With the new Shadow of War coming soon, how would you make use of your own nemesis system in a different game?
I think AssCreed would benefit the most from it, giving you procedurally generated targets and shit. Also, stuff like M&B Warband could become even deeper.
Andrew White
You're welcome.
Oliver Ross
What if we improved upon Mafia III's crime boss mechanic, fuse it with the nemesis system and cram it into GTA 6.
Jacob Cox
I would kill for the nemesis system in a original cape game.
Jack Williams
>press space to be immortal great game
Charles Carter
The new XCOM 2 DLC does away with the immortality thing while retaining some of the awesome nemesis system stuff.
Jackson Hernandez
i know what you mean but its still decent after a little while you start riding around on caragors and branding orks for fun
Logan Moore
not really it's the most pointless game i've ever played, in the most literal definition of the word everything you do in the game has no meaning, and the nemesis system itself has no depth
Jack Richardson
every game is pointless?
Jeremiah Davis
Joseph Murphy
The nemesis system is shit.
>never die in the entire game >game picks a random orc that comes back without explanation even though you chop his head off in regular basis >still have to face him during the horrible and anticlimactic endgame
Gabriel Fisher
dumb reply shadow of mordor is pointless because if you kill captains you'll just get more, forever if you brand them, then you stop captains from coming but your captains cannot infight each other so after branding everybody you see how completely barren the game actually is
Leo Collins
i liked the game. fight me.
Jayden Turner
I wont argue for a shit game you liked. You just like the shallowness of it.
Jose Sanders
good for you plenty of people like AAA shovelware like this
Ethan Richardson
Actually it's a action RPG now. The AssCreed climbing and parkouring/stealthing and BamHam combat is still there but no more shitty runes it's now typical items, there's probably going to be a friendly hub to buy shit, as well as shit that drops on humans, and now you can legit be friends with orc allies instead of brainwashing them.
James Flores
They have something like that in Shadow of War. Basically if you're not forging friendships with your captains/chiefs/Overlords, they CAN and probably WILL betray you to return to their dark lord.
So yes that is a thing.
Grayson Powell
>so after branding everybody you see how completely barren the game actually is >after finishing all the content you realize you've finished all the content
David Johnson
In a space western or a space crusade setting the nemesis system would be great
Oliver Johnson
the game doesn't consider that the content to finish it considers the collect-a-thon bullshit to be 100%ing
Caleb Carter
>do the same thing over and over >not shallow
Isaac Brown
Same system, different orcs GOTYAY
Xavier Peterson
You can get every single orc captain under your control in a couple hours. I don't think the game is all that bad, but the nemesis system was seriously underwhelming imo.
Hunter Wilson
>collect-a-thon You mean the survival challenges, thats if you want to fully 100% it, there's still the legit content of side missions to make your weapons look nicer, or the dlcs like Torvin's Hunt or Bright Lord.
Then the Nemesis Forge to get your Ally/Nemesis in order if you're planning on grabbing Shadow of War soon.
Isaac Russell
yeah, the boring collect a thon shit >or the dlcs like Torvin's Hunt or Bright Lord. the only actual content, but even then they just took the same worlds and made slight changes the bright lord is probably the only potentially good part of shadow of mordor since you get branding right away and all the captains are pretty powerful from the get go, but it still eventually falls into the same pitfalls the main game does >Then the Nemesis Forge to get your Ally/Nemesis in order if you're planning on grabbing Shadow of War soon. best preorder that shadow of war goy
Xavier King
>want to make a M&B clone with a Nemesis system >realize it would take a million years to complete one of you guys do it
Ian Martin
>best preorder that shadow of war goy >A free DLC for owners of Shadow of Mordor that want to bring favorite orcs to the next game? JEWS I SAY!
Levi Stewart
Fuck that noise, I just woke up from a short nap to grab food and found out my cat shat on the stairs again.
Bother somebody else about it.
Jack Moore
I feel like Red Dead Redemption 2 could make it work better. Have you run afoul of gang ringleaders who then grow more notorious and powerful until you end up having to storm a fort just to get at them.
Brayden Sullivan
He's saying you're a marketer, and that's why you've been making these threads and defending this shit game.
Remeber pic related? Of course not, you weren't here then.
Thomas Butler
I wouldn't. The nemesis system is a 4/10 idea created to give the devs and game reviewers something to talk about during interviews/videos.
Hudson Rodriguez
>Someone enjoys something >Get's accused of being a shill
Hey I'm sorry you're friend has high octane autism, but some folks actually enjoyed this game, and while I respect your friend's opinion, I don't much like him telling the people that enjoyed it that HE though it was garbage, what is it gonna accomplish. All he's really saying is that the game sucks no questions asked.
Elijah Martin
You're not wrong. Like, the nemesis system adds some flavor to the mooks you're fighting but SoM didn't really do anything meaningful with the system. The only two times it ever actually does anything is the battle to get to The Tower and the DLC battle against Sauron but there still wasn't a especially a lot of involvement there other than them showing up and fighting along side you. It was a real shame because there was fun to be had in picking out the orcs you liked and grooming them to be warchiefs through various means but the fact that once you got them there, there was fuck-all to do with them really took the wind out of those sails.
That's why I'm excited for Shadow of War though. The emphasis on having actual full-scale sieges against the different fortresses actually gives you something to do with the orcs you've been meticulously grooming and opens more opportunities for interaction with the system. In the end, it's still probably going to end the same way with the best of the best orcs you raised joining you for a final assault at the end but at least there will be more instances of the system coming into play.
It's also cool that they added the update to let you bring your favorite orc and your greatest nemesis into SoW but it's a bit of a shame that it's only one of each.
My only real hopes for SoW that haven't really been addressed yet are A. QoL improvements like allowing you to issue orders to followers from a menu instead of constantly having to track the fuckers down first, B. more visual physical traits that can be randomly generated (after a while, you started to recognize patterns and orcs started looking the same outside of their helmet and armor) and C. ways that you could encourage nemesis and follower orcs to develop specific traits depending on what happens to them, like an orc who keeps getting set on fire could develop an immunity to it if he always won despite it or a fear of fire if he always lost and ran away.
James Lee
>tfw think that War of the Chosen is 30 >hyped as fuck >it's actually 40
Connor Parker
i feel like a superhero sandbox could benefit from a similar system. it starts with you stopping some petty criminal and then they find some high tech weaponry/get superpowers/ some other bullshit and try to take you out while gathering followers and becoming more of a threat.
Parker Gomez
that sounds pretty neat.
Justin Moore
Which reminds me, I beat the game a few days ago and when I was fighting the 5 talons, I turn around and my boy Prak is slamming one of their heads into the ground repeatedly. Pic related