
I leave for four days & the threads just up & disappeared huh,I guess cleve didn't release anything after-all once again?

Other urls found in this thread:

I thought this came out last week.

Yeah. No point in these threads until we have another release date. Right now its just Cleve going back to "Coming soon", which could mean as much as two years before we get a new release date

bumping for interest

By the time Cleve releases Grimoire, it will be outdated.

Steam didn't even do anything about the store reports. What a fucking lazy pieces of shit jews Gabe and Valve are.

Whole game releasing stuff is just a joke
He's just laughing at everyone in his shelter

didn't he say he gave them the "full"game before putting up the store page,it would explain why they haven't bothered to take it down

The Codex figured out we weren't laughing with them and tucked tail and went home.
Some are still around trying the "merely pretending" excuse.

How many times I need to tell you that he haven't given nothing. Steam database is empty. Even unreleased binaries are visible in 'depot' section but Grimwah doesn't have even that.

How so? As far as I understand they are railing pretty hard on the neanderthal. Just love me some god damn drama.


Cleve went back to hibernating for another 7 years

Impossible, I have heard it is better than wizardry, even better than civilization V with the new world expansion!

You thought wrong

The drama kind of got boring. After everyone got caught up on twenty years of his insanity it turns out all he's doing right now is boasting about how much of a superhuman bug fixer he is, which isn't really all that entertaining.

It's clear he's just gonna drag his feet until he finds a good enough reason to hold it back indefinitely and he's not even being dramatic enough about it to hold people's attention.

>it actually releases this friday

how bad will it explode here?

It's a dud

Since it will be more fun to shitpost about this game than to actually play it I imagine it will be fairly lively here.

The Codex doesn't actually play games they just have opinions on games.

found out you it's viable to go without a weapon with the right skills even if there is no official monk class,fist can still do massive damage

Suggest me a game similar to Grimoire, which is not as old as possible.

Honestly everything the man types is 10/10 gold.

I can really only imagine the insanity of the storyline in this game.

>releasing this Friday

Lmao'ing at your life, user.

hard at work typing out shitnovelettes

You could spend hours making jokes about the portraits this game has honestly.

wizardry 8, i got inspired to try after all the cleveposting and I've been having a blast

I don't understand the combat at all. As far as I know it's automatic? The characters wont do any spells for example and using items during combat is impossible. How should I play the game? Is the automatic combat a default?

>There's no point in arguing with me on this subject because while you spent the last twenty years masturbating to hentai I spent that same time reading about office psychology and getting it from the source.


Well at least he admits he didn't spend that time working on Grimoire.


I think it's bugged was up all night trying different combos but got nothing,or maybe I got all the combinations wrong

There was a lot of discussion in the last thread showing examples of his code, and it's no wonder the game has so many bugs. It was originally done in a very hard-coded C style, and he has no interfaces or handlers.

like in the old days.

Is Ryu a Wizard, Sorcerer or Monk?

I am the only one who prefer the old portaits instead the new ones?

I don't give a shit about this autist or his game but if Grimoire isn't pulled by Monday I'm going to be seriously fucking disappointed in Steam

It's one thing for some jackass to flail around making a fool of himself, but Steam shouldn't allow it after he failed his deadline

Level 5 monk with Level 2 Sorcery.

All I know is that if he genuinely spent 250k upgrading the art over the years then it's just another case of sapes fucking the neanderthals.

What do you think, guys?

Skip to: 10:08

I was just looking at this game. Is it worth playing?

Are you a sape or a neanderthal?

you can get some decent fun/hours from the super demo but the main game is currently MIA

Huh, he shows all of the maps in the game. Someone could reconstruct this game from all of the sources out there.

Ah ok. from the way this is going, sounds like the main guy behind this game is hiding underground.

well he does own a shelter


He reminds me of the guy that makes Din's Curse. Except that guy actually makes games despite that they all run on the same engine.

he spent a fortune building his own nuclear bomb shelter user

the maps seem really small compared to something like ultima

What people aren't going to get over is the fact that his game just LOOKS like shit

>I don't even remember making that map
Of course, he stole it

If the game doesn't exist how do you people explain hundreds of hours of videos on it on youtube?

Deceptively edited videos

ask it to Brenda Romero or Robert Sirotek

YOU look like shit

I'm with you 100%. It shows complete lack of respect towards their customers.

It's the same company that introduced paid mods, I don't know why you're all so surprised.

Garry's Mod is a paid mod of Half Life 2


>he's never played a classic dungeon crawler

Wow, you've got some mad Photoshop skills.

Yes. The old portraits just scream "pedophile furry."

I have only played Barry's Mod.


That picture was spammed in these threads for days.

has anyone played daggerfall on the unity engine? worth it?

or is it still in beta?

