Was it ratkino?

Was it ratkino?

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Oooh sigmar bless this ravaged body

More like Ratkusoge

Enemy variety sucked to be honest. Felt like a worse Left 4 Dead or Killing Floor.

Me and my friends can't beat white rat on hard so we don't really play it anymore.

it was ok when it actually had players

>all these new hard as fuck achievements
>they're undoable solo because the AI is shit
>all my friends moved on from the game so I can't take a shot at them


Fun hectic shit to play with friends in coop. Warhammer universe is based af.

Too bad about the difficulty. When you're in a session of 2 hours and you fail 4-5 times in a row, eventually people just happen to find other stuff to do.

Feels like the game would be better if there were less extreme difficulty spikes. Some encounters are just too much.

And yeah it's kinda an indie title so it's quite small in terms of content unfortunately. If it had more levels and enemies and shit it would be a lot better.

The drop/crafting system is also pretty bad. You get one drop if you complete a mission, meaning that if you fail several times in a row trying to do a mission together, you get nothing. You should be able to get SOMETHING so you can feel like you get something out of trying. But nope, you get nothing. And even if you succeed at a mission, it's pretty random what you get, so you're also starved for drops that are approrpriate for your play style. Overall, it's pretty badly designed.

Maybe this one.

How are you possibly that bad? I randomed all maps on 4th and some on 5th difficulty with only 20 hours playtime.

You sound like the worst kind of casual.

>Was is a masterpiece movie for rats?
What did he intend with this statement?

I'm not really. But, your mileage may vary. Tell me of your own experiences with the game.

This is me
At this point I felt I had seen all the game had to offer and what was left was just grinding for better loot.

You're just asking the developers to reward failure. If you're so bad you fail a difficulty 5 times in a row you should probably switch to a lower difficulty. Better gear is just a crutch and if you need that crutch you can craft it by farming the lower difficulties. If you are not hopelessly bad you can manage on the harder difficulties without the gear and you will subsequently be awarded with good drops much faster.

Well it's also fun and stimulating to get drops. Failing several times in a row, and not getting anything, is pretty discouraging. The game should put some kind of effort in to keep you playing, I think. Usually you get some kind of consolation prize in games, even if you lose.

I just really dislike the drop system they have. It's clunky, slow, and pretty unfun. I would much prefer simply being able to loot equipment and find stuff on maps like you normally can in games.

It's pretty tough to keep a group of players motivated to keep going if you fail a map several times and don't get any new stuff whatsoever. I'm not asking for the game to be made super easy.

It was almost good, but like the other user said, it felt like a worse Left 4 Dead gameplay-wise. What held it back, in my opinion, was not being able to select more than one of the same class/character as well as the drop system. They could have gotten rid of of the drop system and the game still would have been fun like L4D was since it was basically that but with more maps and content.

Are you even listening to yourself? The reward should be overcoming the challenge, the fun should come from playing the game, not from skinner box reward centra stimulation.

would you even be able to enjoy a game like Left 4 Dead, with essentially the same gameplay but no drops at all?

I don't see the appeal in games like
They're fucking boring

Well, you are overcoming SOME of the challenge during the levels. It's just that the entire reward is tied to completing the whole thing. If you succeed at doing 60% over and over, you should get something, maybe something that can help push you over the edge. Something to keep you going. That's why I think it would be better to have loot that you can find during the levels.

Go back to redd.it

> If you succeed at doing 60% over and over, you should get something, maybe something that can help push you over the edge.

You do get something, you get better at the game. If you don't the fault doesn't lie with the developers, trust me.

It's just that you have such a feeling of getting nowhere if you play for several hours together as a group and you fail multiple times at a level. It's discouraging. In our group, it ended up leading to us dropping the game. People just don't feel inspired to play when they're coming off a session like that.

That's all. I don't think it's a good thing when rewards in games are so black and white. Like you HAVE TO complete the entire level to get anything at all. That's pretty old fashioned game design honestly and for the most part we've moved past that. Games these days have checkpoints and other ways to give rewards for partial successes to keep us playing. That's a good thing.

Checkpoints are irrelevant considering how short the maps are.

Why not just try an easier difficulty.

Because they cater to casuals. Which you denied being one of, yet everything you've posted so far has been you complaining about how the game is too hard and the loot system is bad and how you and your casual friends get discouraged when victory isn't handed to you on a fucking silver platter when in reality you are the one who is bad and instead of striving to improve you resort to whining about it on an image board.

It was just an example, I didn't mean I think they should put checkpoints in the game.

The difficulty isn't really the problem. The game being hard is a good thing. It's just the progression could be better.

I don't think it really caters to casuals, the game being hard is totally fine. There just needs to be more incentive to keep trying, some variable that can change over multiple attempts.

Look, I'm not asking that they take away all challenge from the game. So don't misinterpret me.

Best horde coop ever made honestly. The setting, map designs, character choice/banter, and melee focus is all just fantastic. I was really impressed by the quality of support they are giving the game. Even the dlcs are all great.

Been really getting into using the witch hunter hatchet lately, even though its still not as strong as some other weapons, it feels good to chop rats and the new patch they just put out really buffed a lot of weapon traits so it helps out my orange axe. Shit think I might go play some now. Anyone know if weapon drops are DLC specific? I had heard that glaives and stuff only drop on certain maps, and I really want a repeater crossbow.

>Devs get Q&A interview at release
>they want to make dlc, new chars, new map region and why not new enemies
>that was almost two year ago
>we only get barebone dlcs with two level + two weapon

wasted potential because of poor content and slow update, i don't get why they just keep on updating the game if it just live with 200-500 players per day

It sounds like the difficulty is the problem. Maybe you should get better at the easier modes to get better gear and more practice at not taking damage in hectic rat fights. Maybe it will "push" you to help finish that last 40% when you come back a better player.

>still can't beat Well Watch on cataclysm

that stage is my white whale, is there a cheese way to beat it?

Have an elf up top by the ammo with trueflight spamming the map.

Still need a competent team though on the ground.

Left 4 Dead 3

made for people that found l4d 2ez

Just reroll the map until there is an ammo box in the pighouse then camp here.
Can't remember which well is easiest to defend but you need atleast one alive.

I did every single map on cata with randoms except the dungeons people always shit the bed on this map.

>Summonear's Peak in cataclysm

I hate these "hold the horde while protecting something" maps

>tfw my friend was playing around with cheat engine and we found out we could do some funny ass shit
We only played the game for like a month, but it was a good month.

kino fags please die

>oooh, shit, man! Bless this ravaged body!

>try to play this game with some friends
>normal mode is too easy
>hard mode is too hard
>can hardly get green weapons from the dice roll system

Theres a lot of balancing issues they need to fix
Also wasnt there supposed to be dlc for deathknights replacing the rats

Lighting rats on fire as the BW, or crushing their skulls as the dwarf is one of the most satisfying things in the game. it's a good game.

What's wrong with kino?