This is my gamer fuel

This is my gamer fuel

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Only good Monster drinks coming through

Rehab is a meme, as is arnold palmer.

Monster juice is the true patrician /sip/

that first sip of the day

Who's your main, Sup Forums?


Where did this pop up from? Just a standard forced thing or did some eceleb drink one at some point?

that shit is fucking gross. tastes like if toothpaste were a drink, but really flat.
this is the superior and best overall Monster flavour

I'm getting nothing on reverse search because it's cropped so don't get on my case.

24oz sips is my jam

>drinking pure sugar that tastes like cough syrup

SIPS has a nice subtle taste.

i can only rank the ones they sell in my country but:

Rehab > Doctor = Ultra > Hamilton one > literal piss > original

why did they remove granny mist she was my fucking main god fucking damnit

Rehab is the best but in Sweden they're never in stores and there's only 1 flavor.
How does the Java and coffee flavor taste like?

Do you guys actually drink this? I know they're very unhealthy and it's a meme butt I get them for free from work and would like to know which will kill me slower.

whats wrong with a glass of water you fucking slobs?

>zero sugar

I'm not a fan of coffee flavors so I've never tried it

What's wrong with Tofu-cubes and vitamin supplement pills for every meal?

>mfw that new mango

>cavity water that makes you fat and anxious

No sank you.

it doesn't have what plants crave

Any of the ones without sugar. Diabeetus will kill you from all of the sugar before the caffeine makes your heart explode.

Water doesn't have caffeine

I drink one of these about once every two weeks and they're very refreshin especially the lack of sugar makes the aftertaste that much better.

So why ARE you fat and anxious?

It gets you hydrated. Way more useful than caffeine

I drink enough water when I go to my job working in a werehouse

no idea sorry, just saved it from here years ago
it's probably a guy though

Figured. I try NOT to drink one every day butt warehouse work tears me up. Just gotta make the best of it.
Yandex is infinitely better than Google.


Get taste you pleb. Original and Strawberry Limeade AMP is the goddest of God tier. Even citrus Full Throttle is leagues above any Monster/Rockstar.

Warehouse, my bad

>anything other than black coffee
>drinking this carbonated bovine cum

none of you know how to sip

Thanks, but i'm not sure I want to FSB to know about my porn habits.

Best gamer fuel right here.

S I P B O Y S 2 K 1 7

This is MY gamerfuel.

been off dex for a long time now. have seriously been considering it for just general use. not sure how much it'll help these days though

>tfw local store only has the original


Where do you live Afghanistan?

that first sip of the day

>drinking liquid sugar

better take a sippy quickly

I'm addicted to Rockstar punched
it's probably the tastiest energy drink I've had

the problem is I like the flavour so much that I want to drink loads of it, which I know is the worst fucking thing you can do with energy drinks like that

I know that water is more healthy and all of that but why every time there's any kind of drink thread, waterfags come here to try to demostrate their superiority?

theyre angry because they lack energy, testosterone and b vitamins

anyone else prefer Kickstarts?

i like the raspberry-citrus and pomegranate ones

Punched is pretty good. Though, i couldn't drink more than one because it gets kind of sickly sweet. Good once in a while though.



you must be a spic