SFV Abigail

SFV Abigail.

He looks like something you'd see on some weird Deviantart muscle fetishist artwork.

so i dont follow SFV news.
how did people know he was going to be announced today? was he leaked beforehand or something?

Did they literally contract gearbox to make this fucking character

No, and really who could have possibly guessed him?



This mongoloid looks absolutely fucking retarded

Cool to see that Hugo got a hair cut

He was basically a Hugo reskin in Final Fight 1 iirc


Screen's of his stage, which is based on the Final Fight stage he was a boss of, were leaked.

Yeah but people assumed it probably would've been Haggar


What a fag, he has a girls name.

>capcom is now badass


>probably would've been Haggar

why? didnt they say the new fighters have never been in a capcom fighting game before?

>Final Fight Character
Thats 2 final fight guess characters in 2 different games, huh.

Did I miss the finals?

did they get a hyper musclefag from deviantart to design this guy?

>that intro

Oh god, he's literally retarded.

Can't wait to see how Capcom will deal with the backlash of you beating up a downie.

Yeah, he's pretty ridiculously huge, even for a Capcom character.

>doesn't even kiss his opponent

This isn't Abigail

also, there was a leak about the names of the new characters, saying Abigail.

Jesus christ those proportions.

shit character for a shit game

i like it, but his design is shit even for sfv standards.

I don't like his model or appearance but I like his animations and general style.
I also probably never will play Street Fighter so you can just ignore this one.

Reminder GEESE FUCKING HOWARD was just announced 4 hours ago. Just to add insult to embarrassment on Capcom's part.

just started

Really wish I could have been the fly on the wall for Capcom's brainstorming session here.

Looks like a Fist of the Northstar goon, I dig it.

There have been multiple leaks for SV5, some of which are by people who do the MvC:I leaks as well.

Abigail, Menat, and Zeku are supposedly the last three DLC characters for season 2.

Season 3 will have at least Sakura and Sagat according to different leakers.

What the christ. I like playing big dudes in fightan, but Abigail is ridiculous. He just looks like muscle that gained sentient thought. He looks fucking strange.

Why does he have a girl's name?

something something western audiences

He looks like Shadman

when did randy pitchford design for capcom

Because he's a shitty joke character, if the ridiculous video didn't already make that clear.

That Bay Area theme at the end is great.

what other characters were leaked?

>hey guys we're bleeding players how do we stop it
>lets let deviant art design our next character
>great idea

> Future Trunks revealed for DB fighterZ
> Skullomania is back
> Animu fighter crossover
> Capcom reveals this turd


>get a shitty boss character from Final Fight no one asked for
>can't get Hinata from Rival Schools

>character has some pretty nice/funny looking attack animations and moves

this pretty much means hes going to end up being a shitty character overall. this always happens. The unique characters almost always ends up being shit.

>lipstick and makeup

The first trans SF character!!!

First time I ever guffawed out loud at my monitor from a character reveal

I don't hate him.

Guy's master, Zeku.
The egyptian fortune-teller chick from Ed's story mode.

Menat, the fortune teller, and Zeku, Guy's master

Poison exists though

Literally any street fighter veteran would have been a better choice. what a shame

almost the whole fucking rooster of final fight appeared in some good fightan and yet haggar only starred in that crap called MvsC3

Not to be outdone by Dragon Ball FighterZ, Capcom has snuck in DBZ fan favorite Soppopovich by giving him a bit of hair and some lipsitck.

Another leaker also said that Q, Oro, Necro, and C.Viper would be in S3 as well, but that account is in conflict with another leaker who said that Abigail, Menat, and Zeku would be in.

How does Street Fighter V continue to make bad decisions about everything they do?

He's great there tho.
Respect the Pipe.

what the fuck are you talking about?

The whole point of the last 5 characters of the season 2 dlc is that they weren't series veterans.

Holy shit, Capcom actually blew everyone else the fuck out

Haggar is too busy being the best mayor in the world to have time to be a good fighting game.


Lame, should have been Haggar if the wanted a big FF character. Fuck this guy.

I hope they put Poison too, would love to see HER new model.

>We've gotta put in more "new" characters to attract peoples' interest
>But designing actual new characters is hard, and most of them don't catch on
>So we've gotta start pulling more obscure SF and Final Fight characters
>What Final Fight character haven't we used yet?
>There's that one Andore headswap, he was kinda infamous for being a really tough boss
>Okay, but how do we make him unique?
>Make him big
>We've already had lots of big guys, Zangief, T. Hawk, Hugo...
>Well then make him REEEEALLY big

>That (alongside Jedah and Gamora) is capcom's response to DBFZ

>That (alongside Jedah and Gamora) is capcom's response to BlazCross and Jubei

>That (alongside Jedah and Gamora) is capcom's response to Neo Fighting Layer EX.

let that sink in for a minute...

And i dont care i just posted this in another thread, you CAN'T make this shit up even if ou want to...

my point still stands

Who draws all these shitty renditions of the characters?

So does abigail confirm or deny the Super SFV leak thing?

You forgot GEESE.


Final Fight characters have been in several Street Fighter games, user.

why dis nigga skip leg day

Wait, Gamora was the "reveal" with Jedah? What the actual fuck. We already saw her in the E3 trailer. Why not at least show Spider-Man now that the movie is out? God damn, Infinite deserves to crash.

>People bought a season pass for this

post yfw you didn't buy this piece of shit game

He only skipped head day

Is he driving i don't get it

to be fair, they had no idea what else would be announced. It's not like they can cause extra shit to be ready to reveal if they didn't plan on it before hand.

But still, the fact that this is all they had for fucking EVO is retarded, they should've known the other players would've shown up


thanks, i will add him next time i post.

I can't see the link ,YouTube is fuckin dead!!!

>trailer ends


I was sold on this intro alone.

evo getting blacked

i dont buy it, but i dont know whats the fucking problem with all of you, abigail looks fucking fun as fuck

oh shit your right


I know you have to be retarded to buy SFV in thef first place, but this is going too far.


capcom should retire from making fighting games at this point. they really lost their touch.

>those filthy negeresess
I hope he loses so we never have to see them ever again.

i agree with you, user

this was so silly I loved it

worst part is that gamorra is literally deadpool so we wont see him either in the game.

Ono and Harada are best friends. I'm sure Ono knew that more than just Akuma was in Tekken 7.

*blacks your path*


He's a part of the X-Men universe, so that was to be expected anyway.

Oh look, it's MvCI Chunli's dad

>Bbbb...ut he is not a cool and edgy anime character or a waifu.
>Or a character we already know we like because we already played them.

If a charater like honda hugo or any of the non edgy or non waifu characters never existed in older SF games and got announced now people would cry over how lame they are.

Hell SFIII bombed hard because people hated its charters for being new and original.

who are they anyways.

This game is dead af good god

cammy toe is fun