What potential levels music are you most looking forward to hearing?
Goddamn Icecap zone, if that ends up being a level. Although Sandopolis Zone's music was also fantastic.
What potential levels music are you most looking forward to hearing?
Goddamn Icecap zone, if that ends up being a level. Although Sandopolis Zone's music was also fantastic.
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't fucking know. I want more original zones than remixes but we're not getting that. I want Hyper Sonic and Hyper Knuckles back, same for Super Tails
I know it'll never happen but Chaos Angel would make me rock hard.
Hydrocity would be nice too I guess.
Chrome Gadget
but it's not going to happen
I hope it flops just to see if anybody will actually take this dude up on his bet.
>Getting too hyped for Sonic Mania
Don't. It's always a mistake.
Just remind yourself
>we live in the SEGA-Sammy era
And your hype should die and then you can either be 'Meh, I knew it was going to be disappointing' or 'Huh, It's not COMPLETEY garbage!'
>Goddamn Icecap zone, if that ends up being a level
you will likely not see any Sonic 3 levels for the same reason we will never get a Sonic 3 remaster by Whitehead.
because of some kind of legal issue regarding Michael Jackson's involvement in the soundtrack.
any future remakes or references to 3 would have to feature a heavily altered score, and Sega doesnt want to poke that sleeping bear
Are you stupid
are you?
>Chaos Angel
Would nut myself if either of these got remastered in Sonic Mania
Yeah, you're stupid
Hidden palace zone pls
You realize Flying Battery is a Sonic&Knuckles stage right?
Flying Battery is from S&K dude
Y'all are both stupid since Whitehead said we'll see levels from Knuckles and 3 separately. Flying Battery is the Knuckles representation. And as far as 3 levels go only Carnival Night, Ice Cap, and Launch Base are off the table.
Lets also note that you're still retarded.
God dammit I love the classic sonic designs.
No one is taking your bet dude
>get told
there's a reason we don;'t have a remaster of Sonic 3 yet, (despite 1, CD and 2 getting one)
And why Sonic generations lumped 3 and K together, and it wasnt just for the sake of S3&K technically being 1 game.
it's because there's legitimate legal issues with MJ's estate over the music he composed for the game, since despite being uncredited, there are several stories from several sources that he WAS involved at some point.
Hell, Some of the tracks even match songs he released AFTER Sonic 3
so that leaves us with Angel Island, Hyrodcity and Marble Hill? Good lord, they better pick Hyrodcity because Angel Island when we already have Green hill is redundant and Marble Hill is a boring as fuck level with an annoying boss.
I can see Hydrocity working really well for Mania
>any future remakes or references to 3 would have to feature a heavily altered score, and Sega doesnt want to poke that sleeping bear
They've already re-released sonic 3 with replaced tracks. I'm not going to call you a retard for not knowing that obscure bit of trivia.
I am going to call you a retard for not imagining that they could do this. Also autism is a form of awareness. The fanbase already knows about the legal hurdles surrounding the soundtrack. They'll always be pissed sega didn't shell out the cash to resolve them, but a remaster of S3 or remixes of the stages was not and would not be a PR disaster for sega.
It's gonna be Hydrocity and/or one of the multiplayer stages.
Angel Island, Marble Garden, and Carnival Night already have some of their notable stage-specific gimmicks represented elsewhere.
Ice Cap, Carnival Night, and Launch Base have issues with the music.
That makes it a pretty clear-cut case.
I'm sure Hydrocity will have bits from Labyrinth and Tidal Tempest, which will be sweet.
>re-released sonic 3 with replaced tracks
Yeah and they were all pretty shit replacements besides Launch Base.
I did not know they already did that
I didn't know it either until I watched another youtube documentary on sonic 3 and michael jackson the other day
>Sonic 3 is included in the compilations Sonic Jam (1997) for the Sega Saturn,[39] Sonic & Knuckles Collection (1997) and Sonic & Garfield Pack (1999) for the PC,[40] Sonic Mega Collection (2002) for the GameCube,[41] Sonic Mega Collection Plus (2004) for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and PC,[42] Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (2009) for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3[43] and Sonic Classic Collection (2010) for the Nintendo DS.[44] Most compilations feature the game largely unchanged. However, Sonic Jam introduces "remix" options:[45] "Normal" mode alters the layout of rings and hazards, and "Easy" mode removes certain acts from the game entirely.[46] Sonic & Knuckles Collection features a MIDI rendition of the game's soundtrack, with certain levels featuring completely different music.[47][48]
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was released for the Wii Virtual Console in September 2007[49] and Xbox Live Arcade on June 10, 2009.[50] The Xbox version has enhanced graphics for high-definition, online leaderboards, support for multiplayer via split screen and Xbox Live, and a new saving system that allows progress to be saved anywhere during play.[15] A PC version was released via Steam in January 2011, as Sonic 3 & Knuckles.[51]
Fuuuuck I want Hydrocity :(
Maybe it will be one of the race stages like Chrome Gadget or Baloon park! That music is memorable but without technical shit
Nah dawg, it's all about Azure Lake and Endless Mine
hydrocity, the only water level I liked.
