Destiny 2 guns have no recoil in PC version

>"For instance, there’s no recoil on guns on PC because recoil on the controller feels really good. ‘I’m firing, I’m firing, I’m firing, oh, I’m losing control of my gun a little bit.’ That feels great, especially with magnetism and all the magic in the controller that makes you feel it. With a mouse and keyboard, you don’t want the mouse moving without you moving it, so recoil doesn’t feel good, so there is no recoil on PC.""


Other urls found in this thread:

>Giving the PC players an advantage over Console players

yeah seems about right.

Yeah, if only we had decades of shooters with recoil on PC to prove him wrong

PC version confirmed baby easy

>making the game even easier for the players that already have the advantage of precision aiming because "it doesn't feel good"
Literally what

I would assume that he means they're replacing the recoil with spread, like most PC shooters, not just making every gun laser accurate.

Gonna be a shit game either way though.

any mechanic that takes away control from a player is a bad one
any mechanic that increases random faults not caused by the player is a bad one

modern shooting games have been bad for quite a while, it's about time someone tries something to remedy the situation
but i'm not going to touch borderlands clones like this

>pc already superior for shooters
>let's make it easier

Who comes up with this shit

Can't be real

Would it not be replaced by spread like almost every other game that doesn't do recoil? I can see how destiny recoil would suck on mouse but being too lazy to retool it for the platform doesn't mean you ditch it

>That feels great, especially with magnetism and all the magic in the controller that makes you feel it.

Rumble, how does it fuckin' work!?

>new Bungie has never played a shooter on PC before

I believe it.

I'm pretty fuckin sure they meant aim assist

I actually like this.
Recoil is stupid as fuck.

It's hilarious the amount of complete bullshit controller users will come up with to justify using an inferior device.

Sounds great, I hope they take out Aiming down sights too.
Crucible could become Quake for normies.

This is it. This is what has put the final nail in the coffin. Game companies are so out of touch it's fucking scary.

Bullshit. I call bait, no dev is that stupid, I need proof or this is fake as fuck.

>giving more power to the nobles

>especially with magnetism and all the magic in the controller

>still no mouse and keyboard with rumble

Explain this pcfags

But recoil is a real thing with guns. You can't just fire off all of your bullets in one burst while maintaining perfect aim.

>This is what plebs actually think

git gud

>consolefag says retarded things
>accidentally makes the game better by making it like Quake

Thanks, I guess?

Japan will save us, or they'll look down at us and say "no".

>can't make recoil feel good on PC
Shout-out to Killing Floor, 8 years ago. Wish I still had that juicy webm of the double-barrel shotgun.

Sounds fine this is a scifi game anyway. Now will the PC version also have aim assist for controller users?

Go home Bungie, You're drunk.

>especially with magnetism and all the magic in the controller
This shit cant be real.

>especially with magnetism and all the magic in the controller

Is there a source for this? Because it sounds pants on head retarded for a dev to say that

Fuck me I'm retarded and can't even attach the webm I actually do have


Not him but
>This is what someone whos never fired a gun thinks
Like wtf. Join the army or buy a gun you fucking beta

>Falling for fake news
later "clarified"

pic unrelated?

Wait a second
Can you play with a controller? Are there controller-oriented servers?

If so, what the fuck

Uh.... why?

When you think about it, everything is just magnetism and magic...

You know I actually can't entirely, I feel like it would be dumb, but when I think about it I've seen dumber shit.

Oh it's real and it's spectacular.


I guess I can understand it from a "feeling" point of a view - if your aim is consistently going up (or any other direction) on a console, you can find a good position for your right stick to compensate for it and hold it like that.
With a mouse, you're forced to constantly move it, which is definitely annoying.

Still, making aiming even easier on PC is an awful idea.

>guns that literally fire bolts of light somehow have recoil

what is the point of playing an fps if the gun feel is shit?

Don't let this jew trick you, that's a fake tweet.


>What If I use a controller on PC?
>Plays like the console version.


I knew old bungie was long dead but holy fuck this is a new level of stupid.

Still wonder what "modified" means, but it's not "removed" either.

Still don't understand the need to change it at all, but I'm also not a Destiny 2 dev.

I agree but why a nigger?

but my kb+m has never rumbled.. doesn't mean i want my games to be even less realistic..

this is dumb

won't they be on separate servers?

Yeah 60fps still shits all over 30fps regardless of anything else, not to mention the advantage of MKB.

If you play with a controller it automatically recognizes that and modifies it to be like playing on console

>Sup Forumsposting

Not always. Check out what makes controls feel "tight," which is a very likeable feature for a game to have (though multiplayer is another story altogether)

This is either very good or does not matter at all to you so what is there even here to complain about?

What's wrong with it?

Well if your controller or phone vibrates on a desk it makes a loud fucking racket. It's off-putting

Thats retarded.

>American devs
Numales and shitskins should be banned from video game developing.

Consoles have aim assist and pc doesn't. They compensate for that on pc

Jeesus fucking christ, these """"devs""""" are beyond fucking retarded.

How they manage to sell anything is beyond me.

Luke Smith and Jason Jones have been making games since before you were born, user.

>ITT nobody reads the thread and retardation ensues

>You can't just fire off all of your bullets in one burst while maintaining perfect aim.
there must not be marksmanship competitions
someone made that up

It's a bit overkill since console players are already gimped to the point where the game is unplayable without the game aiming for you.

But what other game reduces recoil on guns on PC? The whole reason PC doesn't have aim assist is because it's unnecessary. Increasing recoil for console to compensate for aim assist doesn't happen on console, so why the reverse?

