The psx classic. 30 games. Make your list

The psx classic. 30 games. Make your list

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Its Playstation.

its kind of hard to name 30 good ps1 exclusives

Ive been slacking on my PS1 collection.

>not a 90s kid

wait a minute.... that sign

no it isn't, you just have no idea what was out on the console because you weren't there

Medievil 2
Parasite Eve
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Syphoon filter
Shell shock
Wipeout 3

Wipeout 2097
Destruction Derby
Hotweels Turbo Racing
Spyro the Dragon
Silent Hill

Tony hawk 3
Final fantasy IX
Tomb rader 3
Donald Duck quack attack
Soul reaver
Motocross madness
40 winks

go ahead and do it then

don't really feel like spending a bunch of time being autistic for your autistic sake, no thanks

I was there, so don't need to do it

this guys list sucks.

ok now be realistic. theres no way tony hawk 3 is gonna be on there because of all the music licensing bullshit they have to go through

Make a better one then.

To name a few...
>Crash trilogy
>Silent Hill
>A Final Fantasy game or two
Two wild cards:
>Heart of Darkness
>Puchi Carat (look it up)

we get it, you grew up in the 90s. so did millions of others, you arent special.

I can't come up with 30 games for this system.

Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu
Silent Hill
Soul Edge
Spyro the Dragon
Tekken 2
Vagrant Story
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories

Castlevania SOTN
Spyro the Dragon
Ape Escape
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy 7
Tekken 3
Gran Turismo 2
Tomb Raider 2
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Crash Bandicoot 2
Resident Evil 2
Twisted Metal 2
Vagrant Story
Tony Halk Pro Skater 3
Tenchu 2
Syphon Filter 2
Mega Man Legends
Silent Hill
Spider Man
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
PaRappa the Rapper
Abe's Exodus
Persona 2
Rayman 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
Crash Team Racing
Bushido Blade
Colony Wars Vengeance
Chrono Cross

I cant remeber 100% sure but I think it was the comfiest one on ps1. It's Been a while tho.

Fuck forgot koudelka existed. Id add CTR but it's gonna get a remaster anyways

kill yourself smartass underage

>multiple driving games

Can't. Licensing issues all over. You can't have a ps1 classic without MGS, RE2 & FFVII.

>Everyone used the wrong name so it's okay!

this. try and name 30 good first party ps1 games, you literally cant.

it was a pretty widely used acronym that spawned from the name of the prototype
literally nobody talks about the dvd player ever, there is absolutely no confusion
get a load of this, twelve years old know-it-all and if you try to meme the ultra 64 at me, that one ad is nothing in comparison to psx, just save yourself the trouble and fuck off

>knowing it's the unofficial name and using it anyways

Resident Evil 1-3
Dino Crisis 1-2
Final Fantasy VII-IX
Crash 1-3
Spyro 1-3
Metal Gear Solid
Silent Hill
Abe's Oddisey
Soul Reaver
Tenchu 1-2
Gran Turismo 1-2
Tekken 1-3
Ridge Racer Type 4
Tomb Raider 2
Castlevania: SotN
Parasite Eve 1-2
Chrono Cross
Ape Escape

That's only 32 though, I think I could name at least 100 games worthy of playing in this console, and I was a poorfag that couldn't afford many games

This is a decent list

Can it come with a DualShock so we can have Ape Escape? I would like that.

>don't really feel like spending a bunch of time being autistic for your autistic sake
why are you on Sup Forums then?

>it was a pretty widely used acronym
Not where I'm from. Nothing will ever change the fact that you are technically wrong.

How about fuck your 30 games limit and go mod a PS3/PSP/Vita/VitaTV so you don't need a cap?

>Pro Skater 3's ps1 port
nigga are you high?
the first pro skater atleast makes sense

The Switch Classic
3 games
make your list

Splatoon 2
Mario Oddysey
Jackie Chan Adventures: Return of Greninja


Comes free with a gallon of sony pony tears

>i'm not the problem, everyone else is the problem
classic jew defense mechanism


I still remember that soundtrack.

good list, missing a ridge racer. a PSX classic would have to have ridge racer, one of the highest profile games

SFA3 shouldn't be there, as PSX ports of console games have reduced sprite sizes and low framerates. If I were capcom i wouldn't want my game represented in this way. Fighters should be PSX stuff (Tobal no. 2, toshinden etc)

>Nothing will ever change the fact that you are technically wrong.

literally trying to win an argument based off of a technicality. Call it whatever you like, but nothing will ever change the fact that your a shitter

Speaking of Wipeout, is there any way to get the SE version of 3 to work on a US ps1?
I believe it was pal only unfortunately.

>being this upset about being wrong
Classic PSXfag. Thanks for the (You)s!

So? They're still games found only on the system.

>games that don't license anything have licensing issues!

sony has the right to sell those games as playstation 1 games in perpetuity, the end, period.

>you will never be an upset psx fag

That's the truth, most of them you can find them on PSN so it's obvious that Sony has the right to sell them

True. How about Thrill Kill instead? Nice to include an unreleased game.

It's kinda funny how everyone will have a different PSX list of games, just showing how diverse the library was.

If you do an N64 thread, it'll be the same 10-15 games posted over and over again.

That desperation. Not him, but pic related is your answer. There was a PSOne which ended up outselling the PS2, faggolio.

oops here's the pic

>not a single mention of wild arms in this thread

4 and 5 scared the fanbase away. But that's another thread.

>wipeout 3 (ideally, Special Edition)
>mega man x4
>tekken 3
>symphony of the night

>mega man legends
>silent bomber
>brave fencer musashi
>resident evil 2
>omega boost

>gran turismo
>ridge racer type 4
>final fantasy 7
>tales of eternia

>dino crisis 2
>r-type delta
>ace combat 2

>metal gear solid
>silent hill
>syphon filter
>street fighter ex2+

>soul blade
>vagrant story
>tony hawk pro skater 2
>ape escape
>jumping flash
Everyone's going to have to have a different list, too.
I cut a few more niche games I liked in favor of a more balanced one.

