Are you ready for Japan to censor every lewd game because of the Olympics? They already banned CP because of the west

Are you ready for Japan to censor every lewd game because of the Olympics? They already banned CP because of the west

Other urls found in this thread:

that was nearly 20 years ago

ohhh, phew *rolls jiggle* thank gawd they din dun ban muh cheese pizza, stupid obama

Also thats called lolicon, user. Youll know Corporal Punishment when you see it.

are you ready for yet Sup Forums shitposting thread?

No Japan banned CP in 2014

Yeah, well, i wonder why.

Why do you post an edited image?

Because western SJWs believe in victimless crimes

>blames the west
>Sup Forums
these damn kids

>Sup Forums is ok with material that promotes children abuse

I want to hug that ficitional girl

Would you believe that countries have actually banned murder and blackmail for the Olympics? The nerve of those guys, I tell ya. All for westerners.

>Japan banning any sort of porn because of the west

When will this meme end? It's actually the other way around. The reason the porn they have now is legal is because of western influence.

CP has always been illegal in Japan. Pornography of adults wasn't even fully legal there until like 20 years ago, and even then it still had to be censored.

For all it's hentai and pantsu jokes, Japan is actually an extremely prudish, conservative country that has more in common with the modern feminist outlook on porn than anything.

>CP is the same as loli

Unless they hold a sport at Akihabara or some shit, I doubt there will be a crackdown on anything whatsoever.
Animation, television broadcasting, and hentai as an industry is huge in Japan, so good luck ever getting the government to bash on one of its major industries because of the Olympics. This is the same country that denies war crimes and is wholeheartedly xenophobic, and yet you think a bit of Western media outrage is going to make them cave?

But muh Edo period.

>all this fear mongering

cause its not like japans ever hosted an olympic event before

OP is yet another stupid cumguzzling Japanophile who has never read a single thing relating to Japan in his entire life and is making up shit to get (You)z on a Brazilian butt bopping center.

>Japan to censor every lewd game
are you stupid or something?
like , Japan always censor every fucking doujin
OP is basically this guy

CP possession is a victimless crime and it's shown to lower abuse rates (pic related)

CP was outlawed in 2014 thanks to Western bullying.

>respecting another culture and their laws instead of going full sjw moralfag on them is being a "japanophile"
I have no intention of living/visiting Japan, I'm just not a sjw,

>(pic related)

forgot pic

Remember, you arguing with feels, I am arguing with reals.


>CP was outlawed in 2014 thanks to Western bullying.
Well God fucking damn isn't the world just fucking ruined

What in the absolute fuck is your deal

You stupid faggot. You are still creating demand and the kids getting diddled are the victims. You're getting reported too because your faggot ass will probably start spamming cp when you lose the argument.

you're legalizing child molestation ofc child molestation crimes will drop because its not a crime anymore

Coming in for the fabled Double Sage because i dont feel like reading this pedo shit on a fucking video games board.



typical CP fag

thinks that he can talk his way out of him liking 3 yr olds get reamed by 19 in black schlongs

You know damn good and well that, in this context, by "the west" he means "liberals".



Good to see that OP fucked off back to his collection of Cuntshark Poopshoot.
I think I'll finish this right now with my ultimate technique, the [Third Sage].

t. didn't read the sources

possession not production pleb

>promotes children abuse
I guess all those violent games promote school shootings

>I share this site with moralfags like this
Fucking disgusting



except they do

just for anyone who is a bit confused
when op means CP he MEANS CP
loli is still completely legal in japan

this thread is just a faggot fucking old-style pedophile whining over how he'll no longer jack it to abused children without fearing the police

>this fucking thread still up but the EEnE online thread gets deleted
mods really are faggots


>tfw japan has the lowest case of pedophilia in the world

>Sup Forums is now against drawn loli
I don't even know who to blame

>moonman poster crying that he can't continue his image board roleplaying
woo lad

normal humans should be against any form of drawn pornography, its even more of an abomination than normal pornography and it is not normal to be attracted to it.

its legal in my country lmao btfo

>but they are all in favor for traps

wew lead

Yeah. OP is an Earth shattering faggot.

t. basement-dwelling fag in possesion of cp

i blame hiroshima

But we are not talking about drawn loli fag lord. Read the thread dog dong

Good, lewd games are trash.

Good games relay on good gameplay, nice art direction and music and coherent story. Not on fanservice for idiots.

Says the nu-male spongeposter

>Sup Forums is blaming SJW for stopping CP
>Sup Forums is also attacking CP posters
What the fuck is this thread

shut up goatfucker

When will they stop putting mosaics on shit? Fuck Japan, I wanna see!

What if we just let people have sex and if we don't like what sex they're doing we won't do it ourselves?

