With the Crash remaster being a success, will a Spyro one follow?

With the Crash remaster being a success, will a Spyro one follow?

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I hope so, but I'm doubtful.

>Remaking the Spyro hub worlds/levels

Way bigger a task than Crash's remake.

Please, I loved Spyro never got into crash.


I don't get it, why do you guys love platformers so much? I've been playing Mario on NES and others on Sega later, but that shit stopped being fun for me at the age of 8 or 9, when I got access to RTS, RPG, FPS/TPS genres. I don't get any satisfaction or a sense of achevement from such games. All I see is kiddy design and pointless gameplay. Tell me, why do you still dream of playing something similar? Why are modern Mario games are so popular not exclusively among kids? I'm 30 and I don't see myself playing some platformer ever. Please break it down to me, I seriously don't get it.

It's fun :)

Insomniac said, that it's up to Activision. The N.Sane Trilogy was a massive success, imagine what Spyro would be in comparison.
Normally, I don't like Remakes (DmC, Ratchet & Clank), but Crash just had a complete graphical overhaul, without any big differences. That's what makes it a "Root Remake", cause it sticks to its fundamentals.
If Activison doesn't give the license to a good developer studio (maybe even Insomniac), they'd miss out on some serious cash.

Let him rest. He's suffered enough.

Maybe it's just me, but there's a simple joy in the simplicity of overcoming a fast-paced and challenging obstacle course, often packed with charm. Story is minimal, so gameplay is maximized and usually honed to tight perfection. Rayman Origins was one of my favourites in recent years, made me realise how much I enjoy platformers.

Nostalgia mostly. Also, it's really fun.
A standard collectathon, where you don't have to think that much, just collect things and try out some random gameplay mechanics, like Spyro.
A 2D/3D platformer, in which good reflexes are crucial and you really have to "git gud", but without having to look for guides, builds and strategies, like Crash or Rayman.
They are mostly nostalgia-driven, but in a time where the market is flooded with mediocre AAA titles, hard souls clones and unfinished messes it's refreshing to play a game which you loved as a kid.

If god exists, he will give me a high-quality remake of that one spyro game where you collect the dragon eggs. I fucking loved that shit as a kid.

Why do you give a shit? People play plenty of games that others don't like or don't understand. Not everyone wants every game to present a challenge, sometimes they just want to relax and have fun. Why do you feel the need to be THAT guy?


Yup, they'll definitely make one.
It'll be a remake of the Legend of Spyro trilogy :^)

I'd unironically be okay with that

I wouldn't

>The last game Spyro was even in was Skylanders
>Minon's him out of the spotlight

This is suffering

The problem is your were playing shitty platformers on Nintendo's garbage consoles. Mario and Sonic are shit.

Sony platformers like Spyro, Crash, Ratchet and Jak were actually well done and fun games.

Spyro, Crash, Jak and Daxter, are great. Why the hate for Sonic.

>pointless gameplay
Seriously, no one quoting this shit?

I hope not, or at least not by using the developers dedicated to Crash Bandicoot to put him aside for a Spyro remake. No, I only want a new Crash Bandicoot platformer.

>People only caring about stuff like Crash and Spyro who have had a bunch of games
>No love for the bear and bird who are left to rot in the pile of collected corpses Microsoft currently sits on

Banjo-Tooie is dogshit and Yooka-Laylee is proof on that

Fuck off retard

I don't like collectathons. Banjo wasn't enjoyable strictly as a platformer, because it was too slow and sluggish, same with DK64. Mario 64 managed to keep up the pace somehow.

>Skylanders is still alive with Spyro as one of its flagship characters iirc

That was number 3. The first three have aged well and are worth playing

YotD was always my personal favorite

I don't give a shit if I liked it as a kid. I find platformers appealing still, and would shit all over the Crash remake if it was no good.

Imagine Elora with an updated model.
