Do you want esports to succeed or fail?
Do you want esports to succeed or fail?
Fail. Videogames are supposed to be played not watched
Why do they call it esports.
obviously fail, because resources that could go into tasty singleplayer games go into MOBAs and card games
why does she have 4 eyebrows
because it is a competition. The e is to make the distinction between real sports and eletronic ones.
Fail, it's a good idea but executed horribly. They take themselves too fucking seriously
Succeed so i don't have to get a real job
But it's not a sport.
chess is sport
Fail. Athletes should be people that represent the glory of mankind. "E-Sports-Athletes" and speedrunners are mostly degenerates that exploit their young audience .
it's not
>Implying 80% of pro athletes aren't degenerates
Let's compare the IQ of the average pro baseball player to the IQ of the average DOTA2 player.
I think esports in it's current form will never succeed on the level real sports do. Because if some normie happens to turn on a league game he'll have no idea what the fuck is going on, as opposed to like a basketball game where it's obvious what you're watching.
>implying real athletes aren’t degenerate
to succeed. They are fun
>Mom I want to become like Mike Tyson
Learns how to fight , gets pussy and respect
>Mom I want to become like "FaZe ArceusWEedMachine"
Spends all day sitting infront of the PC drinking Mtndew, gets diabetes by 25
Not fail but it's way more interesting and genuine at poverty level.
>Glory of mankind isn't intelligence but physical skill
I want esports to fail, but I want grassroots competitive scenes to succeed. The modern trend of developers dumping millions of dollars into the game before it's even proven itself as a competitive game needs to stop right now.
Fail, since it's strictly a money making scheme.
>it's strictly a money making scheme.
You mean like all popular team sports?
>have opportunity to meet and party with someone famous
>take pics and gossip like a faggot paparazzo instead
>a sport
Choose one.
At least you're consistent.
Yeah, contrary to the NBA or the NFL, they totally are on it for the competitive integrity HAHAHAHAHA
>Building your lifelyhood on a videogame
Meanwhile you sit in a dark room, posting on a board about video games with a picture of a frog.
I'm not supporting the NBA or NFL.
lmaoing at the lives of these bitchy kids all wanting it to fail. I personally don't care; enjoy video games however you want.
Why should I care either way
Nigga the average e-sport "athlete" score higher than average in the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test. There is strategy in these games. Saying that it doesn't require cognitive skill is straight up wrong, facts back it up.
T. Echofox N3ckb3arD
fuck off m0e
esporsts succeeding is good for (((them)))
it must fail
everything is good for (((them))) when you're a paranoid schizophrenic fuck
It is still dumb to invest so much time in a career that can crumble at any moment. When you play Football you can be sure that in 10 years it will be still there. Maybe not as popular, but the demand will still be there. Videogames are constantly updatet. New entries to the series, new balancing, new gameplay. What if the next Street Fighter is a lot different than the traditional one? What if Counter Strike gets a new game and your most hated weapon is the "meta" now? In traditional sports you can be sure that in 10 years you wont be needed to balance the ball on your dick or something like that. Videogames however can fuck you bigtime if you fail to adapt quickly.
Name ONE (1) career that couldn't possible crumble at any moment.
do they get drug tested before playing?
To succeed. I don't watch them, I don't care, and as a 25 year old man they really don't have any influence on my life whatsoever. I would hope that they age up contestants a bit, because 16-20 year olds are fucking BORING.
Its about the Risk. My point was that that Videogames arent consistent enoigh to warrant being a sport right now.
>I don't watch them
>16-20 year olds are fucking BORING.
No and 99% of players use adderall it's pretty disgusting
Show me where Chad touched you, user.
Yes, as long as balancing revolves around normal instead of competitive play.
Wow. What a great image for their sponsors.
all kind of competitive sport is a joke
athletes contribute nothing to society
Crash and burn with a lot of memorable fuckups, then never return.
So wouldn't you blame the people that pay them?
Top kek. No one fucking cares, Chad. Even less so than gook-clickers and DotA clones.
