Depressed gamer thread

How do you cope with your depression/anxiety, Sup Forums?

Are there any games that help?

Masturbate 5/6 times a day to settle the nerves.

I just turn that frown upside down


Take a break from your basement vidya and learn to relax.

>How do you cope with your depression/anxiety, Sup Forums?
By not having it

Alcohol is the only thing that helps me.

Yeah, I smoke way more joints than I should. It helps the symptoms but not the cause. Fuck if I know what the cause is though.

I don't think there's a more perfect representation of someone failing to empathise than that pasta.

This is key for me. Getting and maintaining that tipsy stage is bliss.

Enjoy it while you can
It takes me more about a bottle of vodka already to get to that sweet spot

degenerate. stop drinking and sort yourself out.

you as well. stop being a sack of shit.

You're probably not depressed, you probably just have a shitty life

I dont have fun playing video games they only distract me from the depression imo.

I recommend you quit being a faggot

Why don't you take this nu-male, /r9k/ thread back to your board, you fucking turbofaggot

I go to the gym with my friend. He's a lardass and I'm Mr. Skeltal. Starting to see a difference now in both of us though and it makes you feel really good

Go to a therapist that specializes in dealing with depression and anxiety and talk about your problems to them. If you want some vidja to distract yourself, find some chill games or "games" like Proteus, any decent music game, stuff like Journey, I've heard good things about that Everything game, or your comfort zone game genre. For me it's Metroidvanias, but everybody has their own tastes.

>How do you cope with your depression/anxiety, Sup Forums?
By not self diagnosing myself with a trendy disease like everyone did with ADHD, OCD, bi-polarism, and autism.

>dude just be awesome, dont' give up on life xD

>drinking when you're in a foul mood
Thus begins your ouroboros cycle. Just drop that nasty shit.

>something bad happens
>get severe depressed
>don't want to do anything, just sleep forever and never wake up
>wonder why that burning feelings are affecting my body if they are that heavy
>two months on, my body starts shutting off
>mind weakens, hair falls, body weakens as well
>try to be positive and recover
>three years and still decaying
at least I have videogames

This is gonna sound weird, but I think becoming a normie has ruined me.

I have a very decent income, a wonderful gf and a nice house. Can afford all the vidya and hardware I want. Still I just miss being a NEET and playing WoW for 72 hours straight. Life is complicated and I'm too much of a sperglord to adapt to this life after years of expecting to be NEET forever.

Depression isnt real. Quit being a bitch.

>wonder why that burning feelings are

I have no motivation to do anything when sober, alcohol gives me motivation, watch tv, play video games, do work
It's a cycle but alcohol wasn't the beginning of it, it's a bandaid