Can we agree you're actually the villain in this game?
Can we agree you're actually the villain in this game?
Other urls found in this thread:
>le ebin game theory
[muffled "vagrant rat" in the distance]
Fuck off.
I don't know about villain per say, but you're certainly a catalyst for change.
If you hadn't come along, Gherman would still be in the dream and the Yahar'Gul ritual would have caused some serious shit with the One Reborn
Instead, all that junk is upended because the main character is trying to release themselves from the cyclical dream jail they've been placed in. The only way to do that is to get the 'ultimate' ending with the Moon Presence
>halts the spread of the Beast Scourge by stopping Mergo and killing the Moon Presence
>destroys the Hunter's Nightmare by defeating the Orphan of Kos, restoring his connection with Kos, making Kos lift the curse
>bad guy
Why am I a slug now
You consumed three of four umbilical cords, granting you eyes on the inside. I don't actually know how killing the Moon Presence kits into it all though. Maybe killing MP allows you to absorb it's Insight or some shit.
All we know is the Hunter ascended by becoming a baby squid.
Irrespective of who you are, the game is painfully easy and terrible quality.
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days.
Pic related.
Mutant scum all need to be purged
You've become an infant great one.
You soon become a monstrosity.
Can you stop reposting this shit in every BB thread? Nobody gives a fuck you got the plat
>you're actually the villain
There's only one person in the whole game who isn't
You obviously do that's why you've replied.
How can the Hunter be a villain if he saves all those people in Yharnam by telling them about Oedon Chapel?
Unironcically the best ending is letting Ghermin kill you. Waking up is the solution.
All the other endings are bad ends.
The Moon Presence is connected to the Scourge that is ravaging Yharnam.
I see this get posted alot, this can only be the work on one autist
It's hard to believe anything that happens in the game is real.
It's acting on Lovecraftian dream logic. You're fighting people and entities that are dead in reality and need to kill in the dream. Your "death" by submitting your life to Gehrman is the only way to wake you up.
Even if any change is taking place in the dream, the real world remains the same. Yharnam's still jacked.
>when all this is over, I was, er, hoping we could still be friends, you see
this nigga deserved better
Okay, yeah, but how does you turning into an infant great one solve the problem?
Oedon Chapel has an Amygdala right at their doorstep, everyone you send there ends up worse than before.
It's a "Damned if you, damned if you don't" choice.
No, Laurence is
You are correct.
Him and the whore
Everyone else is literally insane and will kill one another at the drop of a hat
Sup Forums can't even agree that water is wet, why are you kidding yourself
Having played it after seeing this, i find it hard to believe. You must have either nothing else going on or used a walk through. Finishing it, ok. But platinum? You used a walk through.
I just wanted to stomp on the baby, not kill her...
> 8
I've posted variations of this picture at least 300 times.
>Somehow knew to keep a network save file near the end to re-download for different endings
I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days. I only used a guide at the very end to see the requirements of the remaining last couple of hidden trophies.
It wasn't blind anyway, I actually played with him 6 months ago or whenever it was that he was posting threads hourly. He was already 50 hours into the game at forbidden woods and was level 75.
by killing everything, you unfuck everything
plus bein an enlightened squid with cosmic power's cool
Anyone who played the souls games would know there were alternate endings...
That doesn't mean I didn't go in blind. I spent the majority of the 10 days fucking about in the chalice dungeons because it was the only thing that I found remotely enjoyable.
Of course I didn't realise you weren't allowed to level your character up, in an RPG.
id say up till Rom, you can still be called a good guy, then we kill said retarded spider, and everything goes to shit, including the people you 'saved' minds, all thanks to you.
I beat this yesterday, loved the game and the aesthetic but have no fucking idea what the story of plot was.
>started playing last week
>only prior soulslike was Nioh (didn't finish it yet)
>took me forever to get used to it, had to look at a beginners guide to understand the right use of the pistol
>attacked Eileen on sight the first time around
>die horribly to father gascoigne in his beast form
>start a new run today because Eileen
>breeze through Yharnam because i got gud against the first few enemy types
It's fun so far but I am already loosing my mind over missables.
>loved the game and the aesthetic but have no fucking idea what the story of plot was.
Welcome to the Souls games.
This is where I got the story
So you used a walkthrough. How does that disprove what I said?
Play closer attention next time and read all the item descriptions.
Post cool Bloodborne fanart.
This game is the most obvious about story with actual cutscenes.
What game? Darkwatch?
Killing Rom reveals that the Mensis Ritual is being done, they are trying to beckon Mergo.
>posting threads hourly
What the fuck
>there'll never be a game on pre-hunt yharnam
Those things you hunt, they're not beasts. They are people. You know that right?
Can you please acquire a tripcode so I can filter you? I prefer not to see the same post every day of my life.
