What is a game you gave up playing after five minutes?
What is a game you gave up playing after five minutes?
not 5 minutes
>30 minutes on Witcher3
The combat is so fucking awful
Witcher 3
Dragon's Dogma
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Witcher 3 combat is just bland. Play the first one if you want truly awful combat.
Divinity Original Sin
Witcher 2
Deus Ex HR
I tend to enjoy any game I play which makes these two odd. I think those are the only two games I've played and gave up on period. Spent about 10-15 minutes on both of them and just wasn't feeling it.
Witcher 1
This was before Witcher 3 came out, got Witcher 2 along with the first one for just a couple dollars. I'll probably never pick it up again. Friend forced his way through it, just goddamn terrible.
Kid Icarus Uprising.
God Hand. Call me a shitter all you want but I just don't like it.
>Dragon Age 2
It still hurts
Honey Studio
It takes less then that for me to make some slut with an oversized ass and bust a fat NUT to her
Witcher 4 the contrarian edition.
Must be rough being underage.
I played until I got to the giant spider monster at the end of the Witcher 1, and it was probably the worst game that I've ever forced myself through. I dropped it because I couldn't beat the spider and I wasn't about to grind to be able to beat it, since the game was so shit. I'd really recommend 3, but every other Witcher game is dogshit.
what the absolute ever living fuck did you mean by this
Ori and the Blind Forest
Civ VI
Alien Isolation
Mad Max
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Most of my steam library
>baddies giving their opinion
Dishonored 2
On console the game has built-in deadzones that mean your character doesn't turn until you've moved the stick halfway to max. Literally unplayable to me, every movement and action is incredibly imprecise.
VA-11 Hall A
Worms Revolution
Secrets of Rætikon
Natural Selection 2
>americans are too dumb to enjoy the only good Witcher game
Also it's summer.
Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City
>bunch of OCDONUTSTEALS run around shooting zombies in Racoon City because god forbid there be OTHER environments or settings in the RE timeline to choose from
I'd also like to add the fact that Capcom goes out of their way to make sure none of the playable character's uniforms match drives me up a fucking wall
Every pokemon game on the 3ds
Fallout 4
Stardew Valley
Project Zomboid
They're not talking about Witcher 3 though
truly godfucking awful, i had no idea what i was expecting and yet i was still let down
W3 was unimaginably boring
Jontun or is it Jotun? Eitherway, looked like shit IMO and it sure felt like it too
System shock 2
Dwarf fortress
You're right, I'm trying to imagine someone thinking TW3 is boring and it's not possible.
This is why the casualised/consolized 2&3 were made, for babbies like you.
Go suck CDPR's massive e-peen somewhere else
Life is Strange
CoD: Black Cocks 2
I didn't like the witcher 3
wrong opinion
What game can make me ejaculate in 5 minutes?
Go circlejerk on infinitychan or some other hipster shitter imageboard.
Sanitarium, because it crashed
The Masculine Mystique
>tfw dead for years
>doesn't enjoy a game that everyone likes to circlejerk over
>must be a hipster
Get fucked, bro. I found the story unengaging, the combat mediocre, and the equipment system stupid.
The only good things are the graphics and world design.
Witcher 1 apologists are why I don't report Gothic 2 threads.
After RE5 I didnt expect much, but goddamn what an absolute clusterfuck of a game. Its no wonder they took an entirely new direction with 7
A bit of a obscure game.
Nanobreaker for PS2. Was hoping for a hidden gem, instead got absolute garbage
Witcher 1 & 2
Company of Heroes
Sim City 4
The Sims
Far Cry
agharest: generations of war.
i'm not looking up how to spell that.
who is this semen demon
I just get instantly bored of it the moment I play it. It's a shame, but it's the only game like that for me.
This. I have more fun downloading and finding mods. I sit and wait imagining a fun playthrough, get into it, aaaaand disappoint myself.
The Witcher defense force is here
Deus Ex
kill me
Same desu
it's old.
I feel
Everyone says theyre great. I cant get into them.
Grim Dawn; the art style and UI utterly turned me off
Monster's Den: Godfall
Heard it was the supreme flash game at one time and got a new release. It's fucking shit.
Any survival/crafting crap.
Same. But I tried again some other week and was eternally enlightened.
Revisit DEHR. Shit is real boring at first but it picks up.
because youre an underaged faggot with pleb taste my friend
never happened to me because i am not a baby
same. gameplay hasn't aged well at all.
Literally another Rust/DayZ clone
I never quit after only 5 minutes but Lost Planet and Metro 2033 were probably the two that took me the least amount of time to get overwhelmingly bored.
americans are asleep you retarded aussie
STALKER. I acknowledge its not a bad game, its just not something I can get into.
League of legends I would say more like 10 minutes but I will never understand this game's and similar games success and the popularity. How can anyone take a game with this control scheme seriously in a competitive environment.
Hotline Miami
I bought the hype and regretted it ever since. It's the most fucking tryhard edgy, repetitive piece of shit I've ever played.
>but git gud
I beat something like 3 levels (rather than floors) and just went "wow, this is literally the whole game, isn't it?"
It's 9pm on the west coast.
Assassin's Creed.
>Wiedźmin 2
Watchdogs 2, First comment from one of the hackers right after tutorial.
>"Gender roles are so 20th century".
Dreamfall chapters
>15 fps with no heavy animation? are you fucking kidding me?
>System Shock: You've played this before
>[insert any arma franchise mod]
Persona 5
>I don't give a shit, why am I suppose to give a shit?
>I'll learn this later while I'm at work, 'working'.
Assassin's Creed Unity, thank God i got it for free.
Why Ubisoft can't make games where you just start and play, not having to sit through a bunch of boring cutscenes?
>won't last 5 minutes
need sauce on that quote
portal 1 and portal 2
what a bunch of repetitive unfun crap
>that image
I remember this countdown when it was less than a week in
Witcher series started to be good after console release. PC is dragging games down.
what turned you off from Ori?
I've actually never really liked platformers with environments that are very curved and organic looking. I like my platforms flat and simple.
Then again, I really didn't give it a fair shot. I'll give it another go
That's pretty understandable. I stuck with it because I loved the art style
to each their own though
I gave FF13 and Elder Scrolls Oblivion around 30 hours each but gave up on them both, only two games i won't even complete on principal because i found them both so awful.
I see another sucker exists. What a disappointment.
Saints Row 2
Meanwhile I have about twenty hours in the third
If you played it on PC without the Gentlemen of the Row mod, that's understandable.
>comparing diarrhea to shit
At least they've improved.
Morrowind --> Skyrim is nearly identical.
>Arch, the dinosaur shitshow.
Shit FPS, flashbacks to the worst parts of rust, buggy as fuck and just fucking retarded. Only game i've refunded, hope the guy that made it has a bad day.