>people dreading the return of Labyrinth Zone
>Not believing in the magic that is team mania
You still doubt them after what we've seen from Green Hill and Chemical Plant? I thought you guys believed in magic?
Those two had loops and fast.
Labyrinth has neither.
It can just pull all the necessary crazy shit from Hydrocity.
Well since mania is guaranteed to be a hit, what direction would you guys like to see for the inevitable sequels? I thought about this last night and wanted to post next time i saw a sonic thread
>mania 2
Takes from handheld sonic games, advance and rush. Two levels from advance 1, 2, 3, rush, and rush adventure. There is 10 zones right there, and then another 4 new ones. 14 total New added characters will be amy, cream, and the chaotix.
>mania 3
Takes levels from the 3D mainline games (that is; adventure, adventure 2, heroes, 06, unleashed, colors, generations, lost world, forces)
That is 9 zones right there, but they all get 2D remakes, maybe adventure or heroes can get another stage since those are the most popular and loved 3D sonic games. Another 4 or 5 new zones.
>mania 4, the final in the mania series and will be the biggest 2D sonic game ever
Only 1 level from each era, the most notable zones. I would say thats
>classic: death egg
>dreamcast: city escape or egg fleet
>modern: rooftop run, dragon road, or jungle joyride
And the rest is entirely new levels.
if you own mania 1-4, you can link them all together for the biggest sidescrolling adventure ever made
Labyrinth will literally be a Labyrinth/Hydrocity mix.
They should go with Marble Hill. Hydrocity is already good, it would be interesting to see how fun they can make Marble Hill.
How many times has Classic Sonic "been back" already? I can't believe you idiots are falling for this yet again.
>And as far as 3 levels go only Carnival Night, Ice Cap, and Launch Base are off the table.
Based on what?
What proof is there of legal issues over the music for these zones?
Literally the only evidence, as far as I'm aware, is that Sonic & Knuckles Collection had different music for those zones back in 1997, despite the music remaining unchanged in all subsequent rereleases of 3 or 3&K.
And you could just as easily chalk the music changes up to the collection using MIDI format for the music, and the changed tracks all being very sample heavy which wouldn't have worked well with MIDI.
Where does this Labyrinth Zone returning meme come from?. And please dont quote those vague tweets, they mean shit
>what direction would you guys like to see for the inevitable sequels?
Sonic Mania 2
>All of the zones and bosses and special stages and etc. are new. No rehashing.
>Ristar-tier act 2 differences: act 2 shares a few graphical assets with act 1 and is united by the zone theme, but is largely different, with unique enemies, level gimmicks, music, and so on.
>All playable characters get alternate paths through the levels rather than just Knuckles just sometimes.
>More new gameplay ideas like the drop dash are implemented.
>Add 'press jump when in air and uncurled to curl into a ball for a moment' feature from Triple Trouble.
Being willingly ignorant about who's making Mania is no good, user.
>How many times has Classic Sonic "been back" already?
This is the first time.
The other times were all painfully obvious lies, even with minimal footage to base that judgement off of.
On the other hand with Mania we've seen a few entire acts and boss fights and basically no one can identify any meaningful flaw in any of it.
I don't want a direct sequel, since that would require it also being an anniversary game taking from Sonic's past, but I would like a successor. Just do the same kind of thing with colors more similar to the first 3 games, all new stages, new major themes and mechanics, all new badniks, and all new bosses.
I don't have outright proof or knowledge of Launch Base or Carnival Night, but Ice Cap is literally a repurposed Brad Buxer/Jetzons song. As for the PC collection that might have been changed because it might not have been the original version. If they change anything about the game then they'd have to pay royalties or rights I'm assuming. Mega Collection/Compilations/Steam releases all use the original rom which they're allowed to use. Also Angel Island and Hydrocity have official remixes in SSBB and Sonic Generations respectively while those other 3 zones(along with Marble Garden) aren't ever acknowledged.
