Why does he stand like that?
Why does he stand like that?
Legs don't work
Because its hard on his back to carry ds3 from his fight alone.
his brain has regressed and he now moves like a little kid on his knees
my legs are ok
Maybe his feet hurt?
Good one mate.
His armor says he's cursed, He's mute, crippled, and his soul is stuck with his brother forever
The real reason is they wanted a giant enemy that didn't shit on your camera. can you imagine a teleporting giant enemy and you could only see his legs?
Too true desu
>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Twin"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Princes
>Older Prince Lothric
>Younger Prince Lorian
They don't yank them out at the same time.
Hes a big guy.
aren't twins supposed to be of the same fucking age?
It's a Japanese thing. One of the siblings always has to be the older one. Also, funnily enough, by their logic the older one is the one that was born last, because he spent more time in the womb.
Who says they arent? Find me a text that says he is years younger
It was pretty important in Europe too back with having the oldest inherit everything.
Was it ever an actual written law? Did they not have testaments back then?
Depends on the place at the time.
Although right of succession could trigger an internal war if you tried to go against whoever had the strongest claim anyways.
From what?
legs are not ok :(
He's too exhausted to stand up after his brother rode his dick into oblivion.
Their parents messed up trying to find the perfect genetic to improve their lineage resulting in weak Lothric prince. When his brother Lorian tried to share this curse with him, he ended up mute and disabled
Wasn't even the best fight in their own game. Stop replying to your own post.