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Video Games
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Video Games #3842
Video Games
Under Night in Birth
Why does Sup Forums consider BoTW empty but no The Witcher 3?
Are Hylians similar to human or elf?
Delaying a game is bad bec
Sports games are one genre that I've never, ever played. Are any of them good?
People love FROM now
Well Sup Forums?
Is it right?
Can the men, dwarves and elves of Sup Forums not just get along?
Vermin Thread
Some faggot is DoSing me through Blizzard servers and my router is shutting down the port Blizzard games uses to...
Who is the best Assassin in the Assassins Creed?
Dead or Alive
Open world games
GameStop Thread
Robot enemy isn't weak to electric attacks
ITT: Games for numales
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Runescape coming to iOS and Android
Why do girls claim to be gamers? is it an attention thing or what
PT Memorial Thread
First time
Post em
Is this game good?
What kingdom hearts DLC would you like to see?
Hahaha holy shit
Just build a pc, it'll be better!
Stuff you can't believe is official
Prepare your butts
I played Nier: Automata
What would be on the Sup Forums version of this chart?
What are some good games to play while high?
Video games still don't look as good as toy story
Can you guess what game does this bread sandwich come from?
Have video game graphics surpassed Pixar rendering?
Do you think Disney will still let him voice Hades in Kingdom Hearts 3 after all the things he said? I hope not
ITT: Those we couldn't save
Finished the first 3 Ace Attorney games. It hurts. It hurts a lot. Why must it hurt so much?
What are some books that would make great video games?
Are Sup Forums's mods noticably harsher than rest of Sup Forums?
The psx classic. 30 games. Make your list
EVO 2017
What games do you play with your GIRLFRIEND, Sup Forums?
Replaying an older game that I love (Golden Sun, Fire Emblem, Advance wars)
Is it worth a pirate?
He chose Kawakami over this miracle of life
ITT: Post an image, get a game recommendation
How were you supposed to find the entrance to board 9 without bombing literally every wall in the game?
Faggot Dev of River City Ransom Covering for Alex Mauer
Metal Gear Solid 3 aside, what other games have alligators in them?
I'M A Sup Forums USER
Autistic shit you do in vidya
Wubba dubba dub is that true?
Why did Sega get rid of her?
"I remember that when I was a kid gamers used be looked as geeks, nerds and no-lifes. "
30+ yo gamer thread
Thoughts on Marvel's Spider-Man?
Who will win?
What other games should RWBY crossover with?
Haha it's me
Dragon Ball Fighter Z
Post in 69 decides the next game i play
What went wrong?
Is it September yet
Whats the scariest thing in a non-horror game?
What am I in for?
What are some games where I can play as an assassin?
Posting on a non-anonymous forum
Hurr lets point a massive canon towards the sea for no reason
What's the most brutal vidya?
Why doesn't Sup Forums hate casuals anymore?
Is there a 'skip the pretentious indieshit and get back to the gameplay' button?
Now that the dust has settled, and the controversy is over, i can't wait for Monster Hunter World...
Favorite Pokémon Game?
What setting/armor from that setting do you want to see in the new FROM dark fantasy game?
Name a better fighting game
Which is the best game out of Resident Evil 1-3?
Female F1 drivers
Tanking is so god damn hard in MMOs. There's too much responsibility, knowledge...
Game made in japan
Why did VR fail?
ITT: Games only YOU like and everyone else hates
One of these again
Games with good walking animations?
What does Sup Forums think of Extra Credits?
Can we agree you're actually the villain in this game?
Fake hype for final fantasy 7
Reggie dosen't know
Level cap is 99
ITT: Games Sup Forums is surprisingly passionate about
The fact that games with objectively shit gameplay get lauded as the best of all time - Bloodlines...
Why can't Pee-Sea gamers accept the fact that PC is a shit platform for videogames?
Why is no other company as consistently good as Atlus?
Sold Out everywhere
Why did Oblivion turn out so much worse than Morrowind?
Okay hear me out, Twitch for cam girls. The girls get paid out more from subs and tokens...
Steep decline in cryptocurrency market has miners dumping their GPUs on Ebay
If a game's gameplay FUCKING SUCKS AND IS GARBAGE but the story is good, is it a good game?
Why do people act like Backwards compatibility should be standard for consoles?
Game made in japan
Video game fan theory
So I want to play Dark Souls but before I do that I have a few questions about the game:
Have my driving test tomorrow and I'm scared as fuck. What games give good practice? Is Gran Turismo a good one?
