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Video Games #3837
Video Games
Am I the only one around here who used to play Club Penguin?
Anybody notice a pattern here?
I havent played any sims since 2
Post overrated devs
VIDEO GAME RELATED filename thread!
What comes next?
Days Gone Alternate Playthrough
ITT: Sup Forums approved YouTube channels
How's VR doing?
Persona 5 playable to completion on RPCS3
This game is gonna be a masterpiece or the worst shitstorm disaster in gaming history
Game comes with JAP voices option
>I have a thyroid problem
Talks about constantly killing people
Anyone dissapointed in the lack of games for the Switch? And before you tell me it was only released four months ago...
Are you still a bus wanker, user?
The official king of Sup Forums
How can Sony be stopped?
ITT: Games that are impossible to discuss on Sup Forums
SBF play Detroit: Beyond indigo
Was he a democrat or a republican?
Here is your controller, bro!
The Last of Us was a good game, Sup Forums just loves to be contrarian to popular things...
SNK to exhibit ‘Classic NEOGEO Project’ at Evo 2017
Easy games to platinum
I kinda want to play Subnautica, but I'm unsure if I want to invest myself in an unfinished game...
What is your favorite video game quote OF ALL TIME?
Which one would you chose and why?
What mods/romhacks are you playing?
What went so horribly wrong?
This is perfection
Game has skilltrees/leveling system
"Mmmph mph mmmph!"
I enjoyed KOTOR 1 more than I did 2
Seventeen years ago, a woman was killed
Is it the right time to sell rare gamecube games?
Post your Persona
Cheap as fuck
You are put in charge of rejuvenating the [prototype] franchise. How would you do this?
Anyone else find this generation extremely disappointing?
Nintendo doesn't bullsh-
Are private servers worth trying?
Western games are not for nu-ma-
Video games is the artistic medium with the most untapped potential...
Hey tyler
What are some legitmate weeb games?
Oh, yeah, that happened
Why does Kirby always have weirdly out of place bosses?
Game was made to be played with friends
"At core, unless you have the meaning behind the black leather and the neon, you lose what cyberpunk is...
I'm Redfield
Can I have a quick rundown on this?
What are some games where there are major consequences for choosing to save the girl?
PS4 Pro Thread
Discuss the greatest rpg of all time
What went so horribly wrong?
How can Nintendo be stopped?
The 3DS isn't dea-
He plays as Elves in games
Has there ever been a good live action adaption of a video game?
Whats your least favourite game that you completed?
Name a better dog in vidya
Ni No Kuni 2 delayed
I loved Ace Attorney 1, but I think 2 & 3 are terrible
Would you give Inafune another chance if his next Megaman game (or MegaLike) had a character like Roll as the...
I got these recently, what does Sup Forums think?
We can all agree that Capcom finally doing something with Monster Hunter as a graphical upgrade is a step in the right...
ITT times nu/v/ was wrong
Who's your favorite female fighting character?
P3FES or P3Portable? Which game is the superior Persona experience...
Shitty game that everyone hates
What happened to him?
Squad 9.6
Terrible cross-over art thread
SNK should sue
I'm looking for the oldest man on Sup Forums
Literally best girl in video game history
Who's your favorite 80's Game Creator?
Always loved the 2D metroid games but never really dabbled with the 3d ones. Downloading this for Dolphin right now...
We're not going anywhere guys
I think it looks good
Over 25 Thread
Persona 2
Mary Skelter
ITT: terrible console mockups
Post non degenerate Sup Forumsships
Until Dawn
How do you feel about using real life historical figures as in-game villains...
The state of ps2 emulation
Is your favourite game better than Thief: The Dark Project?
What's your favorite pokemon?
Now that the dust has settled can we agree this was the best new ip of 2015
What would Sup Forums do if power and internet went down for an extended period of time?
Which series?
No new Rockstar title since 2013
I want to believe
Why does he stand like that?
Post some Comfy Isometric screens
This is your party member for today
Sup Forums will defend this
Gaming journalism has peaked
Remember when extra costumes/weapons/other stuff were not locked behind paywalls?
Marina or pearl
Anybody know any good racing games?
Am I the only female girl around here who enjoys League of Legends?
What doomed indie or mod project do you keenly follow regardless?
