How do we make an MMO this good again, anons?
Fixing MMOs
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>Stop focusing on grinding and cash shops.
>Start focusing on immersion.
oh wait, that's not Jewish enough.
any decent mmo nowadays?
I dont mind if it isnt cutting edge graphics wise.
every single MMO is pay for play farm nowadays
>tfw you'll never play vanilla WoW ever again when it just became popular
>tfw you'll never get that feeling of crossing over into the member's worlds of runescape again
RS3 quests are pretty damn good tho
thanks though.
>1st person
>minimal things like menus, highlighted items, or other non-immersive elements
>open world
>gameplay driven by human factions in competition with each other
>players can alter the world/setting
>non-generic setting and lore
Depends. Do you have 100+ million in your pockets as well as the time to make one that is actually good?
Turn back time.
Sorry bro, I look for a couple hours every other week to see if there is anything out there worth playing.
There never is.
The only reason MMOs were ever good was because they were novel thing and you were a 12 year old without any responsibility and could get immersed and think about the game 24/7
Fishing levels?
MMOs suck dick when you can only play like 2 hours a day.
>in a huge sprawling cyberpunk world
A man can dream...
>he's not a NEET
>tfw you're a poverty fag and can't join at the launch of SWG, Everquest 2, WoW, or even FF11
>tfw you can now afford it but everything went to shit/you're way behind
Fuck, if I could transfer my money to my past self to play those mmo, then my younger self wouldn't waste his time on fucking runescape for many years.
Pic unrelated
The only thing I want is another economy like Runescape's.
>nearly all items are created by player professions
>you must peddle your wares manually among dozens of other merchants
Together, they make everybody from turbojews to n00bs useful.
Also the game needs to have house parties
>taking pride in being a parasite
playing runescape with my friend is the only brief peroid of happines i can remember from my childhood...
runescape is actually the best mmo though
That is exactly what SWG does, but you could hire merchant to sell your shit. You could even put your trade mark/logo on the item
>taking pride in being a literal slave
God what a great fucking game that was
yeah then it died when they added an auction house aka Grand exchange
no more peddling your shit or looking for stuff to buy at east varrock bank, now you just put it up and anonymous buy things at fixed prices
Runescape is good because it combines RPG and point-and-click adventure gameplay to create an incredibly rich and unique world. It's a game best enjoyed as a wide-eyed wanderer, taking the time to explore the world and appreciate all the little things. However, being an MMO, most of the playerbase plays it very differently, focusing on leveling skills and collecting wealth for its own sake; the typical MMO goals
I've seen some people criticize Runescape for not being multiplayer enough, which is probably true
Fagex really is the worst company ever
how could it possibly cost that much
>he doesn't realize that living with your parents is the ultimate form of slavery
Thats true.
You don't do shit because you're not part of the industry and you never will be
Runescape is fucking awful. Why do you retards praise it so much? Is it the same people who think Oblivion is a good game?
>limit grinding
>community driven worlds/events
>focus on exploration and world building
>remove or limit micro-transactions
>fix dead content
>listen to the players
>hire good writers to make engaging quests
>update tutorials
>make other combat options viable
>add charisma
>don't make every player "the world saver" or some other bullshit
>make more than two cities useful for all levels of players
also more of
I legitimately feel bad for kids who had parents too jewish to buy them guild wars or even WoW, leaving them with this shit
>live with mom an an apartment
>she works from evening to morning
>have almost an almost complete day for myself to do whatever the fuck I want
>he isn't an introvert who feels relaxed and happy in complete solitude
Kek. Nice try wagie.
Good, get your sleep wagie. You better not hit that snooze button, Mr. Goldstein wouldn't be happy to see you late again.
>Uses his time to play on websites
>Rather than making websites
Truly this neet disappoints his mother
>He never played runescape in it's heyday.
I'm sorry user.
>gameplay driven by human factions in competition with each other
The only time I've seen this work was in EVE.