The whole situation is filled with assumption, but the music is the reason we have no S3K remaster, but at the same time it's confirmed we'll see 3 content in Mania.
I imagine that Buxer/the Jetzons will be easier to pay royalties to than the Jackson estate
>Ice Cap is literally a repurposed Brad Buxer/Jetzons song
Yeah, and that guy provided work for the game. He's the reason it's there. It wasn't stolen or something.
I'm not sure what the issue is supposed to be.
>but the music is the reason we have no S3K remaster
Provide proof.
The people that worked on the CD, 1, and 2 remakes just say it was because of restructuring within Sega that severed ties with the people that greenlit those remakes, and afterwards interest didn't seem to be there, iirc.
We also haven't seen ports of the 1 and 2 remakes like CD got.
This all seems far more tenuous to me than the supposed legal issues with EarthBound's music, and that game managed to get rereleased, even in the US, with no music changes.
And they may make a 3&K remake yet. That seems to be what is hinted at in this image, anyway.
>clearly Sonic Mania Sonic in that Blue Spheres screenshot
Maybe Blue Sphere is included as a minigame in Mania?
Angel Island Zone from Sonic Advance
He's implying that Mania isn't on the right screen.
That's teasing some shit.
>who says that's Mania on the right screen? NO WAY!
>maybe it's Mania!
Would you?
Sonic Team isn't behind it, fans are, and everyone who has played it has praised it and how closely it adheres to the original games.
The only conceivable way it could possibly be bad is if after Taxman and friends finish making it, they hand it over to Sonic Team who somehow manages to be so incompetent and out of touch that they go out of their way to ruin everything good about the game.
There's already sonic collection games, so no
and none of them feature the definitive versions of any of the games
I already bought the Sonic Mania Collector's Edition thing, so that's a no-brainer.
The implication is Sonic 1, 2, CD, and 3&K would be the amazing Taxman remakes, not just lazy ports with emulators. That's why they're all widescreen.
We're getting a Sonic 3 level. It just won't be the levels with the MJ music in them.
So it'll be either Angel Island, Hydrocity or Marble Garden
>They've already re-released sonic 3 with replaced tracks
Yeah and it sucked. Those tracks blow in comparison to the original genesis ones.
>It just won't be the levels with the MJ music in them.
Provide proof of legal issues.
not a chance, I would for $20-30 though
Angel Island and Marble Garden are already pretty much ruled out.
That leaves Hydrocity and the multiplayer Zones.
I don't wany Labyrinth. It's pointless when you have the spindash, it's not even Labyrinth zone anymore. That zone can only work in Sonic 1.
>it's not even Labyrinth zone anymore
Exactly, and that's kind of the appeal of the idea in the first place. And also why the butthurt over remastered Zones is pretty silly.
Hideki Naganuma OST
>And also why the butthurt over remastered Zones is pretty silly.
How is it silly that people would prefer original content to rehashed content? Please explain.
Do you make similar arguments for games like Star Fox Zero or New Super Mario Bros. Any After the First?
Are you fucking retarded? It's known there's major legal issues with the music.
There's a reason why Sega actively has been avoiding the topic for decades and there's a reason why every Sonic 3 & Knuckles re-release since then is emulated and never a port
>it's not even Labyrinth Zone anymore
Preferring more purely new content is fine, but that doesn't mean you need to defend being completely assblasted over it.
Carnival Night uses Jam samples
Sonic 3 Credits theme is outright "Stranger in Moscow"
I can't wait for 2Dfags to get BTFO and for Forces to be the better selling game.
That's the thing it'd be both. I'm sure Buxer would be an easier pay. I'm just citing Ice Cap as the connection between Sonic 3's music and MJ's involvement in the game as Buxer had worked with MJ.
What proof am I supposed to provide? I've already admitted Launch Base and Carnival Night are guesses considering and we already know Sonic 3 is under some sort of legal scrutiny(the music being the guess again here) and that Angel Island and Hydrocity have been acknowledged in the past in some way while the rest haven't been. Also going back to the music of the PC collection those songs were probably completely changed due to the MIDI's of the original songs being changed as that would have been releasing a "new" version while Compilation and ROM releases aren't. Whose to say those 3 tracks in specific wouldn't have worked well with the new MIDI?
>This all seems far more tenuous to me than the supposed legal issues with EarthBound's music
How is that more tenuous? EarthBound's issues were found in homage and sampling rather than the actual people who composed those songs also adding their work into the game. Even if there are legal issues with EarthBound nobody knows if Nintendo themselves worked out something to get it released. It's not like anyone is entitled to know that info specifically.