Easy games to platinum
Is Nintendo the most progressive game company in the world right now?
How does Sup Forums feel about Haruka?
No video game girl will ever top Elizabeth
Games you are ashamed to admit you're a fan of
Want to play vidya
Good video games
What are your hopes and expectations for FE Switch? I'm personally hoping for Hidari' art and the map/difficulty/A.I...
What's the strangest character in a fighting game?
A new Obsidian Fallout, will it ever happen, Sup Forums ?
Depressed gamer thread
Atarifags utterly blow the fuck out
Stuff you can't believe is official
Stalker Neutral Military?
Can you put a graphics card like a GTX 1080 in a regular desktop
With all the hype around Dragon Ball FighterZ i went back to playing fighting games (havent played them since the PS2...
So now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this was the worst Evo in recent years?
Phone games
Exit game
Realtime rendering has just reached the level of prerendering from more than 20 years ago
Achievement unlocked!
Some fag left his blue 3ds on the train before i could give it back to him
Are there any good Spiderman games?
So now that Vicarious Visions have shown it's possible for a new studio to remake a game...
Graphics thread?
Soulsborne Thread
What's the most powerful character in videogames?
What do you want to see in the next Dragon Ball game?
This series was chosen to be included in a game alongside better, more well known japanese fightan characters
Yakuzafags BTFO
How I make my voice sound like Balthiers? I'm a bong but I don't sound like him and really really want to
Oblivion - TESIV
What's the best campaign mission in the Halo series and why is it The Covenant?
Is this you?
HealBitch Thread
Only single player games I want are Nioh and Bloodborne
New Roster Mock Up for MvCI + Leaks
Clip is halfway empty
Just beat Persona 5. Didn't like the ending...
Cliches you never get tired of
The virus just jumped. Find which New Vegas Thread it want to!
25 gigs worth of unbacked image folders down the shitter. Reaction image thread, help me out lads...
Fuck you, i like this game
Let's end this shit
Sup Forums, I feel SO happy that Kingdom Hearts is getting a Toy Story world...
Cyberpunk 2077 has cars and motorcycles with radio stations
Does Blizzard have any originality left?
What is the Sup Forums consensus?
What's the plot of 6 gonna be
Redpill: PS4Pro can do 1080p/60fps or 4K60fps is devs aren't lazy
Hi, I'm the worst world in the entire Kingdom Hearts series
So now that evo is over and the dust has settled
This is Gardevoir (F), say something nice
Game made in japan
There's no hope of Pearl winning a splatfest ever, is there?
Icons: Combat Arena
Buyers remorse thread
What are some delightful games?
ITT video game characters you want to fuck
Gaming Ladies event in Spain
Gamedev thread
This shit should be illegal. Why japs always go for fanservice to sell their games?
3x3 thread
What did she mean by this?
Build that gaming PC yet?
Can you show me your steam library please
Here's your controller bro
Bravo, Capcom. Bravo
Looking for more games like these
Will another mmorpg ever come close to dethroning wow
Juat failed my driving test
Got the platinum trophy two days ago. Been depressed as fuck since. It fucking hurts to see the reception it got
Mosaic thread
ASW putting RWBY characters instead of Danganronpa characters
So I was installing Dark Souls PTD, and it gives me this
So this is the power of the PS4
Why do Cora and Peebee hate each other?
Castlevania Thread
ITT: Say one good thing and one bad thing about the last game you played
It says here that your hobby is "playing video games"
PUBG is a perfect example of Sup Forums showing that they hate anything popular
Quick Sup Forumsermin thread
Atari Box thread part 2
Switch lottery lines
It's a Kickstarter
Do you think Manveer's behavior was one of the reason why Andromeda flopped?
Splatoon 2
Last night
Baby low skill ceiling game
I'm starting up Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. Has anyone got the beginner's chart?
Is thr switch worth buying right now?
Do you tend to enjoy Japanese games more than Western games, on average?
Harvest Moon
Papu Papu
This BEAUTIFUL PLUS-SIZED GODDESS replaces the protag in your favorite vidya
What is a good game to play with your girlfriend?
A decade later, can we admit he was right?
Dark souls
Why does this game just work...
Tell me again why GTAVI would not work in Japan?
So, albion online is LIVE and it already has more viewers than Overwatch, world of warcraft, almost everything
Considering going out and buying this today. What am I in for? Is it worth it or should I just get the gamecube version?
*Runs away every 10 seconds try to shittily bait you into a bunch of enemies*
What does Sup Forums look like?
