I played my first souls game and hated it.
I thought we were done with this "enemies respawn when you die" shit when we left the 16-bit era. Seriously, what does it add to the game besides making it more tedious and frustrating?
I played my first souls game and hated it.
I thought we were done with this "enemies respawn when you die" shit when we left the 16-bit era. Seriously, what does it add to the game besides making it more tedious and frustrating?
Other urls found in this thread:
>first Souls game
>plays the third Dark Souls
run past them faggot
>plays a souls game for the first time
>plays the third installment.
>meaningless enemies that add nothing to the game but can still kill you in two hits
what a well designed game
Some of us are masochist who like to get mad at things.
your fault for playing the last game first
also try being open minded and actually give the game a chance instead of going HURR DURRR RESPAWNS? THATS OLD AND GAY
Git gud
You either hate it until it starts to grow on you, or you completely drop it.
>when we left the 16-bit era
Why would you possibly think that? Have you really not played any other game in the past 4 generations where enemies respawn when you die?
why play a game if you're hating playing it? like, really, if it doesn't immediately catch your attention as something that you enjoy getting better at, why not just pick one of the thousands of other games that do?
why would you complain about getting more of a good combat system?
The irony in this post, he wouldn't last two hours on Dark Souls PTDE
You mean the enemies that are there to challenge you as you explore the area, and that you have to learn to avoid if you want to run past them, cause you ain't gonna run past every enemy on your way to the boss.
it'll soon get better, trust me I had the same thoughts when one of my friends told me to play the original dark souls.
get good scrub
but... why? what do i get out of it besides bragging rights? it's like ninja gaiden all over again
>I thought we were done with this "enemies respawn when you die" shit
1/10, you got some replies in the middle of summer but you were much too obvious.
>runs past all enemies
>tries to fight any boss
>dies because they didn't get any of the souls or items in the area that the enemies were guarding
there's your meaning
Fee fi fo fum, I smell the blood of casual scum
just stop playing you whiny faggot
dark souls 3 is the game anyone new to souls should play, by far.
nobody with a normally working brain cares about playing games in order
>Kill the tree guy
>turn his soul into the hollow slayer
Okay user, you are correct.
Playing the third and final game first is a great idea. Only an idiot would play the other games
at this point i'm just curious why people torture themselves getting good at a game like this instead of playing something else that's better at easing you into the difficulty.
>I don't like to challenge myself
Kys you complacent faggot
Then uninstall and go play skyrim or some shit.
Dark Souls is not about the difficulty. It's about the exploration of this neatly connected world supported by beautiful music and enemy design. Except Lost Izalith fuck that place I'd rather spend ten minutes plunging humanity into the spider bitch over that shit.
who cares about the other games?
do you have to play an entire series of games to play one game?
can you honestly say, with the pvp and communtiy being dead, that if someone has to play dark souls 1 2 or 3 they should pick 1 because its the fucking first one?
3 is by far the best one in terms of new player experience. by FAR. gundyr is the best enemy in the entire series for teaching how to play the game
no, seriously, why? there are better, more challenging games that don't cheat difficulty by making you redo huge sections every time you die. games that don't drop you right into the hard part and make you do it over and over again until you get it right.
dark souls is like an old NES game pretending to be difficult by throwing instakill spikes everywhere.
>all games should be the same
>games shouldn't have any differing design elements
bye dude
I love how obviously the word "tedious" has become code for "I don't want to play the game so I'll start whining and bitching when I actually have to".
did you not actually read what i wrote or are you just pretending to be retarded?
>dark souls
>the first one
>Sup Forums likes DaS3 now
what the fuck is going on
it's the only one summer fags have played
what could have possibly pissed you off that you had to come make a thread about how unfair it was.
Lothric Knights?
This game isn't even hard nigguh
user dark souls 3 isn't hard for people who have played the series.
Believe it or not, jumping into the final game first is not a good idea. It's like watching the final episode of a show and complaining that it doesn't appeal to you
Ah get the fuck out of here with this meme, DaS2 was shit. and if you agree then you're just a DeS nostalgiafag.
>user dark souls 3 isn't hard for people who have played the series.
>Believe it or not, jumping into the final game first is not a good idea.
this is rubbish because dark souls 3 is far, far, far easier than any of the other ones. you run around like a ninja and have a super long dodge that doesn't take any stamina. being petrified doesn't fuck you the same way. you don't get invaded the same way and even if you do it doesn't matter. etc.
das 3 is by far the best one for a new player to play. by a huge margin. your memories of dark souls 1 involve the community and pvp/coop, which he cannot experience now, not in the same way you did whatsoever.
DaS2 is the best dark souls though
>dark souls 3 is the game anyone new to souls should play, by far.
No, that's second game.
I played offline because my PC was too shit to run ds1 and 2 at a suitable framerate.
If you are having trouble then just use a shield.
You know, like the older games had you do?
Dark souls is a meme game. It's litterally just monster hunter combat with shit tier everything, except world design.
Are people here really this bad at games? Dark Souls isn't even hard
>First Souls game
>Plays the objectively worst one in the series.
90% of Sup Forums as a rule is ironically terrible at games.
I've played and beaten the games multiple times. The games aren't hard, but they can be very frustrating. It's usually just a small mistake or overconfidence that leaves you smacking your forehead, and knowing I have to replay through an entire area, some of which are a pain in the ass to trudge through like the gutter in DS2, just to reclaim my souls is eventually makes me turn the game off until next time.
Today I will tell them Dark souls 2 is the worst in the entire franchise.
that's my problem. it's not hard to dodge attacks, shield at the right moment, and counterattack when there's an opening. the "hard" part is that you can't ever make a mistake or you're just dead.
>tfw played Dark Souls II first
>make mistake
>roll away and use estus
>there are better, more challenging games that don't cheat difficulty by making you redo huge sections every time you die.
Name TEN (10).
well, let's start with one of the best
teaches you to GIT GUD
>bitching about a shit tier game with shit mechanics on a shit site with the shittiest of the shit fanbase
>enemies don't respawn when you die
>suddenly you can just throw yourself at every enemy over and over because eventually you will clean everything
Gee, i wonder why they respawn if you die/rest on a bonfire
from what i gather from people i've talked to about the game, the meat of the thing is the boss fights and the rest is just sort of fluff to waste your time
kek kekkers mad cuz bad
Very, very little in these games will kill you in one hit. You can make many mistakes. If you make so many mistakes that you run out of estus then the difficulty to dodge, shield, and punish is real and doing its job.
Boss fights might be the memorable climaxes, but taking your time and exploring the world is a big part of the experience too. It's not a boss rush game by any means.
>dodge out of the way of an attack
>arrow from enemy around the corner chunks you for 75% as soon as the roll ends
i hate waiting in video games, i just wanna GO IN and FUCK THOSE GUYS UP
Then go play DMC or something
Then Dark Souls is genuinely not for you and that's okay. If you absolutely must persist, try Bloodborne.
And arrows from basic mobs will do like 20% at the most, man.
This guy gets it. It was never about the difficulty. The difficulty is just there to get you to pay attention and get involved with the world. And you can even adjust the difficulty on the fly by leveling or summoning. Dark Souls 3 has more bullshit trap setups than most Souls games but it's still not insanely difficult.
It's surprising to see these threads on Sup Forums still popping up complaining about having to replay levels when it's been an action game staple since the inception of action games. Believe it or not, having to come up with a plan to overcome obstacles in an area is actually appealing to people who enjoy these games. OP you want to see unforgiving level restarts try any hori shooter ever sometime.
These games might not be for you. Stop bitching about it and either get better or go away fuckboy.