People who say "Sonic was never good" clearly didn't play any of the billions of shitty mascot platformer rip-offs from...

People who say "Sonic was never good" clearly didn't play any of the billions of shitty mascot platformer rip-offs from the early '90s to see how Sonic games were miles ahead of those.

"sonic was never good" is just a meme spout out for free controversy because Sonic fans will get triggered over everything. Same people who spouted that shit are stroking Mania's cock right now.

shit with sprinkles is better then plain shit

No one on Sup Forums was alive in the 90s.

I was alive in the '80s.

No it's not that. Numale critics and game journos think they understand the rules of good game design and that sonic breaks them.

"Sonic was never good" is just an easier way for people to say "the majority of his games are shit"
Which is true, whether you like it or not

What? it's people trying to imply that the Genesis games weren't good.

I was alive in the 90s

But....Sonic never was good. Every game in the series was literal shit.

Even the original sonic games were not good. The controls were too slippery for precise platforming and the whole speed gimmick was ass because when you did go fast the game played itself. Face it sonic was just never good

I would say Sonic games were never great, but I wouldn't say they were never good.

You're just agreeing with him then.

People that usually comment on anything here are fuckin under 20 and never played half the shit.

Last time I found an opinion similar to yours, I googled it and found a post on reddit. Fuck off.

There is more good sonic than bad by a lot.

t. Never finished a sonic game

There are a lot more sonic games than you think, and a lot of them are good.

There's only been 3 objectively bad games.

>sonic 1, 2, 3, CD, rush, the gba games, generations, colors


Every other sonic game

Which ones?

Even Sonic Adventure was good for it's time, people who say otherwise are trying to revise history, but fuck them

>Controls to slippery for precise platforming
>Go too fast the game played itself
So which is it? Did the game play or not play itself?

Chaos and Triple Trouble are great.

that's because it's a bullshit narrative from Egoraptor dicksuckers who just parrot his opinion instead of coming up with their own.
gonna assume you forgot Knuckles in the good category but that's a pretty good list. I'd put Heroes in mediocre as well

>"Sonic was never good" is just an easier way for people to say "the majority of his games are shit"

No it's fucking not. It's a response to the truism that sonic used to be good.

When people say sonic was never good they literally mean never. Sometimes it's damage control to rationalize the newer games because both of them being shit puts them on the same level and they expect you to fall for that shit for some reason.

there's only 4 or 5 bad games in the entire series while others are either average or good.

>rush, the gba games, generations, colors

Can we stop pretending that the few average sonic games are good because they weren't dog shit? They're a step down from 1,2, and 3k. Only someone's who standards were lowered from being raped by the sonic team for 20 years would call these good examples of sonic games. And that's fine because the bar set by the original series is very high. But not untouchable. Mania proves that all they had to do was incrementally improve on what they already had like any other IP.

I haven't played the others but Rush was ready fuckin good

More like people who say "Sonic was never good" clearly need a slap in the face because Sonic 3 and Knuckles is one of the best 2D platformers ever made.

The GBA games were actually really good though. Advance 1 is pretty close to the classics, and the only thing really holding it back from being up there with the likes of 2 and 3&K is the shitty screen size and some bad level design choices in the later levels. I don't think Advance 2 or 3 are as strong as the first, but I'd say their well above mediocre. I haven't played Rush in years, but I recall it just being a pretty good advancement (wew) of Advance 2's formula. Can't really speak for Colors either since I haven't played it, but Generations had some excellent examples of how to properly utilize the boost formula in 3D.


>Sonic was better than a bunch of shitty games
>Therefore it was good

You forget games can be mediocre.

Not him, but & Knuckles is the later half of Sonic 3.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>sonic 1, 2, cd, and colors are good
>but sa1, 2 is mediocre
>and heroes, rush adventure, unleashed, and all stars racing is bad

lol, its so obvious when you guys just bandwagon metacritic or some youtube fuckstick who thinks his word is the law on everything sonic.

>The controls were too slippery for precise platforming

No that's super mario

>and the whole speed gimmick was ass because when you did go fast the game played itself.

Which one is it nucucks? I hear this just as often as the game punishes you for going too fast because you're just going to hit something.

OP, I do think sonic games were good, but your argument is poor.

Being comparatively better than the competition doesn't make you good by default. it just means you aren't as shit as others.

Can't speak for Rush but I owned all the 3 Advanced game and couldn't stand the enemy placements and loads of bottomless pits in them. 1 has significantly less bullshit but Egg Rocket and Cosmic Angel are really bad offenders. 2 & 3 are full of that shit plus much more slippery controls because of all the speed.

>He doesn't like Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt

>googles it
>it's real

People who say "Sonic was never good" obviously never played Sonic Heroes because that was the game that did everything right.

>sonic is good because it isnt the worst

I'm about as Sonicfag as they come but your rationale makes no sense. Those games being shit wouldn't make Sonic not shit when taken on its own merits.

Sonic games are great. You're an idiot if you think otherwise.

Sonic fans are pure cancer. Hopefully that new fan fiction game will be the chemo to open your eyes to the reality that sonic was always trash.

>falls off level because the power character feels the need to dash after every attack without your input.
>try to grind and fall into bottomless pit
>try to pass the alligator with the swings in Lost Jungle, character jumps straight in the air, losses all momentum, falls and dies
>try to homing attack the pumpkins in Mystic Mansion, more than half the time it doesn't register and die
good music and level desig with bad controls that get more evident with harder levels

you just suck, m8

No baiting, please.

I hate you and your kind you piece of shit.

>blaming ass controls on the player
Classic fanboy has knuckles' 4 pronged dick too far up his ass to think straight

>hurr durr just git gud
stop justifying shit, that's why Sonic Team never learns from their mistakes

So it was just the most shiny turd ball of the bunch?
Pretty dumb reason to like a shit game.

I have marathoned super hard mode in heroes without dying once. Every game has its quirks in controls. I didnt play modern warfare 2 for the longest time because I thought COD4 controlled better because i was so used to it. But the controls were totally fine when readjusting and realizing its a new game. You are just bad at the game, so you dont play it, so you get even worse, and then blame the game

it's still a good game. idc what anyone says. you're just nitpicking pieces of shit who shouldn't be playing the game anyway lol

Kill yourself sonic heroes was fucking sloppy

I just said sonic rush and the advance games were good tho

People who say "Sonic was never good" were Nintendo kids who probably got picked on at Recess by Sega kids.

>sonic mania will be game of the yea-BLOCKS YOUR PATH

>2, CD, gba, colors

Stop being bad. I'll give you the alligator section though, that's why Lost Jungle is the worst level in the game.

Still too 3D World-ish for me. I was expecting them to fully commit to a 64/Sunshine style game.

your dead mother's bj skills are sloppy

Can confirm. Nintendo kids in the early 90s were weak faggots usually with kid sisters they had to share with.

>he never got a sloppy blowjob
>he never got any blowjob
>he gives blow jobs

Sonic was always good. You just didn't like it. Likely for petty reasons. Fortunately, your shitty opinions are worth less than shit and are not any kind of indicator of actual quality.

"Kinda fell off the rails of of late"

What's the difference


ITT: the dangerous effects of nostalgia