that unironically hate stalker need to be banned from this board permanently. no discussion.
It is a very good game if you care about gameplay. But you know, proof of the pudding and all. If you are curious pirate it and give it a go.
Never used the crossbow, but unarmed with combat gloves and psychokinesis is amazing.
Magic is versatility. Mages can always exist in their own bubbles as long as they dedicate theselves to it.
Reminder that hacking is the most kino skill.
Special bolts, my nigga. And stealth, since crossbow is pretty silent as far as weapons go.
It's a shame he nerfed Depot.
Those tears were delicious.
Cool writing but fairly boring gameplay mechanics and rpg system itself.
Still enjoyed it though.
I never get tired of watching this.
Time to drop some spaghetti
i sohuld have bought during sales.
That raider leader guy has a line for when he spots you? I just stealthed in through the sidedoor and threw a fireball
>full psi build with 9CON
>tactical vest
>a few points into throwing
>feels like i'm controlling a boss instead of a simple playable character
Jesus fuck i love this game.
Yeah. You can also demand to be taken to him when you go down the trap door.
Everything is closed to one shorting me
It's not that expensive to begin with, but there's always next sale.
How far are you in the game? What are your skills?
If you have the right keycard.
Those UR generals when it first came out were hilarious. SO many shitters getting bricked at Depot.
This isn't what ends up happening at all. Instead of serving a board of shareholders and directors, you end up bending over backwards attempting to appease the impossible demands of entitled autists... Which is even worse because once some nerd has sunk money into your project he expects the end result to cater to his every desire.