Thanks for reading my post.
Explore the entire location that you're in and you should be fine. There are actually a lot less really obtuse missables compared to other Dad games, especially concerning NPCs. There are a few hidden items you need to find in order to get one of the endings, but play through blind once. Don't spoil yourself.
>ywn have the actual doll
DaS not Dad, fuck sake. Outed as a filthy phoneposter.
>Dad games
you're not wrong
you dont literally turn into a squid. only in the dream do you manifest as an infant great one. irl you stay a human and the squid just represents your insight
>well, what is it?
are ya winning son?
He did, he'd be like "okay I just beat Cleric beast, when does this game stop being boring and easy. I've been playing it for 20 hours and keep doing the same thing."
Then he'd post another one when be beat another boss, etc. It was definitely multiple threads a day.
Darkwatch was a great goddamn game. I mean it was basically Halo with a cowboy skin, but holy shit I loved it
is there a name for that kind of retardation, or is it just straight autism? But legitimate, not meme-insult definition.
As does everyone when they're trying to platinum.
>b-b-but i did it
>b-b-but i did it
Did you or didn't you, user?
>ends the scourge of the beast
>rip's Micolash the greediest fucker in the game
>saves the only sane survivors of the wrecked city
>becomes a god
Such lack of eyes, baka
is this a GAYMEN THEORY thread
I'm not even the 10 days user, I'm saying EVERYONE uses a guide when they're platinuming the game.
I posted regular threads to give updates on how I was experiencing it. They were called Bloodborne Experience Threads.
I wasn't as critical to start, but as I got along and realised how shit the game was it became more of a hate filled thread from both sides. The threads were very popular though.
After having been told to GIT GUD NUB LOLLLZ HARDCORE GAMERS ONLY CASHUAL PLLLZZ I decided to platinum it to show how easy it was.
>t. butthurt forever
this nigger was helping oedon and was luring the hunter to gather up people as subjects for oedons rape vibes
>buy ps4 for bb
>immediately regret my purchase
i've been conned.
thankfully i only spent 200 on the console.
No, you played it nearly two years after it was released, watched skilled Youtubers and copied them
There's still plenty of games you can get for the PS4 at the moment.
I'm not angry. I'm elated. I platinumed the hardest game you've ever played in 10 days.
I've done things in gaming you'll never do.
Noone plat'd the game blind.
None that are worth getting.
I snagged DS3 on sale because I already had a console and was even more dissapointed in that.
Shitty console just collects dust
>fucking about in chalice dungeons
>only thing enjoyable
good job proving all your opinions about the game are garbage
This, freeing the Orphan makes the hunter the good guy in the end.
Who do you think wrote the fucking guide?
Because it's cuter.
They're going to make a next game and you all know it, how do you think they're going to justify the plot without being DS2-tier?
It should be set in the far future, like 1920s-era, and mankind has refused the hunter's gift
I mean, dude
Some people do think it's the hardest game because it has different mechanics and the like but in reality it is not
I really don't know why you have to keep "proving them wrong", for what purpose?
nobody but idiots and you keep saying it's hard
We get that you finished it in 10 days, plat and whatever, it's not hard, whatever you like, but why make threads about it?
Go do the same for all souls games and entertain yourself man, jeez
The DLC bosses are the hardest
only thing you should do is make sure you don't forget any of the paths you encounter. besides that there isn't a whole lot of "missable" shit unless you purposefully decide not to enter an area.
>Find forest path to hemlock witch lane
>decide to turn around and go the other way first, finish cathedral, etc.
>forget you could go that way
>Spend whole game wondering when the fuck I'll be able to equip runes
>Never meet these vilebloods alfred talks about
You have to be one hell of a casual to think that bloodborne is "one of the hardest games you've ever played".
What was the deal with the eyes?
you're a squid now
Pure speculation with almost no evidence.
Is the Beastcutter good? I'm digging the moveset but I want to know if it's worth investing in. Otherwise I'll just stick to my Kirkhammer.
Oh hey I guess this is the next thread. I missed it earlier. Go fuck yourself
firstly- its an oedon chapel just close of to the oedon tomb which you unlock and go through
secondly the whore gives birth to his bastard child near the end afyer he sucessfully ghost rapes her
ikr, here I am thinking Battletoads or Ninja Gaiden Black and this nigger says Bloodborne
It is to laugh
No, I wish it was so bad. It's such a cool weapon, but it does shit damage and barely staggers.
I care about calling you a faggot, which you are.
are you implying Iosefka had the hots for the blue alien guys?
The butthurt contrarian guy hates both him and the whore, but trusts the nun girl.
Obviously the beggar can be trusted.
Djura's a fucking PETA autist and so is his furfag buttbuddy with the sawspear.
Ive got a girlfriend and child.
There are 3 ongoing currently.