ITT: the best girls of their respective series
Net Neutrality Thread: Fuck the Mods Edition
Rumor: the next xbox console is being designed, has a codename
*teapot rattling intensifies*
He's finally going to it lads, he's finally getting around to playing best Souls game :
ITT: Best Girls From Their Respective Games
You can't possibly touch JonTron
Meanwhile in rest home Sup Forums
Who are your favorite transgender characters in video games?
Vive goes on sale during the summer sale for $750 + $50 steam gift instead of $800
Anybody else play DCSS?
Netflix logic:
Game lets you betray your own party members
Final Fantasy XII: Zodiac Age
Almost every mechanic is dodgeable. These guys must be brqindead retarded not to learn from mistakes
Any non Edmundo dick suckers around to give their unbias opinion as to whether this game sucks or is good?
Holy shit how will Xfags ever recover
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III details Alisa, Elliot, Laura, Jusis, and Machias
What is the best RPG ever and why is it Witcher 3?
Is there a big difference in gaming performance when you have an Intel i5 processor compared to an Intel i7?
What vidya do you play with your gf Sup Forums ?
I think Sony is going a little to far
Honest thoughts on Dark Souls 2?
Ubisoft's idea of a "strong culture" is a black hot chick, a nigger monkey and an Alevi Muslim faggot from Anatolia
Is this list outdated?
What five word sentence by Nintendo next E3 would make Super Smash Bros Switch™ an instant buy for you?
Is it September yet
This is my gamer fuel
It's time to discuss the best JRPG of all time
ITT: We criticize video game covers
Net Neutrality Thread: Fuck the Janitors Edition
*blocks your path*
How the fuck are you supposed to clean this mouse, dead skin gets EVERYWHERE
Remember how excited you were about me Sup Forums?
Is it finally dying for good?
What's your favourite game?
Game's mascot is a cartoony version of an obscure animal you never heard of until this game
Rockstar/Take Two leaks
Starting this for the first time after Morrowind is like watching your loved one get violently raped...
Perfect games don't exi-
Thinking of buying this. is it worth it?
Remake of a game is a dumbed down version of the original to make it more accessible for people who don't play games
The last game you played that was true fun
You can only pick one
What are some good ninja games that are not Ninja Gaiden?
How the fuck do you do these two inputs on a controller?
Don't forget, Sup Forums !
I want Ann Takamaki to strap me to a bed and cuddle with me
Net Neutrality Thread: Contrarians BTFO edtition
One of these threads
Asahi makes me want to commit a crime!
Are you ready to play the best game of 2017?
Choose your class
In the last thead: The Sup Forumsault Dwellers left Vault Sup Forums
Stu? What are you doing?
Comfy & Cute vidya thread
Playing XCOM 2 on veteran (medium) mode
Tfw you accidentally click /vg/
How do you react when you lose at a game?
Hey, Sup Forums. Yeah, I still play this. Finally have 160 orbs...
Why is Steam is inferioir to consoles reason number 21365:
Replace a letter in the game's title and tell us how the game would play out
First game in the series is the best one
Is the Fallout series the ultimate ancap series? Seriously asking
Name a better vidya companion
Apparently this game is out today
Permanent health loss upon death
Meanwhile, in Clockto/v/n
Why did Digimon fail to capture an audience like Pokemon?
What was the absolute worst piece of shit game you've ever played and why?
Kingdom hearts
Nintendo just stopped producing new 3ds's...
If the second half is so shit that it makes even DaS2 look good, why is it considered the best game in the series?
Name a game wit worse vehicle controls than Jak 3
Building a PC is as easy as Legos and it's cheaper than console!
ITT: Take a snip of any health bar in any game and other have to guess the game Ill start with an easy one
Tonight's the Night!
I want to get into horror games, but sudden noises and visuals scare the shit out of me...
What did she mean by this?
What are some good games you don't hear people talk about too often?
Sup Forums help my little sister is playing rolblox, what game should I get her to play instead? She has a PC
How would you handle this situation?
This game might be a disaster. Anyone getting that vibe?
Random low view vidya related youtubes you feel deserve more views
Name a better credits theme
2 weeks
You are now trapped in the world of the last video qame you blayed. How fucked are you?
We do not want Zombies on our lawn
Alright Sup Forums, lets see what we really think about Net Neutrality
Post your favourite vidya characters!
Will there ever be a Serial Experiments Lain fighting game?
Why did it have to die?
What were the best games that came out the year you were born? I'll start
Where the FUCK are the mods?
