Delaying a game is bad bec

>delaying a game is bad bec....

It's still cringeworthy anime shit, so I don't care.

So I've never played a Kingdom Heart's game because I thought the premise was just too weird for me. I don't particularly like Final Fantasy and I never watched Disney movies (I usually only watched baseball and golf growing up, wasn't too much into TV) but people still tell me to give this game a chance because they were in the same boat as me and they loved it.

Any suggestions on where to start? I have a PC, PS4, 3DS and Switch

KH3 was never delayed though.
Why are you even here?

The graphics are worse now

Nothing sadder than a grown man still playing games with Disney characters.

buy 1.5+2.5 super collection on ps4.

kh1 is gameplaywise a little dated though.

You cared enough to come here and post you dipshit.

Start with 1.5+2.5 on ps4
play 1, Chain of Memories, then 2 in that exact order

Nothing sadder than a grown man still playing video games period.

>Forcing "mature games for mature gamers"
>Most Disney fans are grown adults
How does it feel still living in your mother's basement?

Grow up

He said he doesn't care about the game, he might still care that faggots shit up the place with children's games.

Sup Forums is a place for developmentally stunted man children. Why are you here?
Also Kingdom Hearts > any weebshit

>Says the retard posting on Sup Forums

Said no one ever, you fucking retard.

>mlp gun

>I don't particularly like Final Fantasy and I never watched Disney movies
Well good news, the Final Fantasy isn't it in anymore and the Disney is filler bullshit that has zero bearing on the actual plot about an old pedophile time travel cloning himself.

because the last console entry that werent a remake was fucking 2006

Sorry but Kingdom Hearts is literal fanfiction. Sad that adults are hyped for this shit.

Fucking summer
I want newfags to go away

>Grow up
Such boring taste. Sad.

this level of self-unawareness kills me every time.

-ause at some point during the the thirteen year wait your audience is going to lose interest, grow up, or die.

Lighting got better for sure but I dunno about the model. It's different, not straight up better.

>They replaced a pretty normal looking face with classic Kingdom Hearts shit-eating grin™

I mean it makes it more KH but I'm not sure I ever liked that.

>they didn't actually remove reaction commands

Objectively wrong.


You are too young to play! Squeaker etc.
You are too old to play! Get a family etc

How do we win friends?

I always thought there was a difference between QTEs and Reaction commands
QTEs play the game for you whereas Reaction commands were most of the time optional attacks that could be used to attack something from a different or more convenient approach
I never understood why people wanted RCs gone when they are vastly different than QTEs

I watched "Beyond the X Button" and it got me pumped to revisit KH2 and try out a new combat style. Does Sup Forums have any tips for me? Does the PS3 version have Critical Mode and if not should I do Proud?

PS3 version has crit but the loads are stupid long
The ps4 version has almost no load time

as for tips just everything you have
combining magic along summons and limits show you just how powerful you can be and how easily annoying enemies can be dealt with
chicken little and stitch are god tier summons

>says the weeb

>Bright colors and stars means it's ponies
Holy shit what kind of mental gymnastics do you do, user?

half of the voice actors died since 2015

my idiot gf bought the PS3 version on a whim so stuck with it for now. I have a PAL PS2 version somewhere as well but I imagine Final Mix is "where it's at".

At the start of KH1 you have to pick/reject the sword/shield/rod which gives you different abilities, does KH2 have something similar? Anything I should prioritise?

I'm looking forward to spamming magic and limits but I probably won't use Chicken Little just cuz I hate him lol.



Star Wars is also for kids but I don't hear you fags saying that.

Abilities you get from leveling up are more so for support abilities that are nice to have but aren't necessary
I recommend Playing on Critical mode with Shield for more defensive abilities and stats
If you love magic and limits use Stitch a lot and make sure to buy plenty of ethers


>does KH2 have something similar?

If by different abilities you mean how the game allocates when you get your abilities upon leveling up, then yes. Unlike KH1, the magic stat is entirely separate from your max MP so it all comes down to which difficulty you are choosing for early game. In Critical mode for example, most people recommend the shield so that you get Once More and Second Chance early on. On Level 1 Critical mode, it doesn't matter which route you take.