>any mechanic that takes away control from a player is a bad one
You mean like gravity and finite running speed?
Do you have brain cancer?
This says nothing.
"It's modified."
How is it modified?
The fact they can't say that the core implications of the article isn't completely false is cause for alarm.
Why would it need to be modified?
Different recoil mechanics across platforms has literally never been a question or concern for people wanting PC ports. Only eliminations of aim-assist and aim smoothing effects.
The article seems to imply that recoil on consoles is the controller having a rumble feature. For all we know the "still has recoil" is just a temporary screen distortion effect.
Seriously what the fuck does "modified" mean?
>since been disproved
Except it hasn't, unless you're the kind of gullible fuck that falls for a vague "nuh uh tweet."
The article establishes a core lack of understanding of what recoil even fucking is. The bitch blathers on about the magic of a controller rumble and variations to the extent of aim-assist magnetism.
Bungie can say there is "still recoil" but there is a serious question now of whether Bungie even fucking knows what recoil is, as they have yet to specifically refute the specific claims in that article.
>There will still be recoil, just modified from the console version.
Yeah, congratulations. You know how to quote a twitter.
What the fuck does it mean though? Modified how?
What about the quote from the employee in the article is wrong? Something about that article has to absolutely be an incorrect statement of fact if "still has recoil" is a true statement.
>but completely removing recoil on the PC version would be pants-on-head retarded.
As would abandoning the biggest money-maker franchise of Console FPS history in order to make a totally-not-Halo lore franchise that is basically just Battleborn's bigger and somewhat more successful sibling.