What game let me get BLACKED?

What game let me get BLACKED?

Other urls found in this thread:


australia please

Actually my country start with "A" but it's not Australia


Paper Mario: Color Splash. The final boss can cover you in black paint.

What? That's not what you meant? Then get the Hell out of here, you disgusting pervert.



Nope, try again

Who wants to be trash

No wonder white women are breeding with blacks

It was either that

Or this


Hey hey hey, smoke weed eriday

But those are basically lesbos that can still fuck you, what girl wouldn't want that

>little dick white boy excuses

i love anal sex

Does Sup Forums believe most people are angered by race mixing like them?

You here because of the newfag mod who is immediately deleting these threads on Sup Forums? Same here f.am.

looks like she's pooping. :3c

Street fighter 5. arent you watching EVO?

This. Girly boys have the biggest dicks and women love them.

>when you eat too much mexican foot, you are shitting out a nigger

Fuck of with this mythology

100% Orange Juice




Why is it that whenever you look at trannies on Craigslist they're like 80% black, but it's so hard to find videos of black trannies sucking dicks and getting railed? I just want to watch a fat assed black man getting colonized. Is that too much to ask?

is it Asia?

I mean she's autistic but there's nothing wrong with not being attracted to a racr

Argentina- they share a border with BR

friendly reminder anal is for repressed homosexuals
also modded skyrim

I don't see a source


That isn't hard and i speak from experience of stumbling upon them all the fucking time.

It was Algeria you nigger

Honestly, good on the girl on nipping it on the bud and not giving him false hope. Looks like he'd be the kind of guy to dream up a whole future together based on just the fact he had a crush on her and they hung together

It'll hurt for a couple of weeks instead of a couple of years

> tfw voice to deep to be a girlyboi even if I shaved all of my body hair, of which I have a lot
> tfw too short and needy to bearmode and get a cute little gf (male)

Is Jubei out yet?

>Hispanic and Caucasian are distinct categories.
there's your problem

To be fair most 'black' people today are actually mixed. If you go pure African, their dicks are bigger.

Maybe we look in different places. I have to admit I'm not much of a tranny gourmet but I have a hell of a time finding black trannies on the rare occasion I feel like watching some tranny action.


Okay /trashgeneral/, put your name in here and post what you get.

The mods are good and I love them dearly

but the meme is that american blacks were bread to be strong slaves and as a byproduct of that they got big penises
so which meme is it, that hailing from africa gives you a big penis, or that years of slavery selection gives you a big penis

Why do the vast majority of african tribesmen have small or average dicks then?

>Mods on Sup Forums publicly ban horrendous shitposts
>Mods on Sup Forums just ignore blatant off-topic cancer

>All those wonderfully smooth, pale ballsacks

Fuck, here I was thinking I was no fap.

Where can I find more trap ass like this to see?
I'm asking for science

Now I remember why bara is better.

funposting isn't very fun if you get banned immediately

Strength doesn't have anything to do with dick size.

How is this thread still alive?

>nipping it in the bud
Nigra says they knew each other for a year. I doubt it was a mystery to her, that's leading him on.

>literally looks like she's shitting a log


They're all on Sup Forums. These threads used to be on Sup Forums daily, but now that GOT is on, the mods are banning everything (even some on topic threads). They fucking stickied the GOT thread earlier. It's almost like they're getting paid. Don't worry though, when GOT ends, the mods will leave Sup Forums and do their jobs elsewhere again.

fuck this thread

more butts

i wonder who is behind this post

modded skyrim

These threads have been popping up for the last hour and a half user, one actually stayed up for 40 minutes.

That's a nice tuft of pubic hair.

fuck is real nigga hours

A lot of girls have no idea orbiters want to bang them. They think they're "friends". They think it's the same kind of friendship as they have with their girl friends

This happens especially when the other guy tries to be sensitive and listen to her shit

Thanks doc.

Global mods were a mistake

did she died



John Bettendorf



I wish you had told me that years ago.

>believing a chart made by the white man


That explains the poor english

This. BLACKED thread spam on Sup Forums was a daily occurrence for the past year, but suddenly the mods starting cracking down on everything, and even some memes they didn't understand, a few weeks ago. It was almost simultaneous with game of thrones advertisement push, and the season premiere of the show. I wonder how much hbo is paying them.


>Literally looks like she's taking a shit


This thread needs some posts bois

Surprised this shit thread is still up

it's like i'm really on Sup Forums

>81 / 20 / 57 / 1
mods really are asleep

not even joking, there's always a trap thread up and people always shiitpost in it.

>40 minutes
>Still up


wait, hbo advertised on Sup Forums? fucking hell

Welcome faggot.

>no source

Nice try white boy

Here's my source right here. Bet yo ass your little useless white dick can't compare.


The mods are so fucking shit

This thread has been up for hours

This one's up too, but it's kind shilly

Sup Forums gets the best treatment of all boards. What the fuck makes them so special?

More of this

GTA san andreas ?
balad of gay tony is annaly aclaimed as a cuck masterpiece on a side note.

Dragon butts best butts.

That a pretty small camera

Not Street Fighter

They were here first.

Maybe I'm meeting the wrong girls, then. I've only known one girl since I was twelve that believed she could have platonic relationships with men.