Succeed to make all the buttmad losers who can't git gud itt salty.
Ahhh yes. I understand. I'm retard. And i agree. Watching little kids play is lame as fuck
What's a your definition of a sport?
Fail. Spectacularly.
There is no legitimate arguments being presented itt about why it should fail
I get that "eSports" and "E-Athlete" may trigger your little egg heads. But at least give a proper argument instead of just being butthurt over people liking what you dont like
Eating sandwiches on the couch without having a heart attack
Fail anyone who says otherwise needs to fuck off from video games
That guy is WAAAY too hot for that shitty looking girl.
I want to fap to Chicken-chan
>Proper argument
>On Sup Forums
Lmaoing @ your life.
SFV is a nice example of how developers fuck everything up trying to appeal to both tourneyfags and the mainstream.
Is she scratching his watch?
Its affecting the quality of fighting games.
No single player and a bare bones roster? Eh, ship it anyway, we have a public tournament in a month.
Sexy alt outfits? Are you mad? ESPN would ban them and blame us!
>athletes contribute nothing to society
Culture and entertainment you dunce.
Fail. Eatsports needs to stay the hell away from fighting games
I'm better than the "pros".
A lot of them should fail because a lot of the competition is pushed by corporation rather than the playerbase
Stupid shit like overwatch and hearthstone with both very little skill reward compared to their competitors had tourneys and an e-sport scene as soon as they were launched when neither of them deserved it
The same goes for sports you fucking fatfuck.
I doubt that senpai
You aren't in any position to judge intelligence
Fail, the stigma that surrounds it is truly toxic and is affecting games for the worse. The sooner it dies, the better.
Fail unless they manage to not make it ultra serious business as they are now.
Now, please post more Chicken.
What do you play, fat boy?
It doesn't matter what I want. I don't purchase nor participate in esports. So if it was left in my hands it would die. Cause I refuse to nurture it. Not by deliberate choice. It just doesn't interest me.
Oh I agree with hearthstone, playing a card game competitively when it's mostly based in RNG is just retarded.
And constantly having to buy the latest season of cards to stay good at the game is fucking bonkers.
But card game players have always been dumb like that
You just made this retarded thread so you could post that image didn't you OP.
I want something enjoyable to watch instead of fucking hearthstone when I go to a bar. What the fuck. I looked like an autist sitting infront of the hearthstone tv.
I don't care, the market will decide
I want everything to fail.
I don't care.
>When you play Football you can be sure that in 10 years it will be still there.
Too bad you can't be sure you
a. actually get in the league (It's hard af)
b. don't get hurt
>making vidya
No, chess is a competition.
>athletes contribute nothing to society
Neither do you, dumbass
Considering I'm part of the Melee community part of me wants it to succeed so Esports organizations that pay the top players continue to do so, so it gives me something to grind towards. I can already beat PR'd players, if they go there's not much else to accomplish.
The other part of me being a older player since 2004 doesn't give a fuck, because I know that Melee survived as a grass roots community before and could continue to do so even without EVO, CEO or these other large tournaments involvement, or these esports corporations. Plus because of esports popularity, the community since then has absorbed an INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF easily triggered fucking SJW crybaby faggots who get mad at words like some kinda kindergartner.
I understand being a decent human being, and not saying rape and shit like that. I made peace with that, it's w/e now. But when you get triggered over words like "FUCK" or phrases like "GET YO ASS WHOOPED" like this forced political correctness suggests then I have a problem. Commentators and tournament goers cant even be themselves anymore and have to walk on eggshells to avoid fucking [TRIGGERING] special snowflake faggots. I will never be ok with that, go back to school or go back and have your parents whoop your ass to give you some mental fucking discipline or something, PLEASE.
>career can crumble at any moment
yeah, almost like getting an injury in football, huh?
i want it to come crashing down around itself and take most of its supporters with it
>Considering I'm part of the Melee community
t. mad quakecuck
poker and racing are sports