>Everyone used the wrong name so it's okay!
well, yes
that's how language works

>Soul Reaver
>Not Blood Omen

Any good japan only games?

Boku no Natsuyasumi
Mizzurna Falls

nobodies list has this?

>Castlevania Chronicles
>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
>Crash Bandicoot 2
>Crash Bandicoot Warped
>Crash Team Racing
>Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
>Final Fantasy IX
>Final Fantasy VII
>Gran Turismo
>Gran Turismo 2
>Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
>Incredible Crisis
>Legend of Mana
>Mega Man Legends
>Mega Man X4
>Metal Gear Solid
>Parappa the Rapper
>Parasite Eve
>Resident Evil
>Resident Evil 2
>SaGa Frontier
>SaGa Frontier 2
>Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
>Spyro the Dragon
>Spyro: Year of the Dragon
>Suikoden II
>Tony Hawk Pro Skater
>Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2
>Um Jammer Lammy
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories

>what is an acronym
Did you autists call the dreamcast a "dee cee" too?
>inb4 "b-b-but that's how i use it! y-yeah i'm not being retarded!"
It's an outdated acronym, I might forgive you if it was before the year 2001. But if you haven't been living under a rock, Sony has decided to numerically name their playstation. They pretty much set this into stone when they released a PS1 called a "PSone", and a second playstation console called "playstation 2/PS2".

But that obviously wasn't enough for retards like you, so they decided to release a PS2/DVR called "PSX" so people would stop disassociating the PS1 with that term. And here you are, still using it.

Hyper was Australian, not American.

Probably the most underrated PSX game in my opinion

>stop disassociating
Meant "start disassociating"

reminder that this exists

Good list m8

>soul blade

Finally, a man with taste!

shut up homo

>Heart of Darkness
My nigga

Silent Bomber
Ridge Racer Type 4
Suikoden II

Klonoa Door to Phantomile
Gran Turismo 2
Parasite Eve
Chrono Cross
Ape Escape

Armored Core
Brave Fencer Musashi
Bushido Blade 2

Thunder Force V
Twisted Metal 2
Ghost in the Shell

Gradius Gaiden
R-Type Delta
Time Crisis
Colony Wars

Strider 2
Valkyrie Profile
Final Fantasy Tactics
Street Fighter EX 3
Gundam Battle Assault 2

Guilty Gear

Ace Combat 3

4 was terrible, but 5 was pretty good.

not that confrontational faggot but
>The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
>Megaman Legends 2
>Alundra 2
>Castlevania: SOTN
>Twisted Metal 2
>Twisted Metal 3
>Vigilante 8
>Dead in the Water
>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Jumping Flash
>Jumping Flash 2
>Army Men: 3D
>Tiny Tank
>Megaman 8
>Vehicle Cavalier
>Brave Fencer Musashi
>Digimon World
>Ace Combat
>Armored Core
>Front Mission 3
>Resident Evil
>Resident Evil 2
>Resident Evil 3
>Silent Hill
>Spyro 2
>Crash Bandicunt
>Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
>Abe's Exoddus
>Heart of Darkness
>Gran Turismo

sotn and megaman 8 werent exclusive dumb faggot. resident evil 1 & 2 werent exclusive either.

Great base to debate bro.

No megaman 8/X4?
Gex 2/3?
Medal of Honor?
Brave Fencer: Musashiden?
Worms Armaggedon?

>no Grandia
Shit thread desu.

>Megaman 8 was exclusive in PAL Regions
>Resident Evil was ported, not developed exclusively for later platforms
>SOTN was DEFINITELY a PS exclusive and remained so until it got released on the XBL marketplace in 2006

i genuinely hate people like you

sorry I know a lot about this thing I like and you don't


>Cyberbots: Fullmetal madness
>Ape Escape games
>MGS VR Missions
here are some arcade ports
>Cho aniki
>Wolf Fang
>Metal Slug X

all shit games

Medievil would have been a good choice. You could swap something I listed

only room for one final fantasy

Gex & Worms Armaggedon - see Medievil ^

Medal of Honor - psx fps? no thanks

Brave Fencer: Musashi - no room

Not worth it.
Barely any great games. Mountains of meh and ok tier stuff though.

>make your list
Emuparadise and Alcohol.

SotN was on Saturn as well Officecuck

Companies literally called it a PSX in the West. Fuck off with your misinformed bullshit.

>fear effect

In japan as a port

Wild arms
Resi 2
Street fighter alpha 2
Tekken 2
Cv sotn
Skeleton Warriors
Tomb Raider
Metal gear solid
Syphon filter
Megaman x something
Ff tactics

That's all i got. I could easily pad the list with sequels but meh.

Your loss, discard.

not my fault i have elder god tier taste in games

Metal Gear Solid
Syphon Filter
Gran Tourismo 2
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Soviet Strike
Nuclear Strike
TOCA world touring cars (Known as 'jarrett and labonte stock car racing' in the US)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Fear Effect
Fear Effect 2
Bloody Roar 2
Die Hard Trilogy
Die Hard Trilogy 2
Time Crisis
Parappa the Rapper
Um Jammer Lammy

>all these games
>so many different genres
>so much genuine quality, love and effort
>remember going to the video game story every friday to buy something new because there was a decent release every week

wtf happened to video games

Castlevania: Symphony of the night
Mega Man Legends 1 & 2
Mega Man X4, X5, X6
THPS 1 & 2
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil 2
Abes Exodus

Adventures of Dickbutt