Castlevania netflix show

Fucking dammit, I can't believe how people think the Castlevania cartoon was remotely good, have they even played the fucking games? It's not faithful at all, and I'm not talking just about the lore but also the production quality, it looks worse than the average anime and that's REAL bad

Seriously this video made me fucking quit

It's pretty terrible. The worst thing about it, imo, is that they made Trevor a generic anime hero.

good OP

now fuck off
this is a shit thread

I gave it 2 minutes before turning it off, no thanks.

Breh, the art style had more in common with any game after SotN. Even more with Aria of Sorrow and after.

Most importantly, Castlevania is dead so who gives a shit? Have you seen what Sonic Boom looks like or Pac-Meme, or the new Megaman cartoon?

Pretty shitty castlevania ripoff, but a good berserk ripoff desu.

>muh anime
>arthur memes
You haven't played the games user. Play Dracula's Curse instead of making shit threads.

I genuinely enjoyed it, is there something wrong with me?

An adaptation should stand on its own and honestly people who complain about how faithful something is to it's source material are a bunch of fucking losers.

The amount of people in here that defend it shot how deep the nu-Sup Forums rot has set in. They'd defend the Silent Hill movie if it came out tomorrow.

Why not just watch Hellsing Ultimate instead

I fucking told you all the BotW effect would set in.

The first movie wasn't bad at all

It could have been good with a decent writer, but Warren Ellis is crap.

Good idea. Any good fan remakes out there?
Or the original.
>BoTW effect
You mean people really like it for the first week them admit that it wasn't that good?

I thought Netflix was doing a live action version. I'm confused and disapointed

Not that first movie, though that was mediocre.

THAT...Silent Hill movie.

Yes, because it makes sense that Alucard fought Trevor in Draculas Castle while they were both on their way to kill Dracula.

Im sorry you're fucking furious that Sypha wasnt found in a graveyard at Draculas Castle.

Im sorry you're fucking furious that they disregard the shitty GBA/DS SotN clone "games" and instead stick with the continuity of SotN where Lisa was Draculas only wife.

You're really fucking stupid, you know that right? Did YOU even play the games?

It was good suck my dick

the japanese version is perfect, the us version has some slight bullshit added at the end which makes it inferior, just play the japanese version with a translation patch, no need for fan remakes or any of that other gay shit
though I am kinda looking forward to the 1999 fan game but that's because I'm retarded

No nothing is
It is common behavior of faggots on Sup Forums and Sup Forums to automatically hate anything that the majority likes
Everything is off the table and autistic rage is all they can feel

Lisa is Dracula's only wife in all the games, he had another wife but that was back when he was still a human called Mathias Cronqvist, and that plot point was introduced in the ps2 game Lament of Innocence, the gba games have nothing to do with it and in fact they all take place after SotN except for HoD. Why do you pretend to care?

Maybe i'm a pleb, but I didn't notice too much difference between the US and JAP versions. Only played the JAP once though, and it was a while back.

>gay shit
I dunno, man. There was a nice fan remake of Simon's Quest knocking around Sup Forums a little while ago. And it's not like we haven't played the originals to death by now..
>1999 fan game
I've been looking forward to that too. For a decade ;(

Dunno about him, but i'm 'furious' because it was shit. Well, not shit. Below average.

>You mean people really like it for the first week them admit that it wasn't that good?
Nope, Sup Forums(Sup Forums isn't people) play or watches something that they expect to be terrible, or even want to be terrible, in a shocking turn of events it's actually good, then there's a honeymoon period of about a day where everyone is happy and actually discussing it with some modicum of sincerity. After which point, Sup Forums begins to realize that other people like it as well, and suddenly they need to find reasons to convince themselves that it's actually shit so that they feel like they have superior taste for being in the minority. After sufficiently changing their own opinion by force, they decide they're not satisfied with just that, and set out to try and make others agree that it's shit by force.

That's what's happening now; one crazy autist in a previous thread was claiming that the series is fucked because Alucard's hair isn't the right shade of platinum blonde.

