MMO casual here. Is there an MMO with actually engaging or interesting combat, not just auto-attack with abilities mixed in? I've tried WoW and FFXIV, but I can't get behind either of them.
MMO casual here. Is there an MMO with actually engaging or interesting combat...
Try GW2
Tera has the best combat in any mmorpg, closely followed by blade and soul and black desert.
I've never felt so skilled when playing endgame as I did doing endgame dungeons in Tera, dodging and blocking make the games feel so much more fun.
Blade and soul literally has the best combat of any MMO to ever exist. And it's free.
But only PvP really uses its combat to it's fullest extent.
Its old as shit and devs killed it with new updates, but it was best
mmo with action combat are always shit because of lag.
To answer your question, unfortunately yes, there are MMOs like that. Vindictus(if you can even count this as MMO), Blade and Soul, Tera, Dragon Dogma Online, Black Desert Online and other gook and chink shit.
To address your issue, "engaging combat" is not something you should be looking for specifically in a MMO. Go play DMC4, Vanquish, Dragon Dogma, etc. for those sort of games.
Any MMO that prioritizes combat fails to be a proper MMO by definition because you'll only ever see a couple of people fighting at the same time.
Tab targeting is a necessary evil until we get FTL internet speeds. Pic related is how a MMO fight should look like.
City of villains
>And it's free.
I'm gonna assume there's microtransactions out the ass like every other F2P mmo
Looked up some Blade and Soul gameplay, and it definitely looks really good. Downloading it now.
I dunno, man, I'm just SUPER picky about my gameplay systems (I don't give a fuck how good any of your other elements of your game are, I refuse to play your game if it isn't engaging and fun), and tab targeting isn't just evil, it's the goddamn devil to me.
Dungeon Fighter Online maybe? Even then it's not the best because at high levels people blaze through dungeons in minutes, but I think the combat is fun and arcadey if you're just playing through the story
But then it has the stamina system which is mobile game tier trash made to ensure koreans don't kill themselves playing the game for 20 hours a day.
Dofus or Wakfu
>(I don't give a fuck how good any of your other elements of your game are, I refuse to play your game if it isn't engaging and fun)
No one gives a shit you know, sounds to me like MMOs as a genre simply aren't for you but you want to force yourself to like them for some reason.
There's online games that aren't MMOs, in case you somehow didn't know. MOBAs, FPS games, stuff like Chivalry, For Honor and Mountain Blade. Games that offer the type of combat you like in addition to real time human opponents.
But MMOs stand for MASSIVE multiplayer online. The moment you take away the massive, it's no longer a MMO. So again, why do you seek out this genre in particular?
My gf wanted to play an MMO with me. I already got her into some fighting games, so it's fair that I give her idea a shot. She even told me I could pick the game, since I gave her the same option.
>have a team of sidekicks in wakfu
>game just becomes grid based tactics game and I love it immensely
Man, sidekicks were a great addition to the game. It reminded me of FFT-lite after I got a full team of them.
There are transactions out the ass, however it's only really cosmetic and quality of life stuff. Like having a wardrobe for outfits you can have, or speeding up leveling process which isn't too long anyway. Really the Mtx isn't too intrusive in the game, especially if you're just looking for an MMO with good combat.
Yeah gameplay-wise it's great, I can't really speak for the endgame pve because I never tried it, but the combat system in general is very smooth and responsive, you make use of almost all of your abilities and they are all situational. The skill tree's are very diverse too, for leveling and pve they might be a little more static, but for pvp you literally change it every game depending on the matchup
And do you think your casual girlfriend will like a MMO with challenging combat?
In my experience they prefer stuff like Perfect World, FF or Archeage where there's lots of crafting, gathering, prettying up their characters and housing/role-playing. Good luck finding something fun for both of you, you'll need it.
Although it's not flashy or as crisp as others already suggested, I honestly prefer ESOs combat to anything I've played.
