Is it okay to mention videogames as your hobby on the first date, Sup Forums?

Is it okay to mention videogames as your hobby on the first date, Sup Forums?

>implying I will ever have a first date

Depends on who you're on a date with and how you phrase it. In almost any case, casually mentioning video games as something you enjoy among other activities is harmless. Sperging out about it like you're on a Laotian basket weaving forum would probably turn off anyone, even someone who really likes video games.

Is this the new shittalking off topic thread ?

Who else has no issue asking women out but get shot down every time?

>Implying people on Sup Forums "date"

Yeah. It's better to just reveal your power level as soon as possible. Get it out of the way. Just don't be a fucking sperg.

It depends. Do you just want to fuck her? Then shut up and follow her tune.
Otherwise, you are searching for a partner, someone who you may to relate, so show your power level and invite her to a coop playthrough of Knucles Chaotix on your 32x while you are both naked.

sure bud, go wild

*want to relate

It's the only way to find a girl that plays video games to settle down with. I hit it off with a girl by talking about normie-tier video games and now she's my fiancee and we're playing guacamelee naked.


is that pic from fucking 1995?

those OG PS1 controllers are not something you would play games with your date.

because, YA KNOW, girls play games too now, over 50% women gamers, etc etc

If your first date isn't staying at home playing vidya with her, she's not the one.

this is actually decent advice.

just like
>"i like guns"

Why should that even be a thing? It's almost as if you're trying to come out of the closet and admit you're a bunch of NEET fag Sup Forumsirgins.

Seriously though, games is normal famm. This isn't pre-Big Bang Theory times no more where nerds were uncool.

No don't you fucking do it OP, i once told this girl i liked video games and she took me to her appartment and fucked me silly til dawn
I'm warning you OP

>video games
Would you mention it in your CV too? You shouldn't talk about your flaws on the first date.

>Would you mention it in your CV too?
My friend has "CS:GO Global Elite" on his CV, works fine for him

How are you getting shot down every time? Just make eye contact and smile, they'll approach you.

>Not just dating someone who likes video games too

>implying my standards are that low
>implying I'd subject someone else to my power level

Thoughts like that are so stupid.
If you like video games enough to post about them on this board, why the hell wouldn't you want to be with someone who shares that interest? Not only that, using video games as an icebreaker will make it easier to find someone to date since it will give you a good common interest and something to talk about in the early stages

You're telling me chicks don't make up elaborate excuses so they can spend time with you and eventually invite you to their place to get fucked all night?
Top kek, yeah good luck talking about vidya to chicks, that should be a fun convo

Do you really want to date a girl that isnt interested in, or doesnt think your hobbies are yours alone and should be left alone? Of course tell the girl you enjoy video games, Or else she will just be a scornful bitch about when you just wanna chill and play games instead of doing something gay. i've managed to get all my girlfriends interested in at least some video games.

But if video games arent really that important to you, then sure, dont tell her, but if you really do play games daily, or at least try to, its best she knows.

i dont care if its ok or not, i want to know up front if she wont play vidya with me

I'm mostly memeing, my dude. Of course I'd love to date someone who shared my love for video games, however the truth off which I was basing my joke is that gamers on average tend to be below average human beings overall. Not significantly, but you're not gonna find a lot of 9/10 people who play enough video games to call it a primary hobby. I have pretty high standards in people I date, but a lot of gamers wouldn't meet them, and more importantly I don't meet the standards myself.

Like and subscribe to my blog, faggots.

Sure, why not?


nah. It shows that you don't really like to get out that much.

and this thread should go to /adv/

>trying to date normalfags instead of people similar to you

dude just b urself

>Implying women ever initiate contact with me for any reason.

As for the shooting down. It's the usual excuses of oh I'm busy or I'm not looking for a relationship right now (only for them to start dating someone next week)

Only ever had one girl ever have the ccourtsy to just say no.

It's 2017. Nobody does dates anymore.

>Implying girls into vidya are ever single.

They'll have a new boyfriend within a week of being single.

No unless you already know she's into games before hand. You have to reveal your power level overtime with girls.

>Would you mention it in your CV too?
I listed my penis length on my CV

I don't understand how can that be a big deal. Most people, even girls, don't give a fuck if you're a huge nerd as long as you're a nice and / or fun guy.

Hiding your hobby like it's a crime or something to be ashamed of, is sperg to the max.


Where do you even find neet girls to date?

>be streamer
>find out a girl is tune-ing in
>offers to meet up casually
>hurr durr im a gamer
how fucking stupid are you
where is the quality

I ask out about 1 woman per year, so my success rate of 0 is probably quite statistically average.

The internet, cons, hobby shops, shit like that.
Anything where people who like video games and other shit converge.

My first date with my current gf comprised of playing Smash Bros, Mario Kart and watching anime. So I would say that unless you know they're into those same things, keep your "interests" at mainstream level ("Oh I like to play Mario/Smash Bros./Watch Dragon Ball Z") so you don't come across as a pretentious dickhead. But you could apply that to any medium really.

>Say fuck it and add a bunch of randos from my area on snapchat
>Try talking to all of them, not a single one sticks and we all stop talking

Honestly once you get rejected once it becomes easy as fuck to handle