Are Sup Forums's mods noticably harsher than rest of Sup Forums?

No, I've been banned on other boards just for calling another poster a niggerbaby

They need to be harsher. Sup Forums bans should only be 30 days or permanent

>b-b-b-but shitposting is fun xd xd wojacks xd
Fucking kill yourself

they're not harsh enough, the amount of shit I see stay up is ridiculous

No, they need to be harsher.
Sup Forumsfags and console warriors need week-long bans.

So basically, you want Sup Forums to turn into neogaf?

No, Sup Forums has the most harsh mods. The Sup Forums mods are gay, and play favorites with other gays.

No. Out of SFW boards, Sup Forums has easily the worst userbase. The mods need to be more harsh.

No, they just need to stop playing favorites. Mods are reddit weeb homosexuals here, and thus they refuse to allow anyone who isn't to post here.

Sup Forums is one of the worst content-devoid meme-posting shitholes on a site full of content-devoid meme-posting shitholes.