No cooldowns, so it's all resource management and more reactive. Active attacks, blocks, dodges across all classes. I enjoyed tera and BDO and vindictus and the like, but for me cooldowns mean much more strict rotations which means I have less fun building my character and have to pay less attention in combat.
She's been playing Tera, and she tried to get me into it a little bit after we started dating, but I wasn't feeling it. (I picked Slayer as my starting class, if that means anything.)
You could try out Dauntless. It's likely going to be bad and then killed by MHW.
Too bad the game is korean grinder p2w shit now
Defiance was kind of fun until you got to the wall where p2w players always have better gear than you
No, it does not exist.
All attempts at "combat" MMOs with even remotely challenging combat end up being quite derivative.
Congrats, you killed the big bad monster that took you several minuites of dodging and blocking.
+420 XP
XP needed to level: 1200982
Oh boy...
Thanks for reminding me I bought Defiance for $60 on launch. On 360.
You are too old and dont have the time to enjoy and get immersed in Mmos anymore. Stop trying. They were great when you were 12 and you could only get one gameu per month from mummy so you used it on the subscription and played it every day after school instead of doing your homework.
Yes it is an MMO you retard.
This. You COULD auto attack things to death if you wanted, but that's not viable at all and most of the combat relied on you using your skills (somewhat) intelligently. Enemies have roughly the exact same skills as you do so you can't just spam attacks or abilities either.
This, but they keep rehashing the same bosses over and over and just change some gimmicks to it, so it gets boring after a while. But it does have the best combat out there for mmorpgs.
I want to shill for Secret World Legends, but the only thing that game has going for it is atmosphere and storytelling.
Fallen Earth
Post apocalyptic
make your own towns with others and craft vehicles, buildings, weapons,armor and in fact 90% of all in game items are craftable.,roam a map that is larger than GTA5,Witcher 3 and SKYRIM combined and then even if u multiply the total of these 3, it would not be enough and then occupy areas for your Faction and the Factions have also deep lore and the fighting makes sense and breach and capture keeps and fight other players and use dune buggies it also has 3k missions.At least 1k are great (I have completed 1.2k missions)
the game is buggy and the game is going to feel like shit if you skip the get the full experience from the beginning, you have to play in a linear pattern according to the missions till you hit at least lvl5.
>tera best combat
is exactly the same combat that any other korean grind fest has, the same gameplay as scarlet blade, ooooh but it has a reticule.... now is the best combat.
Guess this post Apocalyptic game
>make your own towns with others and craft vehicles, buildings, weapons,armor and in fact craft 90% of all in game items.
>roam a map that is larger than GTA5,Witcher 3 and SKYRIM combined and then even if u multiply the total of these 3, it would not be enough
> the Factions have also deep lore and idelogical clash( like Fascists Vs Anarchists and Industrialists Vs Tree Hugging Hippies) so you gotta fight enemy faction players to breach and capture keeps(which allow you to control the area surrounding it) which allows you and your Faction to suck the resources out of there.
>it also has 3k missions.At least 1k are great (I have completed 1.2k missions)
>has plenty of Bugs
>Be F2P
>Not P2W
>Have pets and horses,mate XD.
>available on steam
There's nothing else OP, play these and only these.
Posted same thing here again lulz
>please just play the games I prefer
blade and soul of tera....
if your lucky shes gonna want to cosplay as a castanic or a gon for you
>afraid of actual debate and confrontation
>makes assumptions and rhetorical shitpost to hide jealousy of well constructed and objective list of mmorpgs with superb and immersive combat mechanics
>no friends forever
>life of the party
depends if instanced based games such as Vindictus and Dragons Dogma still count as mmo's to you
I really liked Tera combat. i haven't played in forever.
dungeon fighter online has pretty amazing combat if you don't mind the game being instanced
remember to pick a class that requires high skill like Monk or Elven Knight
Vindictus has the best pve combat, but it's all instanced so it barely counts as an MMO.
BDO has a very fun combat system too, but pve mobs are all boring to fight and pvp depends heavily on your gear score.
GW2 has good combat too but the most fun way to take advantage of it isn't supported by the devs.