What did he mean by this?
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Finally a game for manlets who are cucked by chad
He has to drink or get high on narcotics in order to enjoy video games
Learn Japanese
Post your favorite video game skeletons
What's the most critically acclaimed WW2 video game?
About to revisit this and create a new character. What are your thoughts on these SPECIAL stats?
What are the odds of hex getting a redesign on the new pokemon switch?
Do you want esports to succeed or fail?
It's been seventeen years since Baldur's Gate II, yet no WRPG has been as good. Why?
Who else plays vidya in the morning?
Why is CD Projekt making a game about cyberpunk, instead of post apocalypse punk...
What are some JRPGs that don't require grinding to advance the storyline?
Leave Chad to me
Fighting Ex Layer?
Search for gameplay video of game coming out soon
Redbull me on Jeff Gertsmann
Mega Maker
12 Fucking years
My friend thinks i am wasting my life playing video games. How can i prove him wrong...
Why are so many people on Sup Forums complaining about Sora's Toy Story form?
What went right?
Is this worth picking up?
Why the hell does anyone use overpowered weapons?
What the fuck Sup Forums
I just got hold of an original xbox and i want to hook it up to my hd tv. i don't really know much about video games...
Times Sup Forums was wrong
So this is just gonna be far cry, right?
What are your vidya red flags?
Would you buy a Crash Team Racing / Nitro Kart / Tag Team Racing remaster Sup Forums?
Vidya Cringe
Are there any good racing games coming out soon?
Sup Forums meta thread
Why do you like disgusting art Sup Forums? Can't you appreciate good art in your vidya?
This is one of the best exclusives of last gen. Say something nice about it
Just came across this video on YouTube. What do you guys think of it? No, I'm not shilling the video...
Childhood is liking dark souls
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
New Dragon Quest XI Trailer
Baby game
What are some video games with manly men?
Level cap is 99
Dat woodgrain
How would you fix N-Sane Trilogy, Sup Forums?
Overwatch Mercy
I want to try getting caught up on Kingdom Hearts, but I can't parse this... mess
Why are you not playing the GOTY?
Ludvig Forssell, who previously worked with Kojima on Metal Gear Solid V, will be writing the music
Roadhog hook
Get out of here stalker
ITT: Post an image, get a game reccomendation
Pitch me a good MMO idea
What does/v/ think of Until Dawn? I just recently beat it and I quite enjoyed it. It has a very interesting story
You're not the chosen one
Is this accurate?
Leave FPS to us
Is there a worst place in the world to be a gamer?
12 Zodiac Age
Why aren't you playing RunEscape?
What are some 100/100 games in your opinion?
Albion Online is a upcoming medieval fantasy MMORPG being developed by Sandbox Interactive, a studio based in Berlin...
Lara Croft
Faggot Dev of River City Ransom Covering for Alex Mauer
Do you think we'll get shark girl?
Do you play healers in MMO user? and why?
Why Dark Souls 3 was so soulless?
What game has the best exploration?
Navel piercing
Can the defiled be consecrated? Can the fallen find rest?
Sup Forums's thoughts on Space Station 13?
I just remembered that this exists, and now I want to play it for old times sake. Does it even run on modern systems ?
Why are healers in xiv so fucking pissy all the time? Literally every last one I met has either been:
What do you think he's doing right now?
Is this worthy of goty?
I'm level 23 and I haven't touched decoctions, witcher gear or enchantments. Is this normal?
ITT: Games where you can have pets
Is there a more autistic gaming-related group than speedrunners?
What was the moral of the story?
Here’s a look at Akiharabara Yodobashi this weekend. More than 3...
Mana Khemia
EVO has the most ack-basswards system of competition
Fucking NENE is making her own game and basically you are fucking stupid
Which game has the comfiest player home?
Game lets you kill your companion
Platinum being subtle again
ITT: Stuff you can't believe is official
In hindsight...
Fuck Monster Hunter. Such a shitty series full of horrible hit boxes and nothing but farming in the worse way!
What do mana (left) and health (right) potions taste like?
You need to try this
Damn this roster is HOIYPE
Childhood is when you despise Blighttown
Hi we are the only relevant Japanese video game directors right now
Is reaper too OP?
What went wrong?
Until Dawn
Heralded as one of the best JRPGs of all time
This is your Street Fighter for tonight, say something nice about him!
This guy started playing fighting games this year
How do you create a sequel to a Mad Max game?
Is this good character design?
Characters that are too pure for this world
What are the best examples of house music in video games?
