Tonight's the Night!

Tonight's the Night!
For the TF2 Party Sup Forumsan!
Micspam welcome.

Password: the usual


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>Micspam welcome.

that's why it died the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that

no one wants to listen to a couple hardcore douchebag weebs spamming the same vocaloid and 5 year old memes over and over

Add all of these maps first

You know you can mute people right?

>Micspam welcome.
Is there a fix for all the HLDJ stuff I have? Because I would.

ill rejoin if you get more people on

what is the password

that doesn't help, no one talks because there's always someone spamming, the only way it would work is if everyone muted, and most people are too lazy

If you want to play vanilla tf2 then play that, I don't know what else to say.

Just convert it all to 22,050 hz in Goldwave. Alternatively, you can hexedit hldj and just make it automatically convert to 22,050 when you use the built-in conversion tool.

It's the password that every Sup Forums thing has used since forever

thats what Im gonna do

whats the password


whats the password



you sound upset

We must address the Jewish Question

How much will that cost me?

Bout tree fiddy

page 8

also server is silent

server is kill

I'd join, but I'm at work
Also, we should really keep these threads for the weekends. That way people won't get bored playing every single day, and mods won't push us off to /vg/, aka the graveyard of fun
