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Millions of others enjoyed it just fine. Maybe the problem is you.

is this the hot new meme? was just getting used to "framerate"

Are those people blind? It runs like fucking shit and stutters all the time

I do agree it's annoying sometimes, but don't expect it to be fixed. Just enjoy it as it is.

4 u

I will record a video

its part of the cinematic console experience


No its not for me, maybe I just have standards unlike sonybros

I played it and didn't have a problem, I just didnt like the 30 fps

To show how bad it runs

>Works on my machine

Okay. Why did you buy a PS4 then?

Because the vast majority of Jap devs can't make a game that's good on a technical level to save their lives. The only Japanese devs I can think of that make games run well most of the time are Platinum and Nintendo. Considering how good MGSV was, I also have faith in KojiPro.

To play this fucking piece of shit

That isn't what frame pacing is. Bad frame pacing is when the frames the console renders aren't delivered at the right time. For example, the first 25 frames could come all at once in the first quarter of the second, so the next three quarters only display 5 frames, making for a choppy experience even at a decent framerate.

We know how bad it runs, you don't have to prove it to some retards here.

wait so the only game that the ps4 has runs like shit? wow just like last gen

I think you're just racist dude

So you bought a console for one game? Seems like a pretty retarded thing to do.

because only never evers would be upset about it

not him but I did and it was almost worth it. if HZD or N:A or Gravity Rush 2 are any good it will have been a good deal.

Name one AAA japanese game from the past decade that was even close to the same level of graphical fidelity and performance of Horizon: Zero Dawn.

The only reason Japs get away with their shitty technical skills is because their games are more fun and interesting.

I bought it april 2014 to play with my friends

>Graphical fidelity
this is some bait

horizon had good procedural environments and machine designs but physics interactions and animations were dogshit my dude

From is notoriously bad at fixing their technical issues.

I'll take fun and interesting over pretty and smooth

It would run better on a PC

Moving goalposts. Even in motion is looks better than the vast majority of low effort japshit. Again, it's not a fun game, but the technical prowess of the devs is impressive.

So will I. Persona 5 and Nier have some real shitty textures but they're way better than Horizon. I was just making a point about how oddly shit the Japanese are at making games on a technical level.

Here, its me walking through Old Yharnam


Yeah because the Souls games run like a dream on PC.

why is djura alive

take his badge and kill that fucker

It looks fine. You're being a nitpicky little bitch. It can't be that bad for you if you played to Old Yharnam anyway.

I already finished it I couldnt care less

How that looks fine? Is Bloodborne your first videogame?

>not reaching him via darkbeast paarl

Console players are brain dead, ur only proving it

Not him but fuck off, it's bad. And just because you acknowledge a huge flaw with the game doesn't mean you aren't allowed to play it. Bloodborne is a good game with major technical issues. It would be a better game if it did not have those issues. This is not rocket science.

Honestly not as bad as I was expecting. No where near as bad as Blight Town.

Console FPS is always sub standard, but aside from a few noticeable hitches it want that bad.

Still not good, that is the single reason that keep me from liking this more than DaS3


for $40: Gravity Rush 2, Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn, Nier: Automata, or something else? I already got Bloodborne Complete and a PC for non-exclusives.

nier, GR 2, and nioh are all good.
idk why the fuck you think horizon zero dawn looks appealing at all

dark souls 2 did

I would love a 900p/60fps patch, i mean Nioh had one so why not?

Can't believe they haven't made a Pro patch

I thought there was a ps4 pro patch?

Or does the pro just run it better

I'm assuming you're in the US or canada, so I would tell you to just rent horizon. It's fun for about 3 days, at which point if you enjoy collecting and doing sidequests, you'll have finished most if not all of them and probably be done with the game. GR2 isn't anywhere near worth $40. For as fun as it is in short bursts, it's not something that will last you very long, nor will it be something you can sit down and play for hours at a time.
near a tomato is in my opinion just a mediocre action game that doesn't know what it wants to be. wait for a sale.

nioh's pretty good and if you played the alpha/beta/lastchance demo you probably have a good idea if you like it or not. So nioh gets my vote.

The pro has Boost mode, which is a test feature which can make some game run a bit better without a patch.

IIRC, it improves the performance, but it still isn't perfect.

because they're not working on it, and there's no new content.
nioh had a patch because it's a new physical release, and all physical released games have to have a pro patch, it's in the terms of when you receive a PRO devkit.
boost mode on the pro fixes most of if not all of the frame pacing issues, and keeps the FPS significantly more stable in areas like central yharnam, the forest, and mensis, where it's typically dropping like a stone.

>boost mode on the pro fixes most of if not all of the frame pacing issues


All their games run like shit?

I have no problem with this game. But I dont pay for online so I only play single player.


works on MY machine, so I don't know what to tell you.