What do you guys think of my collection?
Callie and Marina should get their own show when Callie is redeemed
There is nothing wrong with cheating on single player vidya
Is it worth $15?
Nioh Metacritic
Lets talk about the best Telltale VN
This potentially great game will be boycotted out of a misguided sense of loyalty
NIS anniversary press conference in 2 days
Sincere opinions that makes Sup Forums go nuclear
What video games lets me treat roasties like the pieces of shit that they are?
The gaming market
Sorry, I'm not used to escorting Resident Evil threads
Name two (2) 2017 AAA PC exclusives not in Early Access
12.5 tickrate
I'm really starting to think this game just isn't that good
How would you survive in the world of dark souls?
How do I play halo on linux?
Net Neutrality
Find a Flaw
How do you miss point blank with a shotgun?
What went wrong?
Are ya winnin', son?
Zombie wave survival game
Game is nothing but rape the entire time
This garbage ass game got a sequel
50 hours, 50 minutes, 50 seconds until Rock vs Pop
Do you think Sean Murray has committed suicide?
Makoto Naegi
What is Capcom doing? How is this fair at all? It just won't feel right on a Playstation system
What do people see in this game? It and Skyward are the worst console Zeldas
What video games did you play today?
Which video game protag has canonically murdered the most human beings?
Name a single good game that has really bad gameplay
Are you ready for Japan to censor every lewd game because of the Olympics? They already banned CP because of the west
Thoughts on my cool dark souls drawing Sup Forums?
Takes over a year to fix McMeme's flashbang
I need some good cozy games...
Does anyone else wish Persona was just a normal visual novel without all that mediocre dungeon crawling getting in the...
Net Neutrality
XB1 Achievement Issue
Click on stream
Adventure Thread
Thoughts on my new tattoo?
If another Smash Bros game gets made and also has a story mode, who would you want to be the main villain?
Tactics Ogre > Final Fantasy Tactics
Does anyone else prefer New Vegas over any other Fallout game?
What are some moments in video games that truly shake you to the core?
What'shis fucking problem?
Why do japs like undertale so much ?
Meanwhile, in Vault Sup Forums
How comes Nintendo can get away with selling handheld Switch games for $60 while 3DS, Vita...
Star Fox Zero thread
Your favorite video game series
How's your progress going, Sup Forums?
Boss fight cliches
Is it shit?
About to start a new fresh play through of pic related. What's a fun build to use to get through the game?
Well Sup Forums?
Who the fuck greenlights character designs like this?
Classic Nintendo
This is the shittiest community in video games
Go to google images
Reminder DBFighterZ will kill GG and BB
Does it mean anything?
Is it really that bad? Just finished VLR and want to know if it's at least playable
Getting too hyped for Sonic Mania
Just started playing this game
Has any video game rival fallen harder than Knuckles?
Whatever happened to the Atelier series? why did it die off...
I played my first souls game and hated it
Tfw there are no games like Mount and Blade
Cuphead likely got delayed an extra week for this
Agony, a survival horror where you play as a demon in Hell
With the death of TPB, KAT, Black Cats, etc what are pirates doing? Actually buying games? Just not playing them?
Why is every Guilty Gear thread being deleted?
Kill three franchises, revive one
PC Specs Thread
E3 2018
How does net neutrality affect gaming?
Opinions on Rayman 2?
40k plot moves forward
What MMO did you play?
D e s p a c i t o
It was better than the original half life
ITT: Games only you played
Game is actually good
Choose your party members
2000-2010 > 2010-2017
What do you think the village in Monster Hunter World will be like?
ITT: games Sup Forums would hate if they were released today
Why the fuck do so many "gamers" call SNES "sness" and TAS "tass"? That's wrong. Sorry, lazy idiots...
What does Sup Forums think about this game...
Game has audiologs/assorted lore data points
Is skyward sword...dare I say...better?
Why are the nips so afraid of masculine main characters?
Steam profile has listed PC specs
Black people are a separate species in the Elder Scrolls games
This game is fucking artificial difficulty. Oh my fucking God...
AVGN Thread
Main character of the first game is a party member in the second game
Does The Witcher 3 have Game of Thrones-tier storytelling?
So this is the power.... of nintendo
When you die, you lose all your weapons
I wanna _BE_ a DoA Girl!
ITT: Games where you want to join the enemy side
Is this a very enjoyable game?
