Are the MegaMan Zero games good?
Are the MegaMan Zero games good?
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The first is a little shaky in terms of game play but it's worth sticking it out for the other games. The aesthetic actually DOES grow on you as well, I know it turns some people off initially
Why does zero look like a wide eyed fish?
They have that obnoxious ranking system that hurts you if you don't finish the level quickly enough
Some people swear by them while others hate them for a few reasons. They're fairly difficult with decent soundtracks. The art style is hit or miss.
I enjoy them but 2 can eat a bag of dicks. I think the art is meh and the cyber elf system punishes you for upgrading, but the swordplay is pretty good.
Give them a shot and see if you like them.
Unless you're fucking terrible you'll S or at least A most stages with ease.
Zero 3 is one of my favorite GBA games of all time.
1, 2 and 3 are good. 4 is trash.
The games have fucked up difficulty balance though. The first couple of levels you play will be BY FAR the hardest part of each game. After you start getting upgrades the games become a total joke. They should have started you out with more base health but made upgrades much smaller. In their current state it's easy to see why people get turned away by the games.
Yeah, good games.
these games are so fucking good they're the reason why I bought Blaster Master Zero.
Pretty much. Has a bunch of useless clutter like elves and currency and exploration but the good shit is good.
and then the final boss comes and you're fucked, at least in Zero 1 and Zero 3
Elpizo was pretty easy, as was Weil
>and then the final boss comes and you're fucked, at least in Zero 1 and Zero 3
Well no, because you have so much health and so many sub-tanks that it's impossible to die unless you have a brain tumor.
I was talking about no health cyber-elves, or at least minimal.
The first one was particularly brutal
I play with minimal health upgrades as to not make the game too easy
Yes, the Megaman Zero games are EXTREMELY GOOD. Enjoy my opinions:
>1 is worth restarting, over and over and over again until you figure everything out just right. It's not that the game is flawed, it's that you have to be better for it.
>2 was the hardest game I ever played as a kid. It's not really a super hard game, but it literally molested me. Would recommend to start with if you want to get pissed off.
>3 is one of those games that was so good and I played so much, it got into my blood. I forgot about Z3, played it constantly a decade ago, but it still gives me a huge smile. If you want to piss off the arrogant weeb trash that comes with liking megaman games, start with Z3
>Z4 is basically a new game with a lot of Zero mechanics left in to shorten development time. It's not bad, and they do some pretty fun stuff, but it definitely feels like the 4th entry in an action adventure series, if you get my meaning. Lacks oomph. Also Zero dies at the end. hahahaha
playing the megaman zero games in order from beginning to end is one of the wildest rides you can have in vidya
tl;dr yes
I thought Zero was a badass? How do you go from badass to diaper wearing loli
Not really unless you barely get hit
True, you'll always most likely get an a unless you die and retry
They're the best Megaman games.
sometimes there are other conditions, like not letting an NPC take damage
>Be good enough to maintain at least an A rank.
>Find EX Skills gained from maintaining an A to be more of a hindrance than a help, and just keep them toggled off.
Anyone else?
Sort of relevant to the thread, but are ZX and ZXA worth playing as well?
ZX's map is a mess.
ZXA is better about it but then most of the transformations are completely worthless outside of sections where their use is mandatory.
Absolutely, very high quality games with good expert modes. I like them more than the Zero games because of more detailed level design and Model H desu
If you like the aesthetic and gameplay of the zero series then ZX is definitely worth checking out. I would say that it's intentially not as hardcore difficult as the Zero games, but playing on Hard mode fixes this.
Advent is also pretty good.
Worth trying. I couldn't get into the ZX series at all. The open world quests killed it for me
pretty gud games senpai
Probably the best Megaman games I've played.
Zero games are really something special, it's not all Inti Creates working their magic in designing the game either; they manage to make the world in Zero pretty dramatic and gripping. You're certainly given enough motivation to slap Copy X on his smug ass.
I never played 2, is it worth playing these again on an emulator with a gamepad or should I just try to find a copy of 2 and play them again on my DS?
Why would you not emulate them? It's free and easier than buying a copy.
It has lots of fun bullshit.
The final area will make you want to smash something, apart from the final boss being a weaker version of 1's
I dont get this meme
Get a flashcart
yes. they are basically continuations of the Zero series gameplay.