Really though, it does fix a lot of them. I haven't had issues outside of when i'm summoned/summoning, with framerate at all. Maybe it's just been improved since the beta patch when that video was taken. Who can say.

DS3 and all other Souls games have the same problem. It's the shitty engine.

Get out, BRfag.

The engine is okay, it's just PS4 seems to have trouble with frame pacing & input lag

Quite a few games have this problem

why won't you get fucking good instead of blaming your ineptitude on a couple of frame drops

alright, I checked some longplays, and HZD looks worse in writing and more Witcher-like than I remember. thx

>here is a video of me playing the same game that you've all played and that there are thousands of youtube videos of
>did I prove my point

you are a retard

It won't be fixed until next gen when the "remaster ™" comes out.

horizon is pretty fun combat-wise, which is why I'd still say to rent it, it's just not worth a full on purchase, it's not long enough and there's nowhere near enough content.

Nioh's pretty fun, but there isn't much replayability. Horizon is just your generic Ubsioft open world, but with admittedly gorgeous graphics and cool robots. Nier is on PC

Let's say I display zero frames for nine seconds. Then, in the tenth second, I suddenly display 300 frames. Overall the average is 30fps, but in reality it was zero fps and then suddenly 300fps.

Good framepacing just means that it's consistently at the target framerate. Bad framepacing means that frames are delivered all over the place at inconsistent rates, but it can still average out to the target framerate.

N:A is supposed to have issues on PC, also loldrm

>Name one AAA japanese game from the past decade that was even close to the same level of graphical fidelity and performance of Horizon: Zero Dawn.
Resident Evil 7

RE7 is definitely high tier, but I played it on the max settings and there were quite a few textures that would look more at home on the WiiU.

I played on a pro. Don't know if that had anything to do with it, but it wasn't nearly that choppy for me.

If you never noticed it in DaS1 or 3 then you're a retard. Happens on all systems.

>Millions of others enjoyed it just fine. Maybe the problem is you.
>Are those people blind? It runs like fucking shit and stutters all the time

What the fuck do you expect from dirty console peasants?

Their standards are incredibly low. Shit graphics, sub-30 fps, garbage controller.

*bought it

Name one that runs well then

>Yeah because the Souls games run like a dream on PC.

How the fuck are they NOT?

Console version can't even have 60 fps. CAN'T HAVE 60 FPS. The only time you get 60 fps is when you look at the ground.

I've never seen a single drop from 60 fps on my PC with max graphics which is not even remotely high end anymore.

Transformers Devastation, Revengeance, Nier Automata.

Before you have a shit fit about the fact that these games still have framerate drops, I said run well, not perfectly, or even great.

Is that what the game does? I can play a 30fps game no problem, but I knew something was making me nauseous when I was playing it on my roommate's ps4

Oh my god, that's fucking pathetic.

Not just how weak the PS4 Pro is, but also how inept Fromsoft has to be to get DSIII running like that on a console that can run TLOU at 4k.

Revengeance and Automata are not even om acceptable levels, I guess standards differ.

Shouldn't it run at a least stable 30fps on the ps4 givememoremoney pro ?

Wish they would update the frame rate and make it 4k for the ps4 pro.

Maybe I'm forgetting something, but I never noticed Revengeance dropping low enough to be 'bad', and certainly not low enough to be unacceptable.

Nioh for sure

then get nier

Is GR that good ? I hear people talk about it all the time.

I don't know what you're talking about. I put a good 600 hours into nioh to clear all difficulties, perfect a few different gear sets for different builds and platinum it

I heard the second isn't as good as the first, but people really seem to like it

>bothering to fight Paarl before BSB

My order would go Nioh, Nier, GR, HZD
You should also check out Yakuza series and Persona 5

You don't have to. You can clear out Old Yharnam and BSB and then go there through Paarl and befriend Djura.

I happened to start playing this game again recently OP and I agree. I feel like I shouldn't have to shell out the cash for a PS4 pro to experience this game as it was meant to be experienced.

jap devs are shit and behind a decade in terms of tech... water is wet.

Whatever you do, don't fall for the Automata meme.

I platinated the game nigger

>get FFXV for Christmas
>load it up
>excited to start on epic adventure in beautiful worlds
>frame pacing issues cause horrible juddering at 30 FPS
What is so fucking hard about this? You spend years making this game only to ruin it on a basic performance level.

And so few people even mention it online.


But its not nearly as bad as in BB
DaS1 had inconsistent framerate is some ares
BB has terrible framepacing all the time

Yeah, but then you have to deal with Djura's bullshit if you need to run back through the area

I never had any problems. I seriously don't know what's wrong with you fps autists. Yes I can tell the difference but it literally has no impact on the game itself.

I can't really think of reason why you would need to.

Well seeing as he fires a gatling gun at you when trying top get through the area I'd rather just take him out and know that I don't have to worry about it if I die before getting the final shortcut and need to run through the area again,

people like you is the reason why we cant have nice things