Is it finally dying for good?

is it finally dying for good?

I wish.

Hopefully. And I also hope Riot dies with it.

What is happening?

funniest part is that Overwatch killed it.

I used to play this with my group of friends all the time back when it first came out. I was the last one to quit after they nerfed my favorite character into the ground.

Looking back, kinda regret the time I played alone. I just wish the porn was better.

which champ, user?

>charge 10m dollars for every competitive teams
>make 1.2b yearly
yeah bud

>charge 10m dollars for every competitive teams
Why do companies to this bullshit? Like for real.
I guess there's a reason Dota 2 is the biggest and most profitable e-sport game for the pros

I feel like Hots may be the final nail in the coffin. not hots by itself but just the huge number of competent competitors at this point. League seems to struggle more and more and all the other moba's are just trucking along

Hopefully Overwatch kills it. The game that is actually somewhat fun

You wish lol

>killing anything in terms of e-sports

For some reason it as alive as always, thought looking at alternatives in online gaming can see why.

In the west yes.

In the east it's peaking.

I don't know what you guys are on about, it's doing nothing but growing and the e-sports scene for it is dominating, overwatch has done nothing , hots will do nothing and dota is dota they're separate, as shitty as it is don't think it's dying just because you faggots don't like it

No idea but just from looking at it recently its feels like its way too bland. The recent changes to Urgot made me realise how cookie cutter their heroes are.

Everyone I knew who played it moved on to something else like Dota or Overwatch.

All the other ones that aren't dota happen to be more casual

When I want to get screamed at at at least want to know what language they're screaming at me, which is why I don't play dota

This. The game is definitely well past its peak in the west. Pretty much none of my friends play it anymore and LoL was by far the biggest game in our group from 2012 to 2015

Internationally though it's still hugely popular with Asians.

No? It's only growing in Asian countries and Europe.

What? The Urgot changes look super fun.

I still remember when they talked about "MICRO SKILLS" when they released Draven and all Dota players was like "You what niggah?". Even Hots got Lost Vikings and shit like that.

I see LoL as a good containment zone. Riot is cancer although and been bullying tournaments and cons. Also supporting their shitty E-sport by pumping in shit tons of money and dicates all tournaments.


>not fun

I stopped playing League two years ago.
I still wish we'd get a good MOBA game like Dawngate.
When I'm tired I tend to write design for a MOBA game.
I still believe this genre can be amazing as long as it is properly executed.
No, DOTA, LOL or HOTS all suck a dick.

The very basic principles of the genre have lots of potential which is never explored because everyone is autistically clinging to same boring designs and mechanics, some of them being a standard only because the genre started as a fucking Warcraft mod.

Explain what would make an "amazing" "MOBA" game, then.

>wanting a game that's unfun to kill a game that's somewhat fun

I mean LoL is shit but jesus.

Lmao no its not, RIOT actually did it and unfucked the game after last year tragedy after tragedy. And if last garbage season wasnt enough to kill the game nothing will

Implying LoL is fun, Implying they are even remotely close. Idiots at Riot should not even deserve to be alive as a dev studio.

Actually, Overwatch's numbers died off pretty hard after a few months. League's barely changed.

Never doubt the Skinner box, friend.

Maybe if you could like, control more than one unit perhaps? And instead of buying equipment, you buy buildings that let you buy more units and maybe upgrade those units.

They're also completely revamping the mastery/rune system for Season 8, just revamped the honor system and the new client is basically bug free at this point. LoL's at peak performance no matter how many people which it would die.

>Urgot changes
>Cookie cutter

Nigger what

I'm implying nothing, a ball and cup is a better video game than Overshill. Waifus and memes does not a good game make.

The game have millions of players, gonna t ake a bit more than 1 year of fuck ups. I mean, look at Blizzard. Riot is a one trick pony that manage to pull out a game at a perfect time when S2games fucked up with HoN and there was no opposition. Luckily for them their 1 trick pony is in a subgenre that survives on 0 content release beside heroes and shitty events.

>Runes are gonna be free and not shit
>Leveling is likely to be removed
>Optional voice chat being added

Waifus and memes is littterally LoL, Memes fucking sells shit games like Borderlands. I enjoy Overwatch in short spurts. Not the best game but there is much worse shit out there. It just happens to be popular beyond F2P like Dirty Bomb because of the Blizzard seal on it. Bit like how Nintendo would been dead by now had they not been Nintendo.

We tried. It was called RTS, and it boiled down to simplistic races with no real strategy involved, essentially becoming head to head speedrunning with little to no room for deviation from a set flowchart. It was less satisfying and less fun for players at all levels of play, with a much higher skill floor and a much lower skill ceiling.

Simply put there's a reason RTS died and ASSFAGS took its throne.

I still don't understand how this became popular, leveling up every game over and over.

>Waifus and memes is littterally LoL
Then you'll enjoy it, because that's also "littterally" Overshill. Perhaps it's time to unhook yourself from Daddy Activision's cock and give something else a try.

All mobas are dying because the fad is over and players who quit are no longer replaced by new ones.
Hots was too late to get a piece of the cake so Blizzard already folded and made all cosmetics semi free.
It's only a matter of time before Riot does the same to save queue times.
Valve will leave the game as it is regardless of its status since they have a history of not giving a fuck.