Post some dank vidya music
The fat cunt really does use Sup Forums. and he is trying to use /fit/ of all places. He probably uses this board too...
Are you excited for Evo, Sup Forums?
I dusted off your backlog user! It was pretty dusty!
What games are you currently playing?
Splatoon 2
Is the Steam Controller a meme?
I fucking love Skyward Sword. I bought it at launch and loved every second of it. Fuck you
I am looking for a good adult video game. something really good
Grim Dawn thread?
Guilty Gear thread
Name one thing that can single-handedly ruin a video game
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Find a flaw
Games only you like ITT
He's not using a gaming SSD
Is this the most promising game of 2018?
Both of them have no ass at all
Vidya nostalgia thread. Lemme see your old ads, let's hear your old gay memories about game nights with the bros
Developer makes game
The current state of Sup Forums
Hurr durr give to a good cause
Cawadooty Thread
This is a Ibuki Mioda
Oh user, my user
Why doesnt he invest in vidya
Why are Final Fantasy fans prejudiced against XI and XIV?
Why is it losing players?
Whats your GOTY so far?
What's with the sudden rise of Akechi apologists?
Beautifull vidja music thread
Game is called Monster Hunter
I really have desire to play healer class today what games can you recommend
Draw crash bandicoot right now
This game's got two flaws:
Does anyone else miss blockbuster?
Are there any mmos left where people actually have to socialize and talk to eachother to accomplish things in the game?
EEnE Online
Fate is not that good, too much boring SoL, there's literal date scenes and reading Shirou's PoV is torture...
Get approved for a 2,000 limit on my credit card
Tekken 7 thread
Why aren't you playing Black Desert RIGHT NOW?
Design pink hair muscle dyke bitch from Russia that fans take as gay
You have 10 seconds to name a game not in this thread or you die
Get ARMS on a whim because it looks fun
An Ultra Wormhole has opened up and you have fallen through! The world you fall into depends on the last video game you...
Hey Sup Forums, any of you anons done a summer clean of your consoles? Here's mine:
More powerful than 5th generation consoles
He reviewed Castlekino
*Breathes in*
I just started to make a roguelike but have no clue over how to make it original
Zelda sounds far too old in the English version
Dream games
Why does everyone like these games? Gameplay and story are mediocre
Fixing MMOs
Did I do good Sup Forums ?
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Thread
Many falls in the face of Darkest Dungeon Thread
ITT: games you played that no one else has
Dude is like 30 years old who has killed at least one person before
Sup Forums is the only glory left in Sup Forums!
What videogames have tutorials that last for a really long time?
When you badly want to play a game but your wrist is too painful
It still hurts, Sup Forums
Zero Escape 4 when?
Wanna give the first Witcher a second try, cause I would like to see what all the fuss is about the 2nd and 3rd games...
Name one video game at least half as kino as Kill la Kill
Co-workers talking about video games
Why is this library better than the library's of today?
"Souls-like action RPG"
What are some good open world games?
Sup Forums plays gheb FE
Can a bad soundtrack totally ruin an otherwise good game?
Video games are dying because I don't enjoy them anymore
Do you agree, Sup Forums?
Enemies can open doors
Why aren't you playing RO: RE:START?
When the gameplay finally clicks
Are you going to buy Quill's game, Sup Forums? don't tell me you don't have a VR headset for cute mouse adventure
Why is this game so good?
Aight guys, I've finally done it
Best girl
Why do people grief in video games?
What's Sup Forums opinion on emulation?
Ports are literally a good thing unless you were one of a comparative handful of Wii U owners such as myself
Destiny 2 guns have no recoil in PC version
Redpill me
Walk into a motel bathroom
Dark is weak to light
Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy
Here you go
Video games reactions thread
Give me one good reason why are you not playing the greatest game on PC
Hollowed Knight?
*joins your party*
This is my first time playing Pokemon white. Rate my team Sup Forums
When did you realize that playing single player games alone is the most depressing activity on earth?
They really going to go a full 10 years between games
Tomorrow I'll meet with an old acquaintance after 9 years. She hasn't really played any games since 2008...
To someone who has never played a Final Fantasy game before 14, what are some good Final Fantasy games to try out...
How many of Sup Forums are genuinely bad at video games? This is your chance to come clean
So, who's actually right, Frampt, or Kaathe?
