
[X] Delicious brown octowaifu
[ ] Bratty forehead loli

Other urls found in this thread:


[ ] shes not a nigger
[X] shes a nigger

Shiny tits octopus.

Stop oversexualizing character like this. It's cringy and all your doing is fucking up Sup Forums

she has blue eyes, a facial structure that resembles a human not a monkey, and she doesn't talk in broken ebonic ooga booga speak.
she is a fictional humanoid character that happens to have brown skin. not a nigger.

you're a fucking nigger

t. got picked on by black chick in school once and is still crying about it

She's a dirty sea nigger.

I will support the ugly loli because she's white

Please don't tell me you're one of those guys that thinks anime proportions are real.
She's a squid not white

That's an ugly nigger



Aha I get it! Le edgy nigger meme!

>wah pol

>facial structure that resembles a human

She's a fucking squid.
Either way, don't try to argue with shitposters. They'll never stop.


You're free to support who you want and I'll support who I want.

You're an ugly nigger

Can we just talk about cute cephalopods without getting into dumb race arguments?


Somehow the way he holds the bag seems most autistic to me. You could argue that "haha xd just wear what you want" but that's not how you hold a plastic bag. Maybe if it's really heavy and you're walking a long distance but not in burger place

I know right? I mean /polv/ should at least race war post in universe.

We must ensure a future for our people and a place for squid kids. Remove Octolings turf war now

maybe it hangs to low for him if he held it by the handles and it annoyed him after a while

She looks fucking hot.

> le edgy nigger meme
> le contrarian shitpost ironically using le
o ok

>bratty forehead loli
you typed that like its a bad thing

[ ] no white genocide
[X] white genocide

The game has a young urban motif and people only really care about 2 characters, of course one would be black.
10/10 would single mother.


I don't care at all that they added a black character, I'm still going to support the white one though. Gotta stick with my people.

How about you fuck off back to plebbit you newfag garbage

it's not Sup Forums, it's from the fan art thread in neocuck
some retards are actively raiding here reposting their shit here for some reason

she will grow user, have patience

I'm sure a lot of people had the displeasure of witnessing that guy's existence. When they see Splatoon commercials on tv, that's the thing they'll think of.

Just like how people who might've caught that thing about anime on BBC think it's made exclusively for autists.
>inb4 it IS made exclusively for autists lol

oh shit nintendo dun goof'd making her developed
look at this, shitty artists niggering the character

oh well, if the nigger char were the brat the SJW backlash would be worse I guess

Lol dis our game now whitey

uhhhhhhhh actually she's an octopus

Ayyy WE

All these triggered leaves ruining everything


>first friendly octoling girl character
>it's a nigger


>is a "dj"
>not a nigger

Lol @ this ninty denial

no idea

She's too cute for her own good.

>Sup Forums still thinks it isn't reddit

Real talk. The fuck runs through their heads when dressing like this? Why dress like a fucking clown?

If you're referring to (((the_donald))) they love black people.

This is pretty woke.

Niggers are black though, not brown?

>white features, bone structure
>skin is on the lightest end of the african scale
>mfw realizing she's an octoroon

[ ] Woolie in drag
[X] Not Woolie in drag



I can't wait for it to turn out that she's actually just an inkling with a wig.


>Bratty forehead loli

Is that suppose to be a bad thing?

remove octoling


Callie and Marie both looked better

[?] kill all niggers
[?] all niggers become white men with dark skin

I want to save her

So is it in Canon that Callie killed herself?

[ ] Looks good
[ ] Looks good

why is Sup Forums so obsessed with race and black people now? is this just what neo summer Sup Forums is now?

Every thread is like this besides maybe the Grimwah is never coming out threads

Callie was kidnapped by DJ Octavio

Marie > the rest

You'd be surprised. I had a college TA who didn't dress up, but didn't try to hide his autism for some nintendo stuff. Physics word questions he wrote were written about ocotolings and squids and Princess Peach and other stuff. I like Nintendo stuff a fair amount but this was just embarrassing to read.

I unironically like this song.

The ''WE'' meme went mainstream with normalfags and now everyone want to be triggered by black people because it so funny dude.

Ugh, I can't believe all these libcucks who will force themselves to pretend they think black people are attractive just to prove they aren't racist!
>Nintendo makes two characters, an ugly gremlin child with a fivehead and fair skin and a cutey-faced girl with visibly developed breasts and hips, but also dark skin
P-Pearl is best girl! R-really, I think her gigantic forehead is c-cute! I'd rather you think I'm a pedo with shit taste in lolis than admit some shitskinned niggerape is objectively more attractive than Pearl!

well it's obnoxious. Its like all of Sup Forums is Sup Forums at this point. Can't have any video game discussion without rampant shitposting about black people out of nowhere

It's on rule34

I like it. It's quite catchy.

So are you saying pearl is sexy!


But as a proud lolicon I have to choose Pearl no matter what. Have nothing to do with with the color of her skin.

Beside lolidom is GOAT and Pearl look like a pro in that domain.

Kill yourself westcuck

we must protect her

Marina is cuter but Pearl is amazing. I love them both and you can't do a thing about it!


Seems like I'm long overdue. Where do I go to apply for these nigger bucks?

>It's a Sup Forums falls in love with a nigger and has to rationalize why they aren't one to justify it

I love this one

>tfw social services keeps telling you that there is no seperate application to get your Escalade

What the fuck is this? I know my rights!

I still believe that guy in the picture either purposely wore that as a joke or he straight up lost a bet.


Fuck off Moon Man

>its another user that thinks quoting a ton of people and throwing in buzzwords and mocking stuttering makes him look rational.

>Not understanding the difference between mean and median
The top 10% of earners in the U.S. pay about 70% of federal income tax. The top 5% pay 60% of it. The top 1% pay 40%. Multimillionaires can subsidize every black american for all I care.

>tfw caseworker gets mad jelly when I stroll up to the welfare office dressed in my finest furs

Whitey just don't know our struggles.

I wanna FUCK Marina



take a number

what a sloppy girl she let the semen drip on the ground

This is the true brainwashing. The funny thing is that you're frustrated about it.

>even nintendo is drinking the kool aid

The sjws have won

You've never put the handles around your wrist?

People jackoff to diapers and Yoshis and you think normal people liking dark skin is impossible

I want Sup Forums to leave.

They've had brown skinned girls before though. You act like this is new.