And now we wait for Sup Forums to shit the bed.
And now we wait for Sup Forums to shit the bed
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>And now we wait for Sup Forums to shit the bed
Has it ever stopped?
Doesn't actually getting married make you a cuck?
How did he make that proposal appear in the game?
what happened to just asking the partner in person
this is complete cancer
>the current year
>getting married
Why would this make anyone upset? It's cute. Good for them.
Quit being a creep
fucking moron
best waifu
Say what?
Some random literally who redditor proposed with a video game? Why would I give a fuck about this?
Delete this thread and repost it with a more interesting topic.
only if she isnt a loli
Yes. If you are a male in the western world you are literally cucking yourself by getting married. That's not to say you can't have girlfriends just don't marry them.
user I
What the fuck did you just post
God the real shit is always in the first few replies
Getting married in the year of our Lord and Saviour 2000+17 has literally NO benefits whatsoever. Just live together, that way no one gets fucked in the ass when you eventually split
t. retarded cucks
>Marrying in 2017
>after jamal and company have already decimated your "wife"'s roastiehole
This can't be real
Isn't getting married actually one of the most financially detrimental decisions you could possibly make right now?
Feelings will always trump logic.
>itt: bitter jealous virgins
That's no where near how it works at all. Do you even know what the definition of Cuck is?
I want Sup Forums to leave
Well it's great if you're a woman.
Not so much if you are a man.
Only when she starts fucking Tyrone
Good job. Very nice bait.
How does that work?
Does the game allow ingame graffitti?
>stop using images on an imageboard
If you marry a wh*te woman yes
yes because marriage makes your son your wife's son.
Being gay is a meme
when you eventually lose all your shit and lose custody of your kids. Yes. Getting married makes you a cuck.
What have we done to the word cuck Sup Forums
Now the Summerfags have no idea what it means anymore
He's completely right, dipshits. Notch got cucked out of half of his money by getting married. Now his ex wife is ravaged by DeMarcus. Marriage is cuckoldry
>as he posts an image himself
top bait
Careful user, you'll get ((((their)))) attention
he didn’t post a reaction image though. reaction images are reddit cancer
Hey Anonymous 383716171. Don't panic, I'm not a mod or a janitor and I can't ban you. But my team is tasked with fixing the hiccups some posters experience on our busier boards.
Seems like your post was coruppted and didn't submit it's full text information. I pulled the original post though. I can't retroactively edit your post, but I'll go ahead and drop your original post into the thread:
> Anonymous No.383716171
> Only when she inevitably starts fucking Tyrone
There we go. No need to thank me, just trying to ensure a smooth, user friendly experience!
>marrying in current year
My gf who is Korean hates nigger though? In fact her entire family does and pretty sure her entire neighborhood does too.
>gf tells me a few years ago that she has no interest in getting married like me
>suddenly has an interest to get married
>This thread
I thought this was Sup Forums, not /r9k/.
Not until she """"""goes out of town"""""""" and gets a taste of Smith's 16" Johnson
prepare to raise a black kid, user
Not him but Koreans are notorious or hating black people and making fun of them.
everyone that is an mgtow or whatever and hates women and says dont get married are just attracted to shitty women because you have no taste. Anybody who is in a relationship with a normal girl is fine to marry. Don't listen to basement dwellers that want to fuck girls like a Chad but also want some exclusive pure girl thats a sex goddess, they dont realize that wanting to be a chad means accepting that youll be fucking slags all the time
>when your brain got poisoned by internet memes too much
already has at least 3 nigger babies by now confirmed
>lol u jus know shitty people, just turn your brain off bro just settle with someone whose already sucked 377770 dicks and now wants a beta provider
Weeeeeeew lad
Reminder that Burch is getting married to someone who already has a son
>Anybody who is in a relationship with a normal girl is fine to marry
These days being a "normal girl" is considered having fucked like 5 minorities and had shit out at least one mudblood nigger hybrid
I wonder who could be behind this post
Ban all social media screencaps. Check my 5 to confirm
Highly doubt that specific post is real but that mentality exists and is the very reason I refuse to be someones stable paycheck. No amount of pussy is worth it.
Women who have this mentality are 100% most of the time liberal feminist cunts.
>some women choose to wait to get married or have kids
>this is somehow kissless virgin's fault
I thought proposing to a woman was sexual harassment?
>Don't worry man, just marry that girl and hope she doesn't fuck you over for life
>Just make sure you can read minds, hope she doesn't change her mind, or hides her roastie past
>What's the worst that could happen?
>not fucking your daughter as soon as she can breed
uh, what
It's a screengrab. You can add text.
i don't know about most women, but personally i'd be a bit spooked if someone i had never talked to before tried to propose to me
By that same logic, so is having a son.
>Raising another man to be attractive and successful enough to go out and fuck a woman instead of you
on the flipside of this raising an alpha chad is the ultimate bull. Your seed is destroying the tight cunts that a bunch of sorry cuckdads worked so hard to cultivate. Your seed spreads exponentially.
The person who wrote that needs to take a break from the internet.
i really hope you did this on purpose
>Had sex with Alex 6 times within a month
>Doesn't know how old he is
Seems like bullshit for (You)'s to me.
When you raise a son, you raise the bull. When you raise a daughter, you prep the bull for 15 years
>not raising a sissy boy to get tight boipussy from
>muh vagina
>reddit user
Of course.
this image is such fake trash you gotta be kidding me
you could tell its some faggot user living out his cuck fetish by writing all of this down and posting it.
You know how I know a dude wrote this?
The hearts are drawn fucking terribly
this thread op openly admitted this was bait. fucking shut this garbage down and ban op for purposely trying to bring down the quality of this board.
This is what happens when you're raised by Sup Forums.
But that's wrong?
He sold Minecraft after and now hes a billionaire and she,s far from that?
Part 1
what are you talking about, he sold after the divorce
Part 2
>Being this brainwashed by Sup Forums
I want to believe this is a joke, but it probably isn't
>reddit spacing
>reddit rhetoric
>reddit whiteknighting
hang yourself
Whoever doesn't get it by now.
It's not because of simple marriage. It's because of Nintendo posting a Reddit post aswell as a Redditor being a weird faggot and proposing via their Switch.
That was the ENTIRE point of this thread.
Next time, read the filename.
He still made another woman a millionaire. Now she doesn't have to work a day in her life and can get fucked by the BBC 24/7
>>reddit whiteknighting
i whiteknighted? shit, i wasn't aware