Is this fun, Sup Forums? It looks fun but I want to be sure
Screenshot/Artsyle/Graphics thread
Are the MegaMan Zero games good?
People who say "Sonic was never good" clearly didn't play any of the billions of shitty mascot platformer rip-offs from...
Draw a game in paint and others will try to figure what it is
EZA Thread
How do i get good at 2hu?
Upcoming games
The future of gaming is uncertain
We are now at the point where a cheap laptop with integrated graphics is able to play the best games ever made and the...
Would you do this?
We live in a timeline where a Dragon Ball game of all things stole E3 2017
Just ordered a Switch. Other than Breath of the Wild what games and accessories should I pick up...
HE'S MADE ONE FUCKING GOOD GAME. Why does mainstream media hail him as greatness all of a sudden?
Why don't you own a Switch ?
Buying virtual items
WOW, WHAT A Resident Evil thread
Post games that plebeians hate due to a lack of intelligence. Plebs need not respond
I think there is something wrong with Harley Quinn in Injustice 2. She is disturbingly gorgeous in the game...
Do you need caffeine to stay awake when you play vidya all night?
Choose your party members
Why is 2 always the best one?
Open for business
Why do you hate this
Fire Emblem Amazing Art
User, you are going to buy her game, right?
Are video games art or just entertainment?
Anybody else still play this gem
What went right?
The southern belle
Enemy can be convinced to join your side
Bethesda cities
ITT: Game developers that dont get enough credit
Who is the worst girl in Until Meme Dawn?
Fallout 1 and 2, worth buying?
You DID pick the best starter of this gen, right?
Pokémon Sun and Moon are the worst mainline Pokémon games yet
Watching Jay play it was pretty fun. Fuck these two hacks though
LawBreakers not coming to swiitch due to lack of button
Who is the best guest character and why is it Spawn?
Can do 4k 60fps on forza motorsport 7, a graphically demanding game
Super Mario Felony
Has a game done this before?
Which one is the best, Sup Forums?
Wew this game came from nowhere
How The fuck do I find one of these before Splatoon comes out?
Best game in the series
Do you like jumpscares in your video games or not?
ITT: Worst CastleMania ever
We want the Mexican audience
What is the last game you played were you felt like a badass?
So what is the best Mortal Kombat?
ITT: Games that were a pure disappointment
Sea of Thieves thread anyone?
We're looking to broaden our audience
Are there any videogame inspired by board games?
Will we ever get a traditional style castlevania game again...
A woman of noble status is transformed into a werewolf after being cursed by a jealous witch...
Am I missing anything?
ITT impossible trophies/achievements
Nemesis System
Opinions on Crowfall?
He's not watching anime on his Switch
What jobs should i give these fuckers?
9S is the real main character. Deal with it
RPG -Thread
There are THREE (3) days left until the D23 expo, where supposedly a new Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer will be shown
When will smash babbies realize no serious competitive videogame player cares about their autistic game for children?
Leave online CCGs to me
Where do you go first?
TOC to entry team: be advised, there will never be another SWAT game
I love this new ethically diverse Nintendo
So this is the only good game in the series?
Will Net Neutrality impact video games or not?
Does anyone like this game?
ITT best cats in vidya
How was paladin tank in the Burning Crusade?
Man, the last podcast was so awful...
So, how's that game coming along user?
Just bought this. What can I expect?
Childhood is identifying with the investigation team
Post video game characters who fit society's standards
How are you supposed to feel bad for killing everyone
Be honest Sup Forums, does playing as a black character actually upset you? If so...
Anyone else played this yet?
Same day release
Which one makes your heart go doki doki more?
How long did it take you to fully understand these games?
Name 5 good non dlc sidequests from this game
That one thing that ruins a great game
Does console exclusivity actually produce better games or is it purely anti-consumerism? Basically...
Hey pikmin final boss
You can now download the Nico Nico app on the Nintendo Switch
98.1% to hit
It's not rape if she's a robot
Are these the Essential Games of Sup Forums?
Oldfag here (28) I assume most here are university age...
Why do you own a PS4?
I need Todds for my folder
"Star Fox Zero is a good game."
Okay, so I beat BB, Nioh, Yakuza 0, Persona 5 and The Last Guardian
We're they right?
Game theme starts playing
Comfy 3DS thread
How do you deal with a vidya casual gf/bf?
