What games do you play with your GIRLFRIEND, Sup Forums?
What games do you play with your GIRLFRIEND, Sup Forums?
This thread is going to get deleted anyway, so may as well use it to bitch about stuff.
I'm in my thirties and am currently being friendzoned by my coworker who just turned 21. It's obvious even to me that she's only showing me just enough attention to keep me on the hook, but she is not remotely interested in dating me.
Well are you interested in being her friend?
Also on topic, puyo puyo tetris is fun for normies
Then fucking ignore her
just ignore her, you're better off
Bloons TD on phones is a great couples coop game.
She's probably doesn't like you but is just trying to be nice to you. I don't think it's sinister.
yep. just treat her as a coworker and nothing more. do it gradually though, so it isn't as apparent. you'll get over it as you spend less time with her and don't think about her (or think less). also, think about her pooping if you start having thoughts about her, it helps
My only other friends are a long-term couple, and I sometimes don't hang out with them because I hate feeling like a third wheel. But I feel bad about not wanting to hang out with them sometimes because I'm apparently their only friend.