Hm. Well, I have no idea about any of that. I didn't like it because it's just another Warren Ellis vehicle for the ONE story he does. The one about a man who is drunk and aloof, yet somehow really powerful and indispensible to the world having arguments with the church and killing people.

>They weren't faithful to muh grandpa games wahhh

Stop being so fucking autistic.

I didnt play anything after SotN because they were all garbage, i couldnt care what shit points they added after that. The series has made literally no changes to Draculas Curse outside of where Trevor meets Sypha and Alucard and probably Grant.

Oh look, a tool that can't form his own opinion and has to resort to shilling fetal alchohol's review in an attempt to feel comfort that others share the same shallow opinion

You're one of those Iga babbies that doesn't realize Lord of Shadows 1 was pretty much a full return to what the series originally intended, but with 30 years of added tech and a budget, and rather shit on it by screeching "IT ISN'T CASTLEVANIA!"

>Lord of Shadows 1 was pretty much a full return to what the series originally intended
how in the fuck do you figure that

inb4 he starts talking about how the god of war series was a copy of castlevania, and brings fucking Rygar into it for no good reason

I pretty much agree with you but don't pretend to know shit that you don't, I doubt anyone was pissed at them not referencing LoI when it's set 380 years before CV3. I quite like the show actually
The japanese version respawns you in front of the final dracula fight instead of having to replay the previous section every single time you lose a life, that's why I said slightly but I prefer it that way
There's actually a 1999 fan game which looks kinda promising called umbra of sorrow, I'd rather not link to it though since the director used to advertise on Sup Forums before they told him to fuck off

LMAO at the autists getting mad about the story. theres fuck all decent story in the castlevania games anyways

>someone else remembers rygar
This made my night
Fuck GoW to death for stealing its spotlight

glad to be of service, user!

Don't think it was good. It was fucking amazing.

Stop peddling your shitty channel.

But what is the point of making a Castlevania cartoon otherwise? They could have done better making a CoD cartoon if they just didn't care about Castlevania.

>Lord of Shadows 1 was pretty much a full return to what the series originally intended

>only this bunch of random spaniards know what the original games were intended to be, not these japanese devs who've made the last 5 games with help from the teams that made the original games

wew lad. I know you're eager, but come on..

No, the show got a lot of praise so now the contrarians are popping up.

Who IS this absolute moron? He seems to be treating everything about this like it's the greatest thing he's ever seen, without a single thought in his head

>"and then...Trevor goes toe-to-toe with Alucard and doesn't even fucking die! OMG!"

Yes. Yes, the main character doesn't die. Well done.

He's just another youtube "character" pretending to be excited because he wants money from people.

I liked it too, don't feel bad.

Friendly reminder that AOS' wife left him after he got catfished by an autistic piss fetishist from /soc/.

I really love it the anime but I hate castlevania.

BotW is a pretty mediocre Zelda game though, it's probably the first time I can agree with Sup Forums in something

I like the gameplay for the most part but everything else is just meh

Contrarians in Sup Forums are soo predictable

>Warren Ellis
Don't make send in the drop bears.


The show was great you're all contrarian neckbeard fags

>some random youtubers opinion triggering you
>arthur meme
6/10 bait, try better next time

No it was pretty fucking good I loved it.

>drop bears


I'm just happy Castlevania got anything and I found it entertaining.

>reeee stop making fun of christians


What was special or unique about Trevor before that couldn't be misconstrued as an anime troupe?

That he wasn't a drunk-yet-kindhearted anti-hero, like basically every other lazy anime cliche in the world?

>The worst thing about it, imo, is that they made Trevor a generic anime hero.

>implying every character in castlevania isn't a generic anime trope

This. In CoD he was a really interesting character. A ruthless and vicious paladin for the church. Would have been amazing to see that.

If I don't give half a fucking about Castlevania "lore" and only like all the games for the gameplay, is this series any good?

It's pretty mediocre, to be honest. One of those "turn off your brain and watch" shows that Netflix seems to produce.

Anime characters don''t drink

yeah, my mistake.