It's a good [genre] game but it's a bad [series] game
It was Raccoon City's last chance and my last chance... My last Resident Evil thread
Describe this character in three words
Anyone on here who has completed the early access game...
Who would win?
Dude just a game lmao
Anyone else getting "Content Servers Unreachable" on steam in the PNW?
Was she autistic?
And now we wait for Sup Forums to shit the bed
Why do p5fags get so triggered when they're told that the previous Persona games are better?
All these faggots arguing about keyboard+mouse vs controller when the real master race was arcade stick all along
There are people on Sup Forums who actually want nu-Disney garbage infecting Kingdom Hearts
Will it outsell the PS2?
What am I in for, Sup Forums?
When are we going to get a Zelda game that looks as good as this?
What genre has the sexiest women and why is it fighting?
Dr. Stewart, I'm Captain Falcon!
ITT: garbage games and or series that you despise especially because they are wrongfully critically acclaimed
Post games you hated so much and felt so embarrassed ever playing that you permanently removed them from your steam...
It's time, rate the entire main series of games
Whatever happened to this guy?
Yo its almost EVO time
Features you didn't know existed
Literal ancient god
What are some heartwarming games?
Will it be as good as Dynasty or Samurai Warriors?
With vidya existing, is there any reason to go outside?
Best friend is borderline SLW tumblr fag
Steam avatar thread
Is this picture still true? I couldn't find a more recent picture
The Switch is fast becoming our favorite console for 60 frames per second gaming
SGDQ2017 Best moments
99% of users use windows or MAC
Leave SMT and Persona to me
Girl joins server
Draw me your best Kirby
How much would you spend max on a new game Sup Forums?
Voiced by Ashley Burch
Woah haha is me Crash, your large marsupial friend
Aside from the grind why dosent Sup Forums like it?
So regardless of how good you thought it was, can we all agree that this game had no business being a mainline...
I7 7700k
Is Hotel Dusk any good?
There are people who don't exclusively play as Coco in the Crash N. Sane Trilogy
If Pokemon were real, do you think you would be a good trainer?
Open World
Spend 15mins looting and running to a circle
*Disapproves of your path*
Want to build gaming pc
What is it about Vana'diel that's so much better than Eorzea?
ITT: video game PTSD
What else should they port Sup Forumsros?
What went wrong?
What makes an open world game, "good"?
E-sports, is there a point?
Which games do the right thing, Sup Forums?
Is there a rpg in which i can use my bare hands as a viable weapon through out the whole game?
Why is it called Prey?
Why Me?
Games where you're the bad guy
"Don't you play your damn video games all the time, that's not healthy and you will damage your eyes."
What am I in for?
Nintendo Switch Battery Draining at Shocking Speeds
ITT: Games you're really really hyped for
More Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 with Sup Forums, starting fresh again but with a few differences
So what are my fellow Switch boys thinking about getting tomorrow?
Name a more unforgiving RPG than this bullshit game
Does Sup Forums genuinely hate video games or is it just one big joke?
Filename thread
Glad we are finally at an agreement
Will NoFap make you top tier at games?
Xenoblade 2
Prove this wrong
What the fuck were they thinking when they designed pearl?
He still hasn't installed Honey Select
Crypt of the Necrodancer: Amplified finally launched!
When will Japan stop feminizing male?
Can we help you sir?
You're a guy
Pure kino
What game lets me dethrone the king?
What are some games that Jehovah's Witnesses can play?
MMO casual here. Is there an MMO with actually engaging or interesting combat...
You are going to cancel that Skyrim VR pre-order, right?
ITT: Post ONE (1) game you own right now or forever be known as a fag
You have ten seconds to pitch a Ben 10 game
How many hours a day do you spend on vidya?
It's time to discuss the greatest RPG
Downloading this and its sequel now to play. What are the very best Dragon Ball related games? Any systems apply...
Check catalog
No one should be allowed to review a video game unless they have completely 100%'d it
Incarnation of Indoril Nerevar
/muv/ thread
Amazon Prime Day
PS4 - 331,394
Why is Marie so much better than Callie?
Two weeks
If it is in Ivalice again would you care?
Leave World of Warcraft to me!
Original or Source?
So who won?
ITT: Sup Forums certified Meme games
Would Sup Forums ever go to a vidya bar?
Shit that took you weeks as a kid that would take you an hour today
How do you turn Digimon games into Pokemon level phenomenons?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...