What were the best games that came out the year you were born? I'll start.
What were the best games that came out the year you were born? I'll start
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Donkey Kong Jr.
I can honestly say there aren't any games that came out that I give a shit about when I was born. The first one I have in my collection is Mario 2.
I got Bubble Bobble.
Original Castlevania.
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
>This picture is 8 years old
The game itself is old enough to where it would be drafting age.
>my birthday: April 17, 1994
>Super Metroid US release day: April 18, 1994
First game I ever played. Ridley and the eeriness of Ceres space Station scared the shit outta me
1992 boyz wea u @???
Master Chief isn't 45, stupid!
Resident Evil 2, Half-Life, Final Fantasy Tactics, F-Zero X, Starcraft, Mega Man Legends, Turok II, Yoshi's Story, Grim Fandango, Pokemon Red and Blue, Fallout 2, MGS, Sonic Adventure, and Ocarina of Time.
Try and find a better year for gaming.
best games of 1988?
This year
>There are people born in the 00's browsing this board RIGHT NOW.
Also, underageb&.
Goodbye kiddo.
Super Mario Bros 3
Mega Man 2
Alter Beast
Ninja Gaiden
Take a pick
One of the best games ever made on top of that.
Glad to see some people paying attention in my thread.
sonic the hedgehog 2
oh, i see. i thought i've never played a game that old, but i've played at least three of them, kek those games are almost thirty now
1994 was a good year for games
>the music is now playing in your head
Super Mario Bros for the NES
also the best game in the series
Also Metroid and Castlevania, all in the same year.
>Dragon's Lair
>Star Wars Arcade Game
>Ultima III
>NES released
>Scarface comes out
>Return of the Jedi comes out
>Total Eclipse of the Heart was no.1
>Republicans were the good guys
Being born in the 80s is suffering. You missed everything good.
The video game market crashed the year I was born. Also, Punch Out.
>Republicans were the good guys
The best game that came out that year was probably contra.
Quality reply
Lets see.
Space Invaders, apparently. At least it was the only one of the games on Wikipedia's list for 1978 that I've played.
Fuck my life.
favorite game from my birth year is Zelda as well
Not to get political but in my experience I have learned that whoever you are taught were the "evil bad guys" were heroes who failed.
In real life the good guys never win.
This also only applies to white people, because all those goatfuckers in the desert obviously deserve to doe.
Whatever you say, Cleatus
I was so excited to play that as a kid.
I was like 7 or 8 and I got it for Christmas.
Like I remember the commercials on TV for it even. So much hype.
I still do a run through every year or so.
the same for me, except with Twilight Princess (which came out when I was 7 or 8)
I had already played WW by then and I played OoT and MM soon later thanks to the Wii VC.
what month
Back in 1982...
too many good releases
dkc, sonic & knuckles, earthbound, super metroid, earthworm jim, megaman x
The first Crash Bandicoot, Donkey Kong Country 3, Super Mario 64, Twisted Metal 2, Tekken 2, Quake, Nights into Dreams, the first Tomb Raider, etc.
All were released in 1996.
Same year
You missed out on being a kid with a PlayStation when this came out. Still to this day one of my favorite games.
Pic related was released a few days before I was born.
thanks for the total, most blatant obvious answer autism senpai.
merely pretending etc etc
there are people itt whose first games came out when i'd already been playing them for years. feels weird man. i'll be your grandpa now. you god damn whipper snappers.
83 so it would just be Atari shit since the NES didn't hit the US until 85 and idk what released with it.
Modern wafer 2!!!!!
Chrono trigger and yoshi's island.
>luring kids into getting underageb&
1995, it's still my favorite videogame
Turns out a lot of my favourite games were released when I was born
>Super Mario 64
>Crash Bandicoot
>Tomb Raider
>Metal Slug
whats up you fucking 90s baby faggots
Suck my balls old man!
Best game of all time
Get off my lawn.
Elite, fek david braben has been doing that shit for my entire life!
jag version best version!
I'm proud of being born in 1994
>Akuma appears in Street Fighter 2
>Final Fantasy VI
>First ever King of Fighters
>Super Metroid
>System Shock
A blessed year for games. But the best of these is Super Metroid.
I'm impressed, most people here seem to be in the range of 20-30+ years of age.
Final Fucking Fantasy 1
Street Fighter 2
Sonic 1
Final Fantasy 4
Super Mario World
Zelda Link to the Past
Monkey Island 2
Mega Man 4
Just to name a plentiful amount of notable games from 1996...
>Duke Nukem 3D
>Pokemon Red/Green
>Super Mario RPG
>Kirby Super Star
>Resident Evil
>Final Doom
>Super Mario 64
>Crash Bandicoot
>Marathon Infinity
>Twisted Metal 2
>Tomb Raider
>Donkey Kong Country 3
>Sonic 3D Blast
>Bubsy 3D
Of all those, I'd say SM64, Pokemon, and Quake would be the top three most significant games of that year, though personally I think Quake, SMRPG, and DKC3 are my favorites from that list.
Super Mario brothers
>lists King of Fighter
>doesn't list Samurai Shodown 2
Fuck you