Dedicates his adult male life to a children's game
Play Japanese game
Redpill me on this game Sup Forums
This is your older sister. Say something nice about her
Who would you bet on?
What character do you want announced for your choice fighting game?
Typemoon thread
What's the most degenerate video game available?
Predict the metascore of Splatoon 2
Have you heard of the high elves?
Hey Sup Forums, recommend me good game to play
It's just hide and seek with guns
How old is too old to be still playing video games?
Why aren't you playing fighting games RIGHT NOW?!
So now that this is coming out, you Metroid fans better damn well buy this...
Why is the fake anime girl here
Meanwhile on female Sup Forums
So, who was a target audience for the puzzles like this?
Has the best dungeons in the series
Capcom are probably never going yo release a fighter again after the shitshows of V & MVCI
I want to get into Dark Souls, should I just start with 1?
First videogame pre order you made?
Want to play a fun video game
What games let me heavily customize my guns?
Explore traverse town for like an hour or so
Comfy Sonic Mania Thread
How's the beta? Is the game itself better than 1?
Are video games a hobby? Or a means of escapism from depression?
Total War thread
Cyberpunk 2077 classes
This franchise is so boring how do you people like it so much?
What does Sup Forums think of the new Little witch academia game?
Mafia boss
Cat lady
How badly will it flop?
ITT: Games with maps that were too big
With the Crash remaster being a success, will a Spyro one follow?
Why are you hiding from me user?
3DS thread
He plays single player games
This is Minori
Miss Pauling is coming to TF2
Who should my new main be?
It's over
Why does Sup Forums pretend e-celebs help sell copies of games?
This is a japanese male paladin
No clothes
Can we talk about this game for a minute?
You still own your copy of the best character action game of all time, right?
The most popular new ip in years is console exclusive to the xbone
Post your wife
*ruins the second half of your game*
Why do we allow Australians to post here?
How come women complain men sexualizing their characters but don't say a word when women sexualize themselves to...
Grimoire Never ever
MGSV has a shit soundtra-
Meanwhile in Sup Forums school
Graphics thread?
Why do fallout women all have mustaches?
Twitch degeneracy
Splatoon 2 final boss
Shirt explains a major issue with the community surrounding Dark souls
Sniper = Cancer
Literally only says it once in DR1
*stares you*
Now THIS is badass character design!
So why aren't people buying games with very positive reviews...
I really want to get into the idolm@ster games. Which game is a good starting point? I have
Ugh, sorry...
"Finally some free time, I'll just play a little bit of vidya before bed."
Sup guys what are your favorite gba games? Played a shit ton of pokemon and getting kindof tired of it
Filename thread
Post the absolute cutest vidya characters
Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite
Dragon's Dogma
Are metroid games overrated?
Good music
Does anyone still play this or did Tempest make everyone drop the game?
Oh boy
There's still not a single game that looks better than Toy Story
Thoughts on new kingdom hearts world's?
New The End Is Nigh thread. Discuss the game (good things, bad things, where you are in the game and so on)
I think I'm good enough to judge botw
When did you outgrow the gpu meme?
Say something nice about this Super Savage Secret Boss
Hello, I'm here to save video games
This is the Ataribox
Since Japs are so fixated on the west why do they only focus on western Europe dark age times with the done to death...
Friendly reminder
Every girl in Persona is single until you meet them
Never 4get
White men are the best at everything
Ctrl f
You're on your way to the Talos shrine
Play Quake you fucking sissy
Deep and complex gameplay and mechanics that very greatly from game to game making sure none of them feel samey
RWBY ironic weeb trash gets a fucking game before Boku no Hero Academia
What should I pick?
He doesn't main Iori
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Let's face it: PS3 should have been marketed as a 540p console. If 540p was the goal 99% of games would run at 60fps
So what will the 3DS successor look like?
Castlevania thread
Why does Sup Forums hate open world games?
What would you want out of Persona 5 Crimson?
Who is the best bro in vidya history?
Vermin Thread
Anyone else feel like trolling EA for putting Micro-transactions into the new Battlefront 2?
Easy Modo
What makes Etrian Odyssey games so fucking comfy?
Who do you want to see in the next Dragon Ball game?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Goodnight sweet prince
This is my Skyrim character
Please recommend me good Japanese games that are available on Steam
I liked her better when she was a depressed sack of shit
Sonic was never good
"Professional" Smash Bros players make a Melee clone
Do you guys ever intentionally throw team based games?