I unironically think the GE was a good idea. There was nothing particularly enjoyable about spamming about your yew logs constantly in a sea of other people spamming similar things with giant flashing wavy text.
The real question is though lads.
Fishing levels?
Too bad RS3 itself is absolute shit.
On my way to QPC on my ironman.
>Nothing enjoyable
It created a sense of a full MMO world because you were hanging out doing this with other people.
Without something to centralize the playerbase besides the entrance to the wildy (which they killed at the exact same time as the grand exchange and unlimited trading) most of the world felt barren.
>he didn't use the trading forum
>everyone has fun playing OSRS since thye have nostalgia and knowledge of the game
>I know nothing because I only played original ages ago and never played RS2 at all
>can't get into OSRS
Anyone else know this feeling? Everything looks like they have so much fun playing the game and it looks like it has generally the best MMO community.
In RS3, they went and removed the need for another person to help you with two quests, Shield of Arrav and Hero's Quest.
All the minigames that aren't giving extra currency are also fucking dead because everyone is busy getting max exp/grinding bosses for max gp. Two of the most profitable bosses are solo only, as are the vast majority of skilling activities, so why the fuck would you do anything else, considering the faggotry rampant in the community?
It really needs to be burnt down and started back up with more of a focus on multiplayer/player interaction. OSRS shows that what they had back around '07 is salvageable (and honestly every quest up to and including The Chosen Commander was pretty gud, barring shit like Sheep Herder/Shearer), but Jagex being Jagex (especially since it's modern Jagex) means they're going to keep doing fucking stupid shit.
It makes it too easy to find whatever items you need
When are we going to get SAO-like game where we play the game for real?
rs is the grindiest shit ever my dude
if you want more mmos to be like rs you need MORE grinding
>I legitimately feel bad
Don't. It was a fantastic experience all the way up to 2010.
If I went back in time to 2004, I would totally waste my life away playing Runescape again. I met so many great people that I lost contact with after we all quit the game one after another, I wonder if they're all alive.
I have a theory that if we ever get full VR games like .hack's The World it would be a 24/7 orgy and hardly anyone would play the game.
No because I played actual MMORPGs like Final Fantasy XI instead. I'm sorry you were poor.
fishing lvls?
Current quests nowadays are just fanfic tier thanks to Guthix dying making you world guardian, Sliske bullshit, boring god shit, new gods being introduced only to die 10 mins later, unfinished half assed content, and if you're talking about OSRS it's even worse. Only thing OSRS has going for it is that devs haven't fucked up the combat and gear like they did in RS3.
Also all this forced 4-8-12 man group content Jagex is trying to force on people is fucking cancer. I thought when they fired Chris L all the tryhard PvM shit would stop, but it just got worse. Jagex needs to realize that people only ever did PvM in the glory days of RS in order to PvP and other activities, not for fun.
Right now, get outside.
If your spawn point is in Chicago or something you might need to equip the best weapons you've got, since this permadeath shit doesn't sound like it's going away any time soon.
I only just started playing Dofus. It's a verry different kind of mmo to the ones I've usually tried, I think I'm liking it so far.
>implying your Mom will care about your useless lazy ass your whole life
This is true I hope it comes within our lifetimes
How's Black Desert Online?
It fucks over all quests too
Before gathering all the items you need in a quest was the hardest and most time consuming part
Now you just buy everything from GE
There is literally nothing wrong with jews. Get out with this Sup Forums meme.