It just makes aiming on mouse and keyboard easier, when MKB already has a huge advantage when it comes to aiming accurately.

>random blanket statement
You get the normal recoil back?

Kinda sounds like hes talking about rumble and not recoil?

>anime posters being retarded


were capes like that EVER fashionable to wear? i feel like they have absolutely zero utility compared to a traditional overcoat

There are many posters above reacting to literally just the OP, which has since been disproved. Hence, NO ONE READ THE THREAD.
There will still be recoil, just modified from the console version. Bungie devs do make stupid decisions in my opinion, but completely removing recoil on the PC version would be pants-on-head retarded.

There were some Hunter cloaks in Vanilla that looked fucking awesome.

I imagine an overcoat might make it difficult to reach for your gun quickly compared to just a cape, but that's just my opinion

agreed, but destiny is leagues ahead of borderlands in terms of gameplay and art direction. It's high quality enough that even the solo experience is decent, while borderlands pretty much requires co-op to be halfway enjoyable.

PC version:
>delayed release
>Blizzard account and middleware required
>Guns will be balanced around consoles and shit on PC
>Scriptskiddies are inevitable considering it's a pseudo P2P online game
>Less content than a certain other system

Yeah, nah. I'm getting faaaaaaaar away from the PC version

i meant in real life
well i'm thinking like 200 years ago or during the middle ages, i just don't see the practical application of a cape over a coat other than just looking badass

Why do these developers continuing to force black women on us?

>using a controller for an fps
that's the most important part

I mean really, what other reason do you need?

It's basically bullshit. Played Destiny on 360 with mouse & keyboard using XIM Edge, the aiming felt tite. Also heavy recoil is common enough in PC FPS.

That said, they know more about their game project than I do. It could be they tested both and it really did feel better without recoil.

>any mechanic that takes away control from a player is a bad one

You mean like gravity and finite running speed?

Do you have brain cancer?

This says nothing.

"It's modified."

How is it modified?

The fact they can't say that the core implications of the article isn't completely false is cause for alarm.

Why would it need to be modified?

Different recoil mechanics across platforms has literally never been a question or concern for people wanting PC ports. Only eliminations of aim-assist and aim smoothing effects.

The article seems to imply that recoil on consoles is the controller having a rumble feature. For all we know the "still has recoil" is just a temporary screen distortion effect.

Seriously what the fuck does "modified" mean?

>since been disproved

Except it hasn't, unless you're the kind of gullible fuck that falls for a vague "nuh uh tweet."

The article establishes a core lack of understanding of what recoil even fucking is. The bitch blathers on about the magic of a controller rumble and variations to the extent of aim-assist magnetism.

Bungie can say there is "still recoil" but there is a serious question now of whether Bungie even fucking knows what recoil is, as they have yet to specifically refute the specific claims in that article.

>There will still be recoil, just modified from the console version.

Yeah, congratulations. You know how to quote a twitter.

What the fuck does it mean though? Modified how?

What about the quote from the employee in the article is wrong? Something about that article has to absolutely be an incorrect statement of fact if "still has recoil" is a true statement.

>but completely removing recoil on the PC version would be pants-on-head retarded.

As would abandoning the biggest money-maker franchise of Console FPS history in order to make a totally-not-Halo lore franchise that is basically just Battleborn's bigger and somewhat more successful sibling.

>not realising that E^2 = p^2c^2 + m^2c^4

bungie has never been quiet on how the "cheats" they use to make the game more accessible. it's like they're proud of it.

Nobody gave a shit when Ikora Rey was a major character on Destiny's initial release, but now that she's a recurring character in Destiny 2 it's "muh SJWs!"

i looked it up and apparently capes were used as raincoats from a function perspective (similar to cloaks). women used to wear them to cover their shoulders when travelling between events when it was indecent to show them, too. the more you know. i didn't see anything about kings wearing them as a fashion statement tho, not sure where the myth came from

you know, it would be nice if they would show some footage of what they were actually talking about rather than just giving vague quotes and we can only speculate on what it actually may entail
otherwise i dont really get why they released this information at all

so they're removing some gay gimmick from their casual shooter which turns a console user's controller into a vibrator? but the gimmick isn't actually a part of the game, like the gun has recoil in the game, it's just "MY HANDS ARE LITERALLY SHAKING"?

>there’s no recoil on guns on PC because recoil on the controller feels really good
The fucking hell did he mean by this?
Are any of the halo developers still at bungie? Christ.


Bungie developers usually don't talk about specifics for a reason, because they know as soon as they start posting numbers there'll be a shitstorm.
>What about the quote from the employee in the article is wrong?
Gee, I don't know, maybe the fact that the PC version has NO RECOIL AT ALL. This isn't the first time one Bungie employee had to come in and correct either another employee or their own statement. That was the entire purpose of the tweet. To say "hey, we fucked up. This is what's actually true."

I'm more offended by the magnetism part, tbhfam

Rumble is a stupid concept after a year that I always turn off instantly.

>specially with magnetism and all the magic
im fucking dead

What ?

I have a Xim4. Input device isn't an issue.
I'll unironically take 30fps over all of the bad points I mentioned. Just as I've bought every Souls game on consoles to avoid PC scriptkiddies. They are so common that even streamers nonchalantly use CheatEngine, as if it was the standard game of playing those games online.
Fucking Hell I can already imagine how SHIT the PC version of Monster Hunter World will be, because the server is global so there's no way to get far away from BRs and Russians. So much cheating will occur, I can already imagine.

In Destiny, bullet magnetism is called "Target Acquisition" and it's a perk on some weapons.
I shit you not, some weapons are literally better at getting aim assist than others
Console FPS is a joke