>spent all day yesterday raging at this boss fight
>every user agrees with me on how fucking bad it is
>try it again a few minutes ago
>get him down to desperation-move health
>corget to turn off goofy's knocksmash
>accidentally use it
>realize he has less than a bar left afterwards
>use an elixar and do it again
>killed him first try today, never even saw his desperation move
I fucking hate everything
Kingdom hearts
Other urls found in this thread:
I never had an issue with Xigbar. Fucking Xaldin was a pain in the ass though.
>every user agrees with me on how fucking bad it is
Then they're idiots. Just run in a circle when he does the DM because he can never hit you. The rest of his attacks you just block or jump to dodge.
Every boss in KH2 vanilla is a joke. Reaction commands and reflectga make everything way too easy
Dance water dance is the only one who wrecked me but I was 12
>every user agrees with me on how fucking bad it is
No they didn't.
At least now you know how fucking good Wisdom Form is.
Gave me the most trouble out of any KH boss and i'm only playing through the series for the first time
That's because it's a proper boss fight and not a reaction command quick time event.
whats a good level for a reasonably okay casual player on critical? Just got to 49 just for second chance. Haven't tried the fight yet (I have 100% 2FM on standard)
If you even get clipped with that move you risk the chance of dying from the combo
You're fine
either this or one of the bbs bosses for me, but lingering will is a more legitimate answer since pretty much all the bbs bosses are just figuring out the right amount of cheese to lay on while having a battle of patience
>attacks are weak as shit
>magic in general is garbage outside of cure
>only one keyblade
Wisdom form is trash
>having to beat Mysterious Figure three times for the Platinum
>having to do it again on PS4
I swear to God if they rerelease this shit one more time
Yeah, Lingering Will is a real treat. Have you tried looking up any strategies, or are you just going in raw? Either way, he's a blast to fight.
You should be fine. Just remember to time your Reflega with his attacks and follow up with a Sliding Dash. And if you want to be stylish and steal his Keyblades, don't lower his HP too much, or you'll pass the HP gate.
>>magic in general is garbage outside of cure
>using Cure outside of desperate situations
>not using Reflect
>implying Wisdom Form Fire doesn't shit all over Demyx and his water clones
Sounds like you're the trash one, buddy.
I went in raw but i was doing proud mode for my first run through the thing that gave me the most trouble after learning his patterns was the bow(fuck that thing) and his powered up 3 move combo could never manage to block in time for the third attack but man defeating him finally was super gratifying
Fuck off you goddamn casual
I only played the psp version so I only bothered to do all the super bosses once on terra with his non broken dodge
So why are there no capes in the BBS Final mix?
You can dodge roll right through his bow shots. Took me a little while to figure that one out, I'll admit. For the desperation attack (you are talking about when the sky goes dark, right?) the best strategy is to simply block the first set of strikes, glide the fuck away from the second attack and position yourself against the edge of the arena so he can't get behind you, then block, block, dodge roll into the attack for the third strike. Then you should be able to Drive into Limit (use the explosion to stun him) and full combo + Ars Arcanum him to death.
something something psp cant handle cape physics is the official response iirc
>have to use the keyblade 85% of the time despite being better at magic
It's shit
Pop an Ether, nigger. They give you those items on your teammates so you can steal them for a reason.
Master Form is better for that fight anyway
And when you run out during a fight, what then?
The MP rage isnt the awnser because cure uses all your MP
And haste takes far too long to be good
Face it, in KH2 the mana bar is really just a cure/limit meter
bike + lasers is the fucking worst
Xigbar was never really hard for me but just very annoying how he'd shoot at you from across the map for 2 minutes and then when you finally get over there he teleports all the way to the other side and THEN does his reload, meaning there was never actually an opening.
His DM is baby easy to dodge tho, and you should have Second chance by that point in the game unless you're doing a 0 EXP run.
Roxas fucked me sideways the first couple of times I fought him. I still have no idea what a good strat for him is, I just got lucky and stole his keyblades and then ate 3 of his bars with limit form for the kill.
What's the trigger for Lingering Will? I don't have to beat the Data fights first do I?
Ultima weapon cuts the MP restore time by 75% in addition to MP haste.
Shit is fully restored within seconds.