>It wasn't stolen or something.
That's debatable. After all I'm not sure if Brad even asked permission from his other band members(like Bruce Connole) to re-use the thing either.
When asked in the past about the Sonic 3 fiasco he replied in a very angry manner to "leave him alone"
Here's my autistic hopes:
>"Sequels" are just DLC packs for the game, each basically adds a new campaign for like 10$ or so
>Each of the packs (probably 3 in total) has more classic stages and new stages
>By the end every classic stage is included if you buy every pack
>You can choose to play through the original Mania's stages, any of the new sets of stages, or 1, 2, CD, and 3&K in "Mania Mode" where you play their stages in original order, but it's the revamped versions, or only the new stages recompiled into one campaign
>At least one new character, probably either Mighty or Espio
>It's known there's major legal issues with the music.
It should be trivial to provide proof of legal issues with music then.
>there's a reason why every Sonic 3 & Knuckles re-release since then is emulated and never a port
You could say the same of all rereleases of 1, 2, and CD up until the last handful of years.
It probably will be the better selling game since it's physically in stores where kids & parents can easily see it, it also has that dumb ass character creator and as much as I only care for Mania it only has the $20 price tag & better review scores going for it.
How about you do your own research retard?
Kill yourself
>Exactly, and that's kind of the appeal of the idea in the first place.
What? No. Might as well just use Hyrdocity
Labyrinth with a spindash might as well not be Labyrinth. Besides we got Labyrinth in Sonic 4 and it sucked.
>well Dimps botched the execution so there's no way Taxman and Stealth could get it right
fair point on Hydrocity, though. That's far more likely.
I have. I've found no real proof, just a lot of pointing at a 1997 PC compilation with MIDI music, where the sample heavy tracks (the only ones that were changed) may not have worked well, and a bunch of rumors and shit.
I want something actually solid, or fuck off already.
We got Green Hill in Sonic 4 and it's shit, so I guess Green Hill with spindash would be shit as well.
Do your own research retard.
The fact that there's no definitive info on who did what tune for what stage(when every other Sonic game has such info) gives it away
If you followed this whole debacle in sites like Sonicretro you would know that pretty much every composer they asked for info refused to talk about it and some(like Brad) even told them to fuck off. There was one of the guys in MJ's team... I think it was Bobby Brooks...not sure, he said that there were gonna be lawsuits regarding Sonic 3 sooner or later and that "Sega owes a lot of money to a lot of people"
Sonic 3's case is more strange and bizarre than it appears to be.
How about you fuck off yourself? If you don't know where to get Sonic info and you're not willing to dig for it you don't deserve it.
So no proof, then?
>Green Hill with spindash would be shit as well.
We got that with Emerald Hill
Either way Green Hill has always been a fast zone
With Labyrinth it's different since it's always been a unique slow water level in the series
...So who's looking forward to both Mania and Forces?
Just me?
I'm mostly just commenting on "it was bad in the Dimps shitfest game, so it can't work".
The smart move is to expect both to be bad and then be pleasantly surprised when one is at least mediocre
There is every indication that Mania is going to be great.
I was originally but Forces was looking more & more shitty to me over time, I hope it's not but I'm having no faith in it at this point. I'll probably get it in a sale one day though if I don't bother torrenting it.
You find yourself suddenly hurled through space and time and find yourself in an unfamiliar place just as Mania is starting development.
Taxman stands before you, and asks you in your capacity as creative director which classic stages he and his team should remake.
6 zones max
2 zones per game max (3 and Knuckles count as separate games)
How many zones you choose to revive will have no bearing on the amount of new zones
What do you pick, Sup Forums?
Everything about Forces looks bad to me. I'm kind of blown away by it. It's like the director showed up at my door, asked me everything I don't want to see in a new Sonic game, and then made a game that was that.
Higher resolution graphics with sprites on SFIII level.
>same shit as Generations 2 at a time when Mania raised the bar significantly from where it was in 2011
What is there to get excited about?
I think Generations looked better, honestly.
that's even worse, then
Mystic Cave
Oil Ocean
Ice Cap
Mushroom Hill
Lava Reef
>Sonic & Garfield
>Angel Island: badnik in Chemical Plant
>Marble Garden: gimmick in Stardust Speedway
>Carnival Night: music copyright, gimmick in Chemical Plant
>Ice Cap: music copyright
>Launch Base: music copyright
We're getting Hydrocity.
Yeah because we'll get Azure Lake instead.
I hope it'll succeed (which it will) so he can fulfill his promise.