SGDQ2017 Best moments

Christ what a shitshow

You know, if this was a straight normal couple kissing on cam they would have gotten kicked out.
It doesn't help that the purple tranny was also one of the hosts and part of the staff.

I didn't watch this year. Is anyone from the original GDQ still there from when it was just a small event?

Most of the old guard got banned, only staffers are left and they're being replaced slowly with trannies.

Any cringe moments?

what in the actual fuck is up with this event and trannies? legit question

How did this hostile takeover even happen?

>5 people
>3 trans
>trans comprise less than 1% of the population
What a strange coincidence.

>5 people
I only see 2.

>You know, if this was a straight normal couple kissing on cam they would have gotten kicked out.

Seriously? Why would they be kicked out?

well, you got excessive displays of affection, read their rules.
also, this would definitely count as "unwanted sexual advances" look at purple, he's forcing himself on blondie

it goes like this:
>autists like doing the same thing over and over
>because of this, speedrunners are mostly autistic
>trannies come with a lot of other mental disorders, usually including autism

@1:46 I liked that song desu

>everyone agrees no BOTW run so they can optimize it
>tranny submits one anyway and it gets accepted
GDQ is dead


Doctors without brothers was funny, the Mr. Vile song was actually pretty neat lyrically but the guy singing it put in like 0 energy and confidence into it. He should have owned it.

so the doctors without brothers guy is banned now right?

That Pikachu impression was spot fucking on

BWAHAHA guy was the best part of it. Apparently he purposely left his couch wih no mic and just wanted them there as friends because no one else in America actually runs the game

so many guys dressed like women
in the past, you could tell they were doing it for fun because they were usually dressed like touhou girls, but now that cosplay is banned, only trannies are doing it?

why are there so many of them, they aren't even 1% of the human population, do they accept literally any shitty run if you look female?
Notice how they they all failed halfway through, these people have no fucking skill.

The Dark Souls runs were the best by far

Star wars jedi outcast guy was great. So happy

Bubbles went from /notourguy/ to /ourguy/ pretty quickly.

>look female
lol no they didnt

I liked the ffvii one, really liked that they actually talked about the story and plot.

>see skinny ass dude with long hair
>clothes don't really help and they aren't acting feminine
>sounds like a dude too
>can't tell if they're a tranny or not
>don't want to ask or else i might get kicked out of AGDQ

GDQ staff has been compromised for several years now. There is no reason anyone should be supporting their growth.


Well said.

They're in it for the user experience.

Jesus Christ it's like they're guys wearing a wig.

this so fucking much i met some trannies irl and online and to this day i have yet to find one thats normal and lives a healthy lifestyle

they are the worst fucking people out there and iam proud to be a transphobic all the way


I don't know, maybe.

Because they are?

>that manly head grab
>just everything else

Fucking pervert needs to be gassed

>"i love sea... man"

>Super Metroid Race
>two newfags lose to Phantoon
>Zoast clears it
>chad newfag spends the time looking pissed off and making smug, rude commentary and hoping Zoast will fuck up
Legitimately good shit. Sad to see the event becoming trannyshit now.

I genuinely liked the greedy crocodile song. It was a funny way to fill the time during what was essentially an auto scroller.

How come trannies are so common in the speedrunning scene? Even more common than actual females?

>be shit
>put on wig
>claim you're a woman
>submit run
>accepted instantly
>free travel and paid hotel to go to GDQ

Is it really this fucking easy?
It's like silicon valley, you get a tech job instantly if you're trans.

Its an event full of guys so some guys will pretend to be girls just to get more attention so other guys will see this and do the same

holy shit they're cosplaying as the Kinsey Scale

>Doctors without Borders is a great service and I'm really glad that it exis-
>uh huh yeah ok
>Disregard what I just said

what the fuck

what the fuck does "dilate" mean? I get chils just thinking about what that aberration must look like

you've never been nervous before?
it's easy to run your mouth when you're distracted and nervous

He said doctors without Brothers.

Jesus fucking Christ, this is the worst thing I have read in years.

>tfw bipolar attention whores are turning a fun way to raise money for charity into a tranny parade

It probably was an autistic attempt at a joke, nobody can be that stupid.

