>check catalog
>no Splatoon 2 thread
Splatoon 2 thread
>check catalog
>no Splatoon 2 thread
Splatoon 2 thread
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Why did they make pearl look like a little gremlin?
How are splatfests going to work if every single person picka Marina's team???
You're assuming people will side with the more popular idol instead of what they actually want(e.g. cake or ice cream). The population metrics for Splatfests have always been all over the place since people will actually pick what choice appeals to them.
user... please...
I'm assuming people will side with marina over a literal 1st trimester abortion.
You got me.
Your catalog checking skills are shit then, op
Sorry, no generals allowed in Sup Forums.
To /vg/ with you
never post again
Nope, if games we want to talk about get banished to /vg/ you're going too.
Only threads about WoW, Bloodborne and waifus allowed on Sup Forums.
So when's the last testfire or whatever?
got zone in my plaza
The game is shit so why bother.
Saturday. You can download the game, play the mini tutorial and pick your team already. You can also post to not-Miiverse.
call an exterminator
>Purple Hair
I prefer Pearl, she's an adorable, smug little shit.
>inkling idol is a gremlin while Octoling idol is a qt
getting sick of this Octarian propaganda Inkopolis is trying to push
>lol why no ____ thread? xd
Is there a worse way to start a thread?
Reminder that Pearl is clearly the best girl, she already has her own solo. Does Marinafags have one yet? I don't think so.
Pearl is the Yui to Marina's Mio; she gets the vocals on almost all the songs, but the few ones that are sung by Mio are far better.
the switch is so fucking weak
the longevity of this thing is looking worrying
Alright Sup Forums, which one of you faggots was it
>reee my 4k 60fps cinematics
How will pearlfags ever recover from their waifu being not only an ugly gremlin, but evil too?
What if the Salmon race are the true bad guys in single player?
In terms of graphical longevity:
Performance>art style>resolution
I don't get why people think either of them are evil? How the hell are they going to update the stages? It would be dumb if it was single player only and they just stayed because why not
You forget that once you save Callie in single player, the Squid Sisters will be avalible to do stage updates. The worse idols would just get replaced with the better ones.
Yeah, that's not going to happen bud
The "Squid Sisters" broke up if you've been following the story at all
that wouldnt make sense for splatfest announcements since they are ''global''.
Are they just going to make different dialog and animations to people that have not finish the story?
Why does Zone have to be a Pearlfag? I thought he had better taste than that.
And put on your splatfest tee, user. Represent!
Idols are expendable, user.
nice edit fag
t.didn't follow the story
They would have to for a while, but after like 6 months or something they can have the squid sisters come back for everyone and put a blurb in single player if you haven't beaten it to say it's in the past.
looks like OP was dumping some marina/pearl images, nothing wrong with that.
>They would have to for a while
It would be really weird if they do. Dont get me wrong, i like squid sisters better bot Off the Hook isnt that bad and i dig the idea of new idols every game.
Exactly, these people are delusional.
It'd make more sense if they had a common enemy because all of a sudden we have Marina, an Octoling as an Inkopolis Idol.
Give er' a read
Is it the 15th yet?
Fuck off shill
>Fighting Callie in a giant mech MGR style as it blasts distorted versions of her music
>the squid sisters are more popular than ever, and all the extra work they get is keeping them appart
I think you're the one who needs to read it. Or at least learn reading comprehension.
why did they have to make nigger octopi
You do realize that there's a two year break between the games?
No one even knows who the squid sisters are anymore lel
so cucks like you won't touch their glorious japanese games
each installment keeps getting lewder
mad redditor
It literally says that they have separate careers with different producers
Will this hidden path mean anything?
just leave
It literally doesn't say that they broke up or stopped being the squid sisters, just that they got a bunch of solo work.
>lol you're so mad that I don't like the thing
>I'm only pretending to be retarded
>keeps responding
lol, pathetic
I wondered the same. Is that a subway station? Why the bicycle picture?
Maybe its nothing tho tfw you can travel to other cities through there in the DLC
>They didn't break up, they just stopped working together!
>I'm assuming things that are never stated and don't really match up with what is stated and calling others retarded for not agreeing with it
Where does it say they stopped working together? What line says they didn't have Squid Sisters work and solo work?
How can this be evil?
If she is evil, that means nobody would care if you were to skullfuck her ears
she's literally a double nigger