Same day release

>same day release

which do I buy Sup Forums

I personally would say Pokken Tournament DX, but only because I want to see the pokken scene to revive

As much as I love DBZ, Pokken is probably the more polished and fun to play game.

pokken and later xenoverse 2 on the pc during a steam sale where you can mod it


pokken sucked on wii u and sold badly, why does anyone think it will be better on the switch?

Both are ports by bandai

I guess depends. Xenoverse has more characters

Save your money for a better console.

It sold 1.3 million in the last year of a disaster console. 13 million userbase

If these games interest you: get Pokken now, save up for Dragon Ball Fighter Z next year.

I have a PS4 + PC, I just want a portable Dragonball game

>There are too many Switch games to choose from

I STILL am not bored with Arms.

Who honestly enjoys xenoverse 2, why?
Pressing square to combo and blast your opponents ass all over the screen.
Zero amount of depth.

Xenoverse is an RPG not a fighting game

Grown ups make their own decisions user

>I just want a portable Dragonball game
Then buy a fucking psp or a smartphone and emulate the GBA games. XV2 is the worst portable game you could hope to buy.

I've already played the shit out of every oood GBA and PSP Dragonball game

None, they're both shit

Then get a device that can emulate Tenkaichi 3 and actually learn how to play the game beyond button mashing.

>>There are too many Switch games to choose from


>Buy fighting game
>Get depressed, anxious and overwhelmed
>Deep regret