>tfw there are no games like Mount and Blade
Why? One would've thought that there would be at least M&B clones out there.
>tfw there are no games like Mount and Blade
Why? One would've thought that there would be at least M&B clones out there.
Other urls found in this thread:
There's that Chinese game
There's that Chinese game
There's Pirates, which preceded it.
At least there are plenty of good mods for M&B.
There's that Chinese game
There's M&B Warband
I made this thread a few weeks ago
Apparently the only other M&B clones are pirate-themed games, one by sid meier and one that's a M&B mod that turned into a standalone release
Tiger Knight
It's a lot more arcade-ish though. Some people might prefer that I guess.
What about that Chinese game?
problem with the Chinese game is there it is supposed to be a 5 v 5 or 6 v 6 I forget, but everytime it ends up being 1 human + 4-5 bots v 1 human + 4-5 bots...
The person who retreats the most, or gets a combo wins.
Why are the games called Mount and Blade but you don't even have to actually mount or use blades
because you warband
>play napoleonic wars
>you can't actually play as napoleon inna war
fucking woooow
Just gotta wait for Bannerlord OP.
I mean, The Sims is a million dollar idea, but you don't see any competitors to it either.
*laughs in feast*
Which sid Meier game? M&B really is a piece of shit but I love it, like MGSV
Bannerlord when
Mount and blade: warbland one ladder clusterfuck is getting old
Whats the mod?
uhh, i think you can
Why does anyone think Bannerlord won't be a piece of shit like 1?
because it very obviously looks *at minimum* a Warband+
brb making my sims
haven't touched NW in a while but isn't it MP only?
yeah, though there's usually a general slot and as France I'm pretty sure the general is Napoopan
it's just not the same user
Why is it called Warband when the game doesn't even have a war band? It's only added by DLC
Damn, you werent joking when you said its a mod. How do they get away with that without the mount and blade guys hitting them with copyright?
Is there any eta for the next M&B game?
i lold
Never ever basically.
I mean yeah, but really though. This year? 2018?
Ace of Seafood. build army of sea creature.
what's wrong, you didn't like the true sequel?
the only date they've ever given was that they wanted early access by end of 2016
which was obviously delayed into indefiniteness
That actually looks kind of fun.
Great. What's the go to version now? iirc all I have/played was the OG M&B
Warband. I'm not sure what it changed but its apparently better. Plus it has tons of mods.
I feel like I've seen this thread before
Looks like I do have that. What's the deal with the Fire and Sword one?
its ok to decent, i wouldnt buy it full price
Playing Warband ruined melee combat for me. From outside the action looks awkward as shit, but as much as how crude it is, it's the closest to real life as it could get. You play enough and it becomes endearing.
Now I cant stand the dancing and prancing with the spinning and whirling combat bullshit anymore. It just feels so retarded. The lackluster feedback when the blade cut the flesh; the lightness no matter what you're wielding; the special effects for no damn reason when a sword swings - all that shit feel so fucking nonsensical now.
Of course you don't play as Napoleon, it's not his war. It's Nic Napoleo's war, ya dummy.
fuck players who use spears/polearms and do the spinny shit
The animation, graphics and battle sizes are already improved so they literally already can't fuck up beyond this point. They could literally release the game with a blank map and no quests and the game will still be good because nobody gives a shit about native anyway and modders will make their own worlds and quests.
Kingdoms under fire is the closest thing you will have to M&B warband, but sadly is a xbox hueg exclusive.
Do you have some webms?
Captured market at its finest.
Of course EA fuckery can make that a window of opportunity like the Sim City -> City Skylines stuff