Edobean needs to shut up imo

Huh, I didn't even hear that I thought they told him to not talk about where the money goes to.

i don't know, but I do know post-ops have to keep s special medical rod in their new gaping hole for 2 years in order to keep the skin for trying to heal itself like it's supposed to

truly vile stuff

>Thought it was multiple people
>just one trans surgery from thailand messed up.
That's what he gets for going to thailand lmao.

Dilate means to widen something, in this case a hole.

Oats and Oven are just as good though. LowIce is just a ridiculously dangerous run.

The commentary was dogshit though, I agree. They brought the guy back from ALTTP because he became a meme and he just was shitting on the game constantly.

Why do people encourage this? I don't give a flying shit about what you identify as, why in any circumstance, would you think chopping off the end of your urinary tract and replacing it with an OPEN WOUND would be a good idea?


I hope not, but sponsors hate it when they're misrepresented so he probably will be.

In this context it means forcibly stretching the "vagina" (which is just a deep wound) to prevent it from healing.

Let me see some Chibi tweets, I always laugh my ass off when I see them.

Please tell me that he killed himself after that.

>willingly self mutilating yourself
These kind of people really need mental help.

>oh a SGDQ2017 thread! cant wait to discuss all those great runs and funny moments!
>enter thread

This is without a doubt the worst board in all of Sup Forums.

So what was your favorite run?

>someone makes a lame doctors without brothers joke
>possible ban
>charity is save the children
>someone says ''Kill the children, Save the frames.''
>no one gets banned
It's just gdq being uptight as usual.

all the runs were pretty shit

We're not the ones that put trannies in our video game show, so don't blame us.

and they say being trans isn't a mental illness

>Ninja Gaiden runner becomes trans after his run
Does going to a GDQ give you a disease or something? Are they spiking the drinking water with hormones?

super metroid races were a mistake

You think people here want to watch the runs? They are waiting for cringe moments.

>This is without a doubt the worst board in all of Sup Forums.

You're thinking of Sup Forums

>They shoehorn trannies in more and more every year
>We're just supposed to let this happen

>tfw the picture is taken down

I kind of wanted to see this bloody, pus drooling abomination.

Just be glad he's suffering and regretting and that he will probably suicide at some point.

Is muh boi Bubbles banned? His jokes were too racy for GDQ

Best Run - Titanfall 2. It was so fast and fun to watch. I literally bought the game because of that run.

Worst run - Final Fantasy 7. Hours is 8 fucking hours a speedrun? And a boring turn based jrpg too that relies heavily on rng. There is no skill involved in these runs.

Kys transphobes.

It was just a gag, no one actually said anything to him.

Yeah but they always have a FFVII run towards the end.
I'm just waiting for that one dude to submit the run that takes about a week in real time.

I ignored ever run longer than 1 hour.

Name one trans runner who was actually good or even managed to complete their run.

I'm waiting.

What happened at 1:40?

In another year or two it will be a requirement to either be a tranny yourself or to have no less than three of them sitting on the couch behind you.

>Kys transphobes.

I just gotta wait for those seriously high suicide rates to solve the tranny problem for me.

>worst run - final fantasy 7
But it was the comfiest shit of the event, user. Get some fucking taste. The Titanfall 2 run was pretty good though I'll give you partial credit for not being a total fuckup.

Why does this event get weirder with each passing year?

Good god

>le comfy meme
Please die.

Everyone wanted to listen to the music. It's a catchy little nostalgic tune. Even the guy before hand said 'Okay NO ONE will talk during the ballad because everyone lost their shit last year' so the instant the ballad started the announcer started reading another donation.

Dunno what's worse, if that was intentional or if the announcer was just being a fucking idiot


Nah man, I'm not gonna sit for 8 fucking hours to watch a """"speed""""run. I can just play FFVII myself.

Diablo 2 run was boring af desu. Never played it but I dont think I am missing much. I will stick to Diablo 3.

What were your favourite runs anons? so far I've watched shantae, portal 2 coop (solo), tetris, dark souls and hollow knight but there are too many to just pick randomly.

>europe without borders
>trannies galore
what a shitshow this has become

The good old runners have long stopped going there or dropped speedrunning altogether.
None of the people that originally worked on GDQs are in the staff anymore either and they ban everything that could be 'problematic' to any type of human being.


>"speedrun" is over 1 hour in length
>"speedrunning" JRPGS