Top 8 was hype
What are so!e good games featuring bugs?
PS4 Games
ITT games nostalgiafags won't shut the fuck up about
Figures meleefags would shit out the most uninspired game in recent memory
Is Kratos the most detestable protagonist in all of video games?
It is your primary directive to swim closer to that beautiful subnautica thread
Status effects work on bosses
Current year
Saw this and immediate thought of this place, specifically the last 2 panels
Kingdom Hearts
Was he really the "bad guy"?
It will never have a true successor
I've never been more angry. No game trailer has EVER made me fucking this livid. I love blazblue. I like persona...
Tekken vs SFV
Final Fantasy 7 would have never happened if Prof...
I really wish we had a new Gantz game
What went wrong bros?
Low IQ Gamer Feels Thread
What games have romanceable female knights?
Be me
Can my $62 dollar 2008 laptop run The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion?
Alright, Sup Forums, I'm curious. When you play an rpg (like persona) and such, do you use your own name...
EVO 2017 Wrap Up
EVO 2017
Anyone else gonna demand a refund for their kickstarter pledge?
Just finished pic related. How did they get away with charging $60 for this game? You can beat it in 30 minutes...
Splatoon Splatfest results
What's your build?
Is Bloodborne a good game? I never played
Is the Zodiac age really easier than the original ?
What's your opinion on realism in video games?
What game let me get BLACKED?
Why did they pick a special guest appearance by RWBY over the entire Guilty Gear franchise? It doesn't make any sense
Find a flaw
Flaws aside,did you had fun?
EVO: 2017
Game has status effects
Play dark souls after seeing it hyped up forever every where
*teleports behind you*
JUSTICE NEVER DIES, and neither does Sup Forumsermin threads
Does anyone feel like Nintendo is blowing there loads for this year
Almost three ours to get to the first boss
[spoilers]Honey Select[/spoilers]
Was banning Chibi the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?
Dream Daddy
This has to be the absolute dumbest shit I've ever seen. Master Mode feels like some kind of shitty player-made mod
How the fuck do we stop him?
What melancholy tunes are there in video games?
Three years ago in 2014, when Trevor Sutton was twelve years old...
Name a better Final Fantasy character than Freya
Is this even a """video game"""?
Why are you not creating games Sup Forums?
With the recent criticisms of current Sup Forums recommendations wiki, I've decided to make a new one
What are you hoping for from this game? Features, details, modes, etc
Comfy Monster Hunter World thread
What game best lets you experience pic related?
What went wrong?
Explain or defend how allowing other players to come into your game and kill you, maybe undoing quite a bit of progress...
Name a better GameCube game. I'll wait
Honest thoughts on the Halo games?
Did I goof up Sup Forums ((other parts still on the way))
Game has a bridge level
You gain E.Ψ.Ǝ Thread
ITT - Remakes that are worse than the original
Esto es cebo
Geese announced as first Tekken guest DLC character
You don't ACTUALLY think they'll fuck with her design, do you? They know it'll sell, so why change it?
Metroidvania thread
What is a game you gave up playing after five minutes?
Apparently he's canadian, the first canadian street fighter just had to be this guy
The last character you played as is in the last movie you watched. How does it go?
This is Bayonetta, the best character in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. Say something nice
Remote play worth it?
I'm going to keep posting music and images from Advance Wars, and there's basically nothing you can do to stop me
Just got this today, it's amazing but god damn is the ammo and recovery system annoying as fuck...
Why do you always play a girl toon in MMOs, user?
Why is this game never talked about?
Claire and Leon VAs aren't being used because Capcom wants actors who can do voice acting and mocap
Filename thread
Well, Sup Forums?
When are they going to nerf this bitch?
Say something nice about him
The ones you couldn't protect
Fallout 3 appreciation thread
ADAAAAAAM, you trust me don't you son?
Female "warrior"
Will you stop playing Loli/jap games when you get married?
Was Nier Automata actually a good video game?
Why are people mad about Ruby Rose being in the new Blazblue...
I keep flirting with idea of getting a switch, should I Sup Forums?
What warning would you give to past Sup Forums anons if you were allowed to make post to the past on Sup Forums from...
What do you want to see in a game Sup Forums?
Paper Mario thread
YSO predictions
Who said that VR is dead?
Are you ging to buy Ragna, Yuu, Ruby, and whatshisface's game? will P5 MC get in...
Project M died for this
Vermin Thread
ITT big hyped games that were forgotten about a month after release
SFV Abigail
So what's the catch here?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...