What's Sup Forums's opinion on that there is a little witch academia game?
What does Sup Forums think of the new Little witch academia game?
it had better be good
I hope they rip the assets and make tons of SFM porn of little cute witches
>SFM porn
Underage detected
this is an anime videogame board
what do you expect?
>/u/: The Game
No thanks.
The show is so fucking boring, how the hell did it get so popular?
>Sup Forums: the game
i'm okay, thanks
akko a shit
Who cares
>/u/: the game
Um. Yes please?
Probably because the girl in the op's pic is super cute.
best sensei better be in
>/u/: the game
I wish it was.
Definitely getting it, from what I've seen it looks pretty good.
Probably the same quality as the show. It was shit.
It'll probably be a medicore tie in. Might get it on steam if it's not too pricey
What's wrong in being underage?
You're mistaking the show for your opinion, which is scheiße.
There is no canon yuri though.
Shame this show caught tumblr's attention though, can't look for any fan content without seeing dyke shit.
Nothing, neets just need to pick on others to feel good about themselves.(because they were treated like trash as kinder)
I would really appreciate if everyone could refrain from posting my wife. Thank you.
Claimed, motherfuckers.
She's all yours pal. Sucy is my best girl.