>needing cure
>not blowing your mana to 5% before using cure since it takes whatever you have
>not having ethers/elixirs
Not to mention drive forms refill your hp and mp
They made kh2's mp bar the way it is because shitters could just stack mp rage and never die in kh1
Have you ever seen bike + Magnega and Blizzaga? He must have been really pissed off at me that time, because holy shit.
>What's the trigger for Lingering Will?
You just have to beat the game.
So you're just going to ignore my points then? Alright
Oh, I assumed you couldn't save after beating the final boss like in the original version, so I never got around to it.
Guess I'll do that now.
Endgame shit don't matter
>10 billion games later and I STILL have no fucking idea just what the shit this thing is
What the fuck is kingdom hearts?? and why the fuck does everyone want it? Is it even an actual physical thing above the sky you can fly up and touch? why was it a door in KH1 and not the heart moon? what about the fake digital one in KH2 ? where was the real one?
You have to beat all the worlds (including Atlantica and Pooh) then beat the final boss.
beat the gane once, clear every worlds keyhole then figt the boss again
Face it, you are just shit :^)
Any time Lingering Will pairs lasers with any other mechanic is hell.
>being so shit you manage to use all your items in a single fight
I mean fucking really you dont need them like 90% of the time and the whole point is that its supposed to limit youre cure spam because its supposed to make you worry more about not getting hit if you cant cure
Cure spamming in kh1 is mindless shit and its a good thing they removed it in 2
Regular magic can be spammed a shit ton on a single bar so it doesnt matter that much cure is a crutch you shouldnt need to rely on
Yeah, I forgot. It's been a while since I actually played through KH2 with the intention of doing almost everything.
>lingering will
what did he mean by this
>non-broken dodge
It's really fucking rare, but he does it.
>boss time
>knocksmash whenever I can
>goofy rips off 1+1/2 to 2 health bars when he goes flying
>laugh every time a boss dies to it
There any other insanely broken moves in the other KH games?
>And haste takes far too long to be good
That's why you have multiple MP Haste abilities on top of accessories and Keyblades that also grant MP Haste.
aqua and ven had broken(in a good way) dodges you could spam 24/7 and never get hit
Terra you actually had to be mindful because his had recovery frames you could get hit in
I usually get him down to low enough health where a full combo from Final Form kills him without seeing his desperation move.
Now the biggest joke in the game is the very first Xemnas fight.
It's all the hearts in the world
How hard is that to understand
They literally build a Kingdom Hearts out of hearts in KHII.
>why is it a door
The Door to Darkness is not Kingdom Hearts.
Kingdom Hearts was on the other side of it.
>fake digital one
Fucking what
It was a real, albeit incomplete, Kingdom Hearts made of the hearts of people.
The TRUE Kingdom Hearts is made of all hearts of all people and worlds and everything in-between.
As such, it's said to hold all the power and wisdom in the world. That's why Xehanort wants it.
most of the limit form moves are good in 2FM
Lethal flame in re:CoM is good, sonic blade is great in regular CoM
thunder surge and mines in BBS are god tier along with some of the high tier magic
ballonga in DDD is retardedly strong aswell
I was thinking Terra's was the broken one because the lategame is basically designed as though you can dodge forever.
>fighting Xaldin
>"Wheres the fun in this?"
Yeah exactly, wheres the fucking fun in this, dude is Just a reaction command fest
Kingdom Hearts is the heart of ALL worlds, and holds immense powers. probably and infinite energy source.
>Cheesing bosses by using forms
Are you PROUD of how weak you are?
Actually you don't have a point, the simple fact is you played KH2 like you played KH1. Hell, how often did you use Magnet, for instance, I bet you didn't. Try to play a level 1 playthrough and pull half the shit you're talking about.
>Beating bosses in first person view
Did anybody here actually tried doing that? Shit's pretty hard.
There are people, in this very thread, that
>don't use Reflect Attack Reflect Attack combos to beat their way through enemy attacks
>think Drives are better than summons
>don't use their magic for anything besides Cure
>don't use Magnet for crowd control
>don't know what Revenge Value is
>think BBS wasn't an absolute atrocity of game design, with every being easily beaten with dodge roll and surge spamming unless you're Terra in which case the game wasn't balanced for you
Fucking disgusting
>tfw the only thing missing for my platinum of KH2FM is the gummi ship trash
>literally can't bring myself to do it
I even have the CoM platinum, which was insanely boring to get, but I hate the gummi ship stuff with a burning fury...