>"There was one miniquest left that was just an enum placeholder, never implemented it. Always planned to but there was always something higher priority to work on. Implementing it now. Mother of all easter eggs, epic moment in the game, totally beyond the pale, like Michael J. Fox doing a complete barrel roll inside the tunnel on his skateboard at the end of BTTF 2. Must-have miniquest moment. This is the big Easter Egg I was planning for 23 years. Testing now."

Play Morrowind with OpenMW instead.

Ultima wasn't a blobber outside of Underworld if that even counts. The combined maps (assuming 200+) would be larger than a comparable game like World of Xeen which didn't have nearly that many. I highly doubt you'd get anywhere close to 600 hours out of it, though.

last I hear didn't the main dev abandon the project?

also what did clive mean by this?

I haven't seen it.
It's still Pre-alpha, and you can just walk around, it's pretty great seeing what can become of it, but, still, no serious gameplay.

It's still in pre-alpha.

i'd like to play daggerfall but every time i attempt it the controls put me off.

morrowind i've beaten to death

No mate Daggerfall is completely playable with WASD + mouse. You just need to customize the controls and turn on mouse look. There's a bug in which the mouse look turns off when you save the game. You just need to save the game 2-3 times in row and the mouselook turns back on. Don't give it up it's kick ass game.

You can change controls, so it's similar to Morrowind's, only archaic thing is movement attacks, but you get used to it.

If it releases then its just another dungeon crawler with horrible gameplay since the genre itself is based on having terrible gameplay so any retard can make one of these games, stupid trope infested retro rpg story with even worse lore, ass looking 80s "art" and mediocre at best music
Nobody will ever talk about it again

Name ONE thing it does better than Morrowind, you can't.

>Tfw his son is a qt advertising student (
>Tfw Cleve never speaks of his sons and being a father
>Tfw he was probably a shit dad


I'm not here to compete about referring to game titles. Daggerfall is different game than Morrowind, there's no need to compare them or justify which one does something better and whatnot. I play Daggerfall because it's different than Morrowind. What are you, 12?

>Nu-Sup Forums discovers Cleve in 2017

This is adorable

Imagine how you'd feel if another forum discovered CWC just now

What controls are you referring to? I never had a problem with the controls, but then again, I first played the game back when it was new. Hell, I think I still have the box laying around my dad's house somewhere. If you're referring to the combat, you have to remember different slashes have different damage/to hit modifiers. I believe thrusting has the highest chance to hit but the lowest average damage. Swinging from side to side has average chance to hit and damage while slashing diagonally has higher damage but lower chance to hit. The strongest attack is a downward chop but has the lowest chance to hit.

I could be wrong about that because it has literally been decades since I read the manual. Personally, I enjoyed the combat more in Daggerfall than I did in Morrowind because it seemed like the latter was greatly simplified. You just clicked the mouse like a madman while hoping you land a hit with no strategy involved.

Well, another deadline has come and gone. That probably explains the renewed interest.

Combat. The spell maker. Climbing. Thieving (breaking into stores was the GOAT for loot hauls).

I left that windows screensaver on sometimes, that's the same, isn't it?

character stats & general customization like faces & body's not to mention the Inn's & random bedrooms filled with pic-related



That doesn't even scratch the surface. If you ever create a codex account, read the "Why Sir-Tech Went Bankrupt" thread in retardo land. Cleve starts making wild claims about how he had to wade through "waist high piles of dildos and male sex toys" in order to reach his desk while programming Stones of Arnhem. He also claimed that underage male prostitutes were hired as beta testers that were paid in oral sex and other golden Neanderthal claims. The real gem that you'll find in that thread is that Cleve actually wasn't lying about some of that. It'll blow your mind, kek.


ut's gibba be giid

>people think this game doesn't exist in some form

It'll either never get a full release or do so and be barebones as fuck, but it is a real game running on a real engine, not video fakery

Yeah, Sir-Tech Australia hired some complete degenerates from the film business as directors and art designers, hoping to make Mad Max the video game, apparently. Or trying to dodge paying royalties to Andy Greenberg, depending on which version you believe.

You're deluded. You found out about Cleve in the past few days and think you're on top of the whole sage. Most people at RPGCodex milk him for lulz, even the people that believed him for the past 5-10 years no longer do so, or only do so in a memey fashion (i.e. expecting it to be vaporware forever), much like most of the remnant of DNF fans back in the old 3D Realms forums


You are aware that "oldfags" migrated to Codex? And that there are still a lot of guys from Codex here, right now?



>still adding features
This can't be real.

He's still waiting on the game of catch that will revolutionize the genre and put all other games of catch to shame.