>4 episodes
>shit animation
>shit voice acting
>no simon
>no songs from the games
>dracula looks like a pedophile
no it was great

Even forgetting

Who raised you!



Why are you so mad?

This. Kids love it right now because there's lots of swearing and babies get eaten. In a week, nobody will care, or bother to watch it again.

AlphaOmegaSin is fucking obnoxious. He tries WAY too hard to be funny.

I don't think any stable adult cares about the lore. Not even the developer's care. It was always just a mean to create the game.

Castlevania's anime was still better than nearly any anime between 2009-2017

I made a thing.

Nah, the lore is pretty cool. It covers about 900 years, so it's pretty epic in tone.

No. I've a ton of praise for it all over, even on Sup Forums but now all of a sudden there's a huge outburst of people saying it's bad. People just like to be contrarians once something becomes popular.

I care

>Graham's cult of death worshippers literally follow Orlox

when the fuck did this happen?

that's fucking great



Every fucking time. I just watched it today. I've been seeing praise for it nonstop. So I gotta watch it since I like castlevania too. I LOVED it. Can't wait for the rest.
I guess the sudden burst of negativity is happening since some people are bound not to like it... for some reason. And they all watched it at the same time due to the praise that was happening earlier.

I thought it was alright but barely more than a teaser

What are the best Castlevania games to play?

>Watch my youtube review
Piss off

I was expecting like a vampire hunter d.

>I expected vampire hunter D
>I got the animation of Initial D, with the writing of Tenacious D


>The series has made literally no changes to Draculas Curse outside of where Trevor meets Sypha and Alucard and probably Grant.

There's big changes to the tone and setting and order of events:

1. The Catholic Church is evil and ordered Lisa's execution. Who exactly ordered her execution is left vague in the games.
2. It adds several Catholic characters who are EVIL, who fight Trevor. Remember that level where you fought Priests? Yeah, me neither.
3. Trevor is a drunken swearing drift less anti-authority loser who just wanders with no sense of purpose. Game Trevor has a quest.
4. Show Trevor doesn't seem religious while Game Trevor starts his quest with a prayer at a ruined church.
5. Game Trevor starts out on a quest to get to Dracula's Castle. Show Trevor just goes to the town over with no quest.
6. Grant appears to be removed from the story.
7. The Cyclops is the only Castlevania enemy to appear in the show, and he's not a random boss but can petrify and is guarding Alucard
8. Sypha is no longer an agent of the Catholic Church and has a new backstory (the "Seekers" are all original to the show)

There's probably more, but I can think of more later. The simple story of "guy goes on quest, fights monsters and meets people" was changed for no reason, as you could have had all the events in the show line up with a guy going on a quest.

Alucard says "The year of your Lord" in the show, whereas in the games it's established he's a holy roller.

If you're really into either retro games are stuff like Souls where every attack has consequence behind it I'd recommend trying out CV1 and CV3

Otherwise any of the "Igavanias" are a safe bet, even if they're not the deepest of games, like Symphony of the Night or Aria of Sorrow.

Ye ur a normiereditor

>Lord of Shadows 1 was pretty much a full return to what the series originally intended
youare fucking retarded

1, 3, and Rondo of Blood are the best classic games

Symphony of the Night and Aria are the best metroidvanias. You also can't go wrong with any of the DS games

I don't give a shit it wasn't a faithful to the games. The show is fucking boring and the writing/voice acting is terrible. A decent Dracula origin and two good fights doesn't exactly make for a good way to spend 2 hours.

The biggest problem was the entire Evil Catholics sub-plot. It takes up something like 25 minutes of screen time and is completely irrelevant filler. Take that out and it's much better in terms of pacing.

fucking saved

The VA is fucking elder-god tier

Yeah, all the mumbling is fucking great

It was okay, enjoyable enough. First two episodes were boring, episode 3 was good and episode 4 was great. I hope they keep the pacing up now.

Don't really give a shit about castlvania but I thought it was pretty good. Makes me wanna play a castlevania game. but there are too many so I'm just waiting for bloodstained