Outside of the UI point, you're just describing Wurm.
leveling is ok
endgame sucks
I've always kinda wanted to play some RS3, just to see how the game turned out, but I'm casual enough as it is that I'm not willing to put forward the time since I'm playing OSRS
The point I was trying to make (poorly) was that I'm not exactly sure how important the multiplayer aspect is to Runescape. Which is odd, I know. Shouldn't an MMO be focused primarily on multiplayer experience? Of course, I'm not saying that everyone grinding away by their lonesome is anyone's idea of good gameplay
Immersion is not an aspect the game provides, it's about how you feel about it. Everyone feels different
had to stop playing once i hit endgame its so fucking boring
MMOs will come back with time
The current games in vogue are match-based competitive games. CSGO, Dota, LoL, Overwatch, PUBG, and so on. But people are beginning to tire of that format. LoL doesn't release numbers anymore, Dota's numbers peaked last year and are slowly declining, etc. The tide will slowly turn back to MMOs because they are the opposite of the genre. Even CoD is making a 48-player hub zone where people just dick around and talk instead of just sitting in matchmaking queues 24/7
80 halfway to 81
fishing lobs on karamja cuz im not spending real money on that gay shit
>wanted to try rs3
>but I'm too casual
lol wat rs3 is the more casual version
It's one of the reason I play it over os
>2007 Runescape was a perfect microcosm of a free trade market in action and it was beautiful
>prices never became inflated, the flow of goods was directly dictated by the players
>kids learned important life lessons like economics 101 and distrusting strangers for the first time
>suddenly Jagex flipped the islamic gommunism switch and ruined all of this like the retarded britbongs they are
jesus, sarah
>i just graduated school high school and ive had a lot of fun not having to do anything all summer!
You'll understand someday kid. It will hurt more than you realize.
t. neet for more years than i can remember
>drop training
When I say I'm a casual, I mean I'm someone who has never gotten over 70 in any skill. I've been playing OSRS since 2014, but my combat's only 54. I'll take month-long breaks from playing, and even when I do, it might be three or four days a week. And the way I play is very slow and inefficient, but that's the way I like it.
Welfare state or parentbux?
Quality bait right here.
>not noting fish
>implying my dad doesn't own two houses and some land
>implying I won't get them for FREE when he dies
I'll have an entire house for myself, if not even TWO. Stay mad ragie wagie, I might have to get a work in the future but I'll only have to work a fraction of what you would have done in years and live like a king.
I feel sorry for your mother. One day she's going to die and little user is going to be homeless.
81 im fishing sharks right now
I'm fast traveling to Chicago soon. God help me.
>logged in when they were fucking around with tasks system
>dude here's a free 1m because you have a high total level lmao
>logged in while using bonds to check out how badly they ruined scape
>dude here's TWO untradeable skirts with stats equal to skirts with a market value of 2m but since you already have one we'll just give you 500k
>also here's a shitton of feathers for boots you don't own worth 1m
>wind up paying for bond with squeal of treasure hunter spins and picking 100k cabbages
Keep it up, to fall to efficiencyfaggotry is to lose sight of the game's goals. Gave me decent mouse moving/clickan speed though.
Yea I was the same way, then I tried rs3 and I got 2 99's. It's way easier and less time consuming
I play efficiently tho
>World building with player housing, but fixed housing like Tibia or BDO that is scarce and meaningful
>Huge focus on player roles in a party and discouraging alts
>Fewer quests, but more meaningful quests like in RO that are long chains that take hours but have you solving mysteries that define a zone, dungeon, etc
>Ability to modify the environment to some extent like Wakfu/Dofus with meaningful crafting that can match dungeon gear
>Important changing weather effects for each region that determine crops, spawns, and survival
>Big picture zone wide dynamic events akin to Rift tailored to each zone that cannot be ignored
>Projects for guilds to work on including building upgrades, vessels, limited flying, and community events like hosting parties to invite people into a town
Better have a good ranged level and setup ready, Ape Atoll is unforgiving.
There is literally nothing wrong with the people who caused every world war / catastrophe since the beginning of recorded history
Savings at first from my old normie life, then inheritance from family deaths, now my mother is just enabling me because she doesn't think I can make it out in the world anymore.
>wahhh bait
just end yourself my man.
I'm not too worried about being high-leveled. In fact it gives me a little silly sense of self-superiority over the grinders. I just wish I could find some friends who liked to play the game the way I do