No, quite the opposite, I'm on your side, but your epic avatar and your butthurt that your tired roleplay meme got deleted almost make me want to side with the pedophiles.

"Normal humans" should be hunting for deers in the wild while breeding as soon as they can. Don't appeal of nature if not even you can be part of it, being a virgin in an imageboard for outcasts trying to sound like a Chad.

t. a literal cuckold

>If I don't assault people surely DeShawn wont ever steal from me
Are u stupid

But muh degeneracy

Sup Forums users are not the sharpest knifes in the drawer.

You're right, here's a picture thats more up this thread's alley.

>Sup Forums is a person

>it is THAT thread again.

I know, but it seems SJW and Sup Forums (read: the same kind of faggots) can't tell the difference.

sex and assault aren't the same thing.

>muh Sup Forums bogeyman

If it was just drawn lolicon stuff, there would be a problem. We're talking about the real deal here. Most sane people wouldn't have a problem with it being illegal.

yeah, I wish a weird internet neckbeard could have fucked you when you were 10 years old. fuck the laws and shit right, puberty hormones are sick.

I've been here for 9 years. I honestly hope that I never become so out of touch with reality that I'd argue ownership and distribution of CP should be legalized.

It's literally as bad as the tards who argue the difference between hebe and pedo or "mature children".

These are the arguments pedophiles give in court rooms and I've served on a jury for one where the accused literally said a 12 year old girl was "asking for it".

You can p-hack almost anything, correlation does not equal causation and lack of a link doesn't mean that it doesn't have an influence. It most certainly does, but I'm honestly not autistic enough nor depraved enough to go google searching through CP statistics, arguments and laws just to prove a stranger wrong on the internet. That is so far beneath me and I'd rather talk about video games as that's why I came to this board.

What about the actual children involved in MAKING it?

Loli is fine, on the other hand.

Who the fuck drew this?

Sup Forums might as well as be an one person. If you do not conform to the "Sup Forums-ner"'s ways, then you are either reddit or newfag.

Good. Now they will focus on making more lewd older women.

>Why don't we just let people fuck kids?
I seriously hope you don't actually believe this.

Children taking naked photos of themselves is considered CP. Did they abuse themselves?

Gee, I didn't realize that not wanting to fuck children made someone a Chad. Go neck yourself. You're supposed to want to keep children safe from shit like this by instinct, but you obviously have some sort of chemical imbalances or had a terrible childhood.

>It's literally as bad as the tards who argue the difference between hebe and pedo or "mature children".

How is that not a valid argument? Do you think that a 10 year old girl and 14 year old one are the same? A 14 year old girl is going through puberty, her body is literally ready for sex and any man who says they would never be attracted to one is a liar, even if you would never fuck them IRL.

Yes. Yes violent video games promote shootings.
HOW CAN YOU BE SO FUCKING DUMB? It doesn't always lead to bad things. Violent video games help inspire children to idolize the military. That's what our government is capitalizing on.

Explain what legal healthy activity child porn idolizes you sick sack of shit

t. a newfag that just came from reddit.

they also have to file as sex offenders for life aswell

I'm not attracted to 14 year olds. Stop projecting pedo cunt.

>and lack of a link doesn't mean that it doesn't have an influence. It most certainly does, but I'm honestly not autistic enough nor depraved enough to go google searching through CP statistics, arguments and laws just to prove a stranger wrong on the internet.
Gonna play devils avacado here, You have no proof and then claim you can't be assed to find it but you're right? I won't claim to have any knowledge on this subject my self but I don't think that's how that works.

Wait, is Strawberry Marshmallow the same artist as Made in Abyss?

>almost made me want to side with the pedophiles
then fucking side with them so it's easier for us to hate on both of you

Is it FUNPOSTING hours?

Certainly not anything worse than inspiring people to die for Israel tbqhwy

>live in a culture that promotes violence
>multi million shekel movies

Yeah, sure hope my 10 year old kid can get fucked by a degenerate neckbeard!

I love funposting.

I was thinking this as well.

It's because funposting is fun

god i wish that were me

Nothing wrong with reddit. Reddit now looks like Sup Forums from 6 years ago actually.

>Nothing wrong with reddit. Reddit now looks like Sup Forums from 6 years ago actually.

Is that supposed to be a good thing?

>i've served on a jury for one where the accused literally said a 12 year old girl was "asking for it".
She kost likely was

No, and it's a fucking crime that shit like happens in our courtrooms.

But decriminalizing possession of CP will still encourage others to PRODUCE it, regardless of the legality. You're basically protecting customers financially supporting the abuse of actual children.

Black markets exist, user.

you gonna drop some sick moonman rhymes bro?

who you main in edd ed edgy online dude?

i guess the parentless world of ed edd and eddy really hits home with you huh?