What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Splatoon being released

Gonna post some of Miiverse's worst parts.

Should have taken their island and raped their asses for trying to start shit they couldn't compete with.

See the difference between America and Japan?



>Japanese children in elementary school can draw better than you will in your entire life

Both drawings are good.


Splatoon in the east is played by middle aged men who want to fuck the squids. Splatoon in the west is played by little kids who are the intended audience and just want to play a cartoony shooter.

Both sides have their flaws.

>Japanese spent who knows how long drawing that instead of playing the game
>Western doodle that took less time to make therefore leaving more time to play

There's still some decent art in Western miiverse but obviously Japanese kids are going to be better and more practiced illustrators

Probably westerners are too dumb to realize you can draw with the D-pad


This will never not be funny

Only 1 is degenerate, and children shouldn't use online services of any kind


Why shouldn't they as long as the services are intended for kids? That's how you get tech-illiterate morons that can't do the most basic things.

How about the fact that the person who made the image was the same one who posted it in the first place

If they can't draw shit with the stylus, what makes you think they can draw dot by dot, they lack creativity.

I damn near busted a gut laughing at that. Saved

After playing all 3 splatfest testfire,
I can safely conclude that the skill level of the players is as below:


Even with context it's still a pretty good joke, although its effect is diminished.

I miss miiverse unironically

>NEETs who spend all their time drawings
>children doing fun doodles

because most american gamers are busy masturbating over which console is "best"


Naw this was the real thing that went wrong. Nintendo decided to axe Miiverse only to realize that "hey it might be an autism factory but at least people liked that shit". Now they have to work their asses and put a Miiverse-lite into all of their Switch games from now on.

Left is a country full of useless little dicked men who compensate by spending all their time on a drawing
Right is full of kids who just enjoy games

So, why is Japan waifufagging Pearl? She's fucking horrible, and inferior to Marina in every way.

Pearl isn't black

Left: kill la kill
Right: Ed edd n Eddy


So the right is clearly superior then?

the beauty in the curves

Yeah Japan has a lot of talented artists and the left is well drawn, but the right is cute, funny, and more original.

All this thread tells me is that America is superior.

This and only this.

You just described eastern and western animation as a whole.


Wait, Miiverse is a thing on the Switch?

Overrated garbage.
Actual quality cartoon
Seems right to me m8.

It was during the Splatfest demo. During the time you had to wait all you could do was draw.

>Comparing Japanese man-child and American kid but expects anything different
Fuck off weeb

You can blame the slippery slope, follow up generation after impressionism took off, really. That's what turned western art into this "everyone gets a star for effort" tier modern artwork.


Westerners always defend their retard status


Pearl is a princess archetype in Japan and Marina acts as her servant and attendant trying to keep her focused rather than her partner. It's also why Pearl dances around in front while Marina does the sound mixing. Japan fucking loves princess characters.

Having Marina fangirl all over a gremlin wouldn't appeal to westerners so we get more of an even snarky partnership instead, much more like the Squid Sisters.

both times i find the western one more worthwhile
I'd rather find a funny joke desu

NoA retools every game to cater to memebabbies.

And creates a better game for it.

Those are some juicy cherries


>one day im going to be too lazy to breathe and just die
>did you know the L on luigi's cap stands for luigi?
>beacon went everywhere
I'm in tears.

>tryhard weebshit wannabe "manga-cuh" sharing their epic art vs lighthearted comedy in a children's game

Look how defensive westaboos are. Hit a nerve there OP

>more original


Japanese playerbase are adult pedophiles, Western playerbase are actual children.


More like:

Japanese NEET Splatoon 2 Miiverse vs. literal Western child having fun doodling Splatoon 2 Miiverse

The encircled Mii in the related pic is me, i'm not even kidding. I still can't believe i wasted my precious time bombing this idiot's account with "Yeah's".

nah mane, the JPN demo had much better drawings than the US and EU demos


stop jacking off to squids who are also kids. If you want to jack off do it to Callie and Marie they are adults


What the fuck is an orck?

You're not even going to post a good example?

>luigi is sapost to save daisy!!!!


>not wanting to cum inside an inkling

I'm disappointed in you user

Japanese dicks are basically like Styluses.


>That drawing


Here, now fuck off please.

the barn isn't actually funky

>Do you think the lumas wet the floor on purpose so they can get a spanking from Rosalina
I like this kid


I just want someone to post the full thing, pic related

Little tom was pretty angry

You, cherry picking

Okay cool, a racist kid. This is a splatoon 2 thread though.


>ESRB: Everyone

i thought this was a reference to their plump squid asses

Everyone Except Niggers

I don't get it


bit weird innit?


there was another by the same person with the feet direct at the screen

You can't judge a who a games target audience is soley by aesthetic.

Rank maintenance and degradation would not be in a game intended only for kids.
Nintendo cast a broad net. They always have

Please don't, i know what you're thinking, please don't ruin my night.

Drop this kids narrative. Nintendo's core audience are drinking age men


How are people doing these?

Happy to help out, user

You can stop crying now, shitskin.