Everything you wrote is literally wrong, LoL is groiwng everywhere except NA where its stalling

I dont enjoy it, LoL is somethign I played, it is horrible shit driven by a company who want to dictate how I play "Nerf this skill cause you use it wrong, Supports are to fun to play since they do dmg at times, nerf, this is not how its meant to be, nerfed" fucking Riot.

are you for real?

Yeah it was super fun when your enemy 0/20 brand or zyra support gets to mid-late gane flashes into your team and gets a pentakill with 80ap or the enemy support malzahar just feeds his ass off the whole game but all he needs to do is press R on you and he wins a teamfight fucking riot for nerfing those fucks amrite :^)?

>We tried. It was called RTS, and it boiled down to simplistic races with no real strategy involved

If they do that? It is bad balance. Nor when I played was Brand and Malzahar fucking supports.Try out Dota 2 if you want some real balance then instead of nerfing shit to the floor:

The Stealth nerf turning Eve into nothing for over a year sure was fun to when the idiots tried to come up with a solution to people crying about invisibility making the game "passive". It is called playing in different ways against different line ups. Jesus. Fucking LoL players.

I haven't got bored yet. New releases and reworks, new honor system, new runes system etc. Riot keeps changing things up so I think it will take quite a while until it dies. The trick to not getting bored is not playing alone - must've played one or two solo games over the past few months. It can be infuriating, and it's just not
as fun. Why not play a singleplayer game, which is often superior in every way, if you're alone? And it's not even hard to find people to play League with - even normies and girls love it.

That would just make it a small scale RTS though
Moba matches are basically a battle of two armies, except instead of controlling an army like in a strategy game, players they control single powerful heroes. There is a shit tone of different heroes with different abilities and roles in the team. They start out weak, but as the match progresses they get stronger and stronger to the point when they can finally gain an advantage over the enemy team and grant their army a victory. These are the basic principles and I don't know about you, but for me they do sound cool. The problem is that instead of being fun, all big mobas stick to same, boring and repetitive mechanics and refuse to innovate, which makes every match an identical to all others autistic shitfest. Ditch the retarded last hitting and award gold for actual contribution to the battle. Give the players different means of acquiring gold and exp like some special side objectives or mini-quests. Ditch the old boring three lanes map design being the only standard and make lots of different, varied maps. Make the game less snowbally or add various effective comeback mechanics - farm should be crucial, but even an overfed character should never be able to just delete enemy team without a slightest effort.

what new revelation is killing it?

All the people screaming how LoL is for retards and its a fucking casual faggotry compared to your typical RTS probably couldn't even escape gold

Well in an RTS you can get far 1 v 1 but in a Moba you need a team or be above average and able to carry.

>couldn't even get to gold
More likely.

It's usually the case.

Well Riot is now not making millions but billions and it just keeps getting bigger

Yeah it totally died

It's for investors. Same reason the NBA charges 300 million dollars minimum per spot.

>I guess there's a reason Dota 2 is the biggest and most profitable e-sport game for the pros

How? Only the very top get rich while the rest starves. League gives salary to all players equally so it's much more profitable and you can still earn a fuckton more for being a superstar.

Rofl most people wouldn't even finish their placement matches before rage quitting. I love how people here shit on it while providing no proof. It's funny how scarra and QT said that they feel cs:go is harder than league and then summit tells them for him league is harder than cs:go, some games are just different.

huh? what? i don't believe they charge you 10 mil to be a team.

>play league in s1
>clear skill difference between 900 and 1700 elo

>play league in s7 (or whatever season we are at)
>skill gap is nearly nonexistant between silver and platinum elo

Good fucking job Riot

nah your bs on several levels

No, I've been boosting people since s2 and been playing since pre s1, its very clear the game has been casualised
t. high dia player

Now it's 1million like it has been, however the NA LCS is getting franchised next year and since there won't be relegations anymore, getting to the league is now much harder so it's going to be 10 million now for a spot.

Blame people being retards. Like 80% of the league population is silver, there aren't enough people to fill the high ranks, specially in NA that's the region with the least ranked players

The region with the least ranked players is Japan followed by I think Australia.

do tell me the difference then, and while your at it ignore the fact that s1 platinum included all "diamond master and challenger" players because it was the peak.

The problem is that this game development was an absolute shit, they just had really luck with a popularity.
And they done nothing with this. LoL was number one for a long time, so Riot was getting bigger and bigger and in the end of the day over a hundred or more (cant remember) people worked on them.

I bet that 3/4 of them were some sort of HR bullshit because you can create a decent AA game with this ammount of people, time and money, yet they were only releasing a champion and a rework every few months.

Riot can do whatever they want, there is no real competition. If hots came around in 2012 it would have taken a good chunk of lol's player base but now it's kind of similar to wow where people only play because they are already really invested into it or because their friends play and the only people really enjoying playing solo league are super competitive autists.

It's not about specific mechanics that would make a perfect game but the genre as a whole being so entrenched in its own mechanics that every game feels overwhelmingly identical to one another.

It's like if the fighting genre never attempted anything fresh after SF2, FPS games trying nothing beyond Doom2 or RTS games doing nothing after C&C.