ZX in particular is really good, ZXA is really hit or miss in all respects. Not bad, just... hit or miss.
2's chain whip always drove me insane. crossing pits with it always felt finicky.
id explain it, but its a bit of a mouthful
I liked them quite a bit.
The tone from the zero series is gone, making it feel goofy and silly, but the gameplay is enjoyable.
The voice acting if fucking abysmal though.
I get it now
I dont know why ZXA felt the need to do that.
and they got X7's VA's to boot.
Grey is voiced by X7's X, though on the bright side, at least theres some continuity, because im pretty sure Model Z is voiced by X7's Zero VA
They're pretty good, yeah.
do your worst
I hacked my 3ds so I think ill run off that.
Yeah, very good.
its a sword fighting game but only one side gets a sword, the other has a sheath, so one side attacks and the other trys to defend by getting the sword into the sheath
Ziz!Zero a shit.
>thread turns into gay robots
I've never bothered to try.
I love Mega Man but the rankings and 'challenges' don't warrant enough interest for me to strive for them.
Anyone have a picture of someone getting the title "lightning edgeman"?
Why do you need to sheathe a lightsaber?
Here, have some nobel laureate erotica.
Oh man, that's kino as fuck
Otherwise the world smells like burned feathers.
I cannot tell if this is meant to be positive or negative anymore.
It's ABAP, senpai
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
>avoided ZX for years because map system sucked
>start playing it with a real map found online
>it's the best mega I've played post-X4
ZX is really good.
I haven't played the Zero series in years, but that's probably next. I remember them being kinda bullshit in terms of challenge at certain points. I think they got progressively easier as they went to the point where they were too easy by Zero 4 though.
>He doesn't know what it means to be ABAP
that's some gay shit
Putting a pit in the Seraph X battle was just fucking gay.
someone post the webm of the resident evil guys running in circles with automatic pistols
no, no, Zero 4 was hard, but for different reasons.
mainly because they removed the shield and left you with just the saber, buster, and the grabby hand gimmick weapon
Is this the dumbest thing I've ever seen?
I'm Ron Burgundy?
I'unno the bolder punches is a lot to overcome.
It's stupid as fuck and I love it.
is this gun kata?
Zero is a MAN.
yeah, its tagged that
Get the MMZero Collection, it's a nice compilation that lets you map controls to the Y and X buttons unlike playing through the DS' GBA cart slot would, and it also updates sound quality slightly, runs the games without any slowdown like they sometimes had on GBA and there's also a couple extras like the e-reader bonuses for Zero 3.
poju is the dark gateway drug of faps
As long as you can get over the totally unhelpful ingame map of ZX, it's a strong candidate for best Mega Man platformer
ZXAdvent was an ok sequel, I guess. I don't like it as much as ZX or most of the Zero series, but it's still in the better part of the X-Zero-ZX gameplay continuum goddamn the X series got pretty garbage in the PSX days
so this woulda sucked, right
Don't forget the skippable cutscenes
depends on if you liked Legends gameplay. because it wouldve been more of that
Fuck yeah. The only problem I had with them was the camera though.
I'd kill for a remaster with a zoomed out camera.
Yeah they're fun. I recommend the Zero Collection on DS since it has button remapping and a few unlockable secrets.
problem is literally everything in the story was resolved and done. the last thing to do was get him off the a series where several people have travelled back forward and easy easily multiple times.
ZX is fantastic even though the map system is pretty bad.
no it wasnt done. with the master System offline, there was an older system coming back online on terra, something that predated the master system and had something to do with the reaverbots iirc
Someone said it in an earlier thread.
MMZ is basically Megaman X with worse level design but better gameplay.
>Seriously using the shield
Why in the FUCK would you ever do that?
ZX has plenty of good shit but first you need to navigate the map from hell to find a burning building, then you need to talk to npcs to convince them to leave a burning building. Its a longer shittier version of the stage where you fight Croft in Zero 4.
Someone needs to hack the game and fix the map, it will be perfect then
>MMZ is basically Megaman X with worse level design
funny joke, user.
Shit series, would have been the worst if Starforce and ZX didn't exist. Just don't bother with it.
>The art style is hit or miss.
huge miss t b h
waste of money leads to a waste of money
It's pretty much true. Outside of MMZ2, most of MMZ's levels are hallways and corridors, whereas MMX1-3 are fairly big and most have multiple ways to approach different parts.