>mfw fit into all of these
I can't blame you but donut ship meta makes everything trivial expect for mission three of the dreadnought level so stick it out it'll go by fairy quick
Yeah that's right, what're ya gonna do bout it?
I'm going to call you a fucking casual and tell you to git gud
Swordsman Sora was the best playthrough, cure and reflect are all the magic you need
wait why, why is pence xenmas what does this mean?
Alright so Ventus's heart is still in Sora and artacged to Roxas
What happends if Sora gives the heart back to Ventus's body?
Does Ventus come back or does Roxas get it?
even that is trivial with the donut
>git gud
But I'm winning, I'm already good
my friends are my power
Finished kh1fm, now playing the card game one.
Is this whole game basically reused assets?
Also can you beat everything if you just have all your cards at lv9?
Card number isn't a level
Stacking your deck with 9s is stupid and boring, you should construct your deck intelligently and use Sleights
But aren't 9 basically unbeatable?
Sorry i'm still getting my head around it
9s can still be broken by 0s. 0 breaks everything.
The KH in BBS actually wasn't THE kingdom hearts, just another fabricated one like the one in KH2.
Where Xehanort got it is another question entirely
also if you're planning to use regular attacks a lot (I did a playthrough where I used them more than sleights), look up what kind of strike/thrust/finisher damage the different keyblades do (in the journal), most early game keyblades (Olympia etc) do a lot of finisher damage but are worthless as the first or second attack, and then there are some keyblades that do a lot of damage as the first attack but their finishers are garbage
>But aren't 9 basically unbeatable?
bosses will use sleights against you though, with a value of 15 or even higher
you'll either need a sleight with a higher value, a 0 card to break it or git gut at dodge rolling their attacks (although that's not always possible, especially on 1.5+2.5 because of 60fps shenanigans)
Fuck you Absent Silhoutte Marluxia. I don't feel bad for cheesing the last bit of your fight with Final Form.
theres the kingdom hearts of worlds and the kingdom hearts of men. the kh in 1 was a world heart, the one in kh2 was of men. the TRUE kh is kinda like mega heaven, thats the one xehanort wants in on, it has yet to appear.
the fights with Larxene are basically a lesson in "learn how to use 0 cards dingus"
Boss stacks up a sleight of like 27? Bam. 0 card. Fuck you.
Roxas has his own heart now, as confirmed with how nobodies work.
So at his moment in time he has his own, Roxas', and Ventus' broken heart.
And as shown in the trailer, the only apparent way to release those hearts is to become a heartless again, and Xemnas (I think) asks him if he's willing to do it again
Also now that I think about it, Lea has 2 hearts too. His own heart, and his heart that he gained as Axel. So I dunno, do they get fused into one mega heart?
So how much of an improvement is kh2fm to kh1fm?
Why isn't there any level design, platforming or exploration in KH2? I haven't tried FM yet, does it improve those at all?
Never play vanilla KHII if FM is available. Never.
KHFM isn't a big deal.
The real thing is 1.5, which adds better controls on top of the FM additions.
So don't play vanilla KH1 if 1.5 is available.
FM adds a new area that involves some platforming.
The main focus in KHII was getting the combat right. So level design was simplified to assist a smoother, more free-form combat experience.
How is that confirmed? I thought all they said was they always had the ability to grow a new heart, but Xemnas kept them in the dark, so theyd inherit Master Xehanorts heart. Am I missing something?
>Roxas has his own heart now, as confirmed
No it wasn't
Because Roxas is able to express emotions despite not having the memories to base those emotions on. He originally started out as an emotionless zombie but gained emotions when he got his heart.
He had ventus's heart, that's how he gained emotions
So its just speculation. Got it.
>he doesn't know
They probably merge together.
Level design took the backseat in KH2 for gameplay. Where it's the opposite in KH1. Hopefully KH3 combines the two together.
Have you played 0.2? It's improved quite a lot.
Since KHII already gave them a solid base to work off of, they can put more attention to the world design.
Though you could argue that they'd already started minding level design more in DDD.
To add onto what the rest said, the higher the number on the card the more it costs as well, so stacking up with high numbers will limit the number of cards you can actually have in your deck.
Dodging in general isn't really meant as proper dodging in both CoMs because proper card play is and should be your main defence.