What video games lets me treat roasties like the pieces of shit that they are?
What video games lets me treat roasties like the pieces of shit that they are?
goat simulator
real life
Alpha Protocol
>mfw everyone on this board is a sexually frustrated loser and I am in the double digit partner count
if you werent so ugly you wouldnt hate women
will /r9k/ ever stop being a neckbeard tumblr
I hope so bro. I'm going to start lifting so I can hate fuck as many women as I can. I want to let them know how much I fucking hate them. They are literally just walking fuck holes to me.
what the fuck is a roastie anyway? I don't visit /r9gay/
>only double digits
What are you, a faggot?
its what they call any girl who isn't a perfect virginal waifu, out of the erroneous belief that having sex causes girls to have more prominent labia minora
>Double digit
I'm sorry you're unable to hold onto anyone, user.
Grand Theft Auto
that's pretty hot, user
>fucking whores over 20
>not fucking around from 16-19 then marrying the best cocksucker
enjoy the diseases you already have. Better lock one down soon or you will be one of those 35 year old men on the blind date tv shows trying to pick up 20 year olds that laugh you off as an old man
nothing wrong with fucking as many girls as you can but if youre over 20 its dangerous and if youre over 25 then you can only choose from used whore for your wife and fuck that shit
>working out for women
not gonna make it. Enjoy giving up early.
>lifting for women
okay faggot
also what video games allow me to be a roastie?
I'm talking, non-hentai video game here.
I wanna rim her sweaty asshole
/r9k/ is the second worst board on Sup Forums
YFW she says this to you
clips dot twitch dot tv / ArtsyStrangeTaroThunBeast
Fuck you, I'm not spam
just remember that if you're ugly you'll still be ugly when you have muscles
otherwise gl
as to your question... japanese games i guess and maybe GTA?
look at my 5
>that face
fuck she is ugly
Just wondering what goes through your head when you use InCel vocabulary like that?
*gets dubs*
>t. Roastie
there isn't a single man on this earth that wants a floppy loose looking vagina
just telling you that right now
She looks like a goddamn ayylmao
Most of the time I think feminists are full of shit. But when I see threads like this, I think for at least some people, they have a point.
>explaining childrens maymays
>Same girl from OP's pic
Looks like Mr. Hapa set us up for another ruse cruise
>teen girls I work with think I'm that older creepy guy now
>still a virgin, have anxiety issues around people
my only choice is an escort or wizard status ;_;
I'm glad someone agrees with me. After getting dumped enough that I got sick of it, I realized what I really see in women. Talking tits for me to look at and possibly grope. They're all wallet leeches who would leave for a man with more money or a bigger dick. Any woman who claims to be loyal is a complete liar.
Lifting does not cure autism.
Remember this.
Wouldn't you get bored if every girl was a trap
but i love women
What game lets me play as a political figure whose job it is to rise through the ranks of the political system to the position of fascist dictator, where it is my job to solve the degeneracy of contemporary Western civilization as created by the devious, underhanded Jews? It is the player's job to fight the sneaky Jews who try to sabotage your efforts to create an ethnostate and cleanse your homeland from the